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Error in ListSpam.php for web interface

Printed From: LogSat Software
Category: Spam Filter ISP
Forum Name: Spam Filter ISP Support
Forum Description: General support for Spam Filter ISP
Printed Date: 13 March 2025 at 1:10pm

Topic: Error in ListSpam.php for web interface
Posted By: Guests
Subject: Error in ListSpam.php for web interface
Date Posted: 02 July 2003 at 1:45am

I've installed the PHP files in a directory on my RH/Apache server. When I specify that directory URL, I get the folowing error:

Fatal error: Failed opening required 'authenticate.php' (include_path='.:/usr/share/pear') in /<path>/ListSpam.php on line 2

where <path> is my path from root to the directory. I have looked in /usr/share/pear, and do not find authenticate.php. A find from / returns nothing either. I didn't find references to that file on the forum, so I'm wondering if there's something missing from my RH installation? I suspect it's a perl module that gets installed with some rpm that I didn't realize would be important?!?

Tx for any insights!


Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: 02 July 2003 at 11:42am

After a good night's sleep I realized that I didn't know how to point these php files to the database. Probably this error is "authenticate to what?" - an admin problem, not a software problem. The mySQL db co-resides on a server with SpamFilter and Exchange. The Apache installation is on a different server. Do I install mySQL's ODBC on the Linux/Apache box so that I have a local redirection to the db? If so, will it be found automatically by the web files if I give it a particular name? Or am I missing the concept??



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