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Spontaneous restarting

Printed From: LogSat Software
Category: Spam Filter ISP
Forum Name: Spam Filter ISP Support
Forum Description: General support for Spam Filter ISP
Printed Date: 05 February 2025 at 1:38am

Topic: Spontaneous restarting
Posted By: Guests
Subject: Spontaneous restarting
Date Posted: 20 June 2003 at 10:06am
We have been running SpamFilterISP for some time (, now). It is on a Win2K machine. Every once and a while, the machine that it is running on will just spontaneously restart.

At first I thought it was the machine, but when I looked closer, I saw that when I launched SpamFilterISP (or if I had it running as a Service and it started) it would cause the machine to restart. I finally figured out that if I kill the file(s) in the queue directory, things would be restored to normal.

I could not find anything wrong with any of the files I deleted until today when I read the post by Tony Bearman about the Corrupted Attachments. I don?t know if this is anything or not, but when it did it this morning (just a few minutes ago), I checked the message and it contained ?0A?s in it. Once I changed the ?0A? to something else (it was SPAM, so it didn?t matter), the message went through.

This sounds weird and I don?t even know if they are connected or not, but I can't seem to find any other reason for it...

Has anyone else seen spontaneous restarts on their systems?


Posted By: LogSat
Date Posted: 21 June 2003 at 12:41am


We were able to reproduce Tony's problem and are testing a fix right now for it. This weekend we will be releasing the non-beta, final retail release of the new v1.2 that will include this fix.

The attachment issue above is very specific, and it involves the erranous replacements of certain bytes in the attachment. We doubt that this would cause a reboot, nevertheless nothing can be excluded.

Please let us know if you plan on upgrading your build to v1.2 (free upgrade). If not, we'll try to prepare a patch for the previous version you are using.

Roberto Franceschetti
LogSat Software

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: 22 June 2003 at 10:00am
Yes, I am planning on making the upgrade when it is available.


Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: 30 June 2003 at 12:56pm
I did a little more research into what was going on with this and this is what I found....

I installed the same version on another machine and when I went to process the messages that caused the spontaneous restarting, I saw two types of messages before they restarted:

- Server error - max line length exceeded - Email from - - no recipients found, deleteing from queue

I am working on getting the new version working, so it may not matter, but I wanted to pass the info along.


Posted By: LogSat
Date Posted: 30 June 2003 at 8:40pm


If you see the same problem, please email us the




files in the SpamFilter/queue directory so we can see what the issue is.

Roberto Franceschetti
LogSat Software

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