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No mouse, stuck in Quarentine grid...

Printed From: LogSat Software
Category: Spam Filter ISP
Forum Name: Spam Filter ISP Support
Forum Description: General support for Spam Filter ISP
Printed Date: 13 March 2025 at 4:37pm

Topic: No mouse, stuck in Quarentine grid...
Posted By: Guests
Subject: No mouse, stuck in Quarentine grid...
Date Posted: 05 August 2003 at 1:13pm

My KVM switch reset my mouse and it is not a good time for me to reboot the server running SpamFilter just to get the mouse back (keyboard works fine)...  My problem is that I am currently in the Quarentine grid and not able to tab out of it... What is the keyboard command to get me back to the activity log while stuck in the grid?  (Ive tried all logical key combonations) 

Is there any other way of getting the mouse function back without a reboot?

Thanks for any help!


Posted By: LogSat
Date Posted: 05 August 2003 at 1:28pm


Unfortunately the quarantine grid is not very friendly. I'm afraid that once it has focus it will not release it without using the mouse. You can use Alt-Tab or Alt-F4 to navigate away from SpamFilter or close it's service window and access the other apps, but as far as SpamFilter is concerned, when you navigate back to it the focus will remain in the grid.

Roberto F.
LogSat Software

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