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Error on ASP version of web interface on IIS

Printed From: LogSat Software
Category: Spam Filter ISP
Forum Name: Spam Filter ISP Support
Forum Description: General support for Spam Filter ISP
Printed Date: 13 March 2025 at 4:00pm

Topic: Error on ASP version of web interface on IIS
Posted By: Guests
Subject: Error on ASP version of web interface on IIS
Date Posted: 02 July 2003 at 6:21pm

I've installed the ASP files in a newly-created web site on the IIS server that supports Exchange Web Access. This IIS server is on the same w2k host as Exchange, SpamFilter and mySQL. I get the following error when I access the site:

Microsoft OLE DB Service Components error '800300fb'

The file is not a valid compound file.

/db_connect.asp, line 6

So it does not appear that I'm finding the db from the same server any more effectively than I was from the separate Linux/Apache box.

Roberto, I'm sorry if I'm just totally missing the boat. Is there an explanation of how to set up this capability that I've just not found yet? There's nothing in my download, and I didn't find much in the forum. May be that this is obvious to more experienced admins who deal with odbc all of the time. Guidance please!



Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: 02 July 2003 at 6:40pm

Ok. Some days are diamonds... maybe I'm coal brains today.

I finally realized that these really are not binary files. For whatever reason, when I pull them up in notepad, they look like binaries on my system. That's why I rand into a wall with the php files earlier. On a whim, I opened an asp in wordpad and saw what I expected to see in an asp file - and got the IIS version working in 10 minutes with the udl file that ships in the database directory.

Sorry I didn't do more homework on that before asking! This really should have been obvious! Thanks for your patience!



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