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How are these emails getting through the filter??

Printed From: LogSat Software
Category: Spam Filter ISP
Forum Name: Spam Filter ISP Support
Forum Description: General support for Spam Filter ISP
Printed Date: 13 March 2025 at 4:09pm

Topic: How are these emails getting through the filter??
Posted By: Guests
Subject: How are these emails getting through the filter??
Date Posted: 02 July 2003 at 12:42am

I am getting a FLOOD of email from that rips right through the spamfilter and forwards to our default smtp server.... 1000s of them...

The log shows:

07/02/03 00:03:50:083 -- (2532) Bypassed all rules for:" CLASS="ASPForums" TITLE="WARNING: URL created by poster. - from" CLASS="ASPForums" TITLE="WARNING: URL created by poster. -

for example...

How is this getting through??? No address are entered to be bypassed (if fact there are only 2 addresses in the bypass list)




Posted By: Desperado
Date Posted: 02 July 2003 at 9:44am

Can you sten a COMPLETE transcript of  ... say 2 of the messages.  You have not included enough of the log to track the issue.  I will also need to see your Domain / IP whitelist.

Dan S.


Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: 03 July 2003 at 1:41am

The posting was complete in as far as it goes... the whitelists are not relevent in this case.

The problem as it turns out was the SMTP server under IIS on this same machine (different IP).  It appears that any mail originating from the same machine on which SpamFilter is installed bypasses all rules...

Killing the smtp service stopped the problem...

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