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Error occurred while checking for new build

Printed From: LogSat Software
Category: Spam Filter ISP
Forum Name: Spam Filter ISP Support
Forum Description: General support for Spam Filter ISP
Printed Date: 05 February 2025 at 9:06am

Topic: Error occurred while checking for new build
Posted By: Guests
Subject: Error occurred while checking for new build
Date Posted: 25 June 2003 at 8:42pm

I've installed SpamFilter as a service. When I start the service, I see the message "Error occurred while checking for new build" in the log. Additionally I see "Unable to contact server" where I would ordinarily see the "latest version". I'm running 167 (just installed this afternoon) on w2K with current packs/updates. As I don't find any references to either message when searching the forum, I assume it's something wrong with or unusual about my config/environment. Ideas?


Posted By: Desperado
Date Posted: 25 June 2003 at 9:31pm

Obvious question ... is there a DNS server set in the GUI or Spamfint ini file?



Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: 25 June 2003 at 10:04pm

Yes, both as a service and as a non-service.

When I reported the problem, I had 167 running as a non-service. I created the service. then I went over to the Computer Management / Services dialogue to see if, indeed, I needed to start the service (as the button suggested). I did, so I started the service from that dialogue, not from the GUI. The symptoms described came from the gui during that instance.

Subsequently I removed the service and restarted as a non-service. All worked fine again.

In order to test and answer your question fully, I again clicked on the create service button. After the service was installed, I clicked the start service button in the gui. The error message did NOT occur, and the correct "latest version" information DOES appear.

The problem seems to be related to the way in which I started the service.

As it is running correctly now, I'll leave it as a service.


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