I'll start by saying we're currently running Spamfilter version We haven't upgraded to anything newer because we haven't had the time to test using the new database quarantine yet... and the 122 version has been working great.
We have run into a problem with a couple of customers from Japan that use foreign characters in the "From" display listing. The actual return address uses English characters, but the "From" display name does not. We have whitelisted their domain name and gateway addresses, but the messages from them are simply dropped. They don't come through and there is no bounce back to the sender now but they did come through fine before we implemented Spamfilter.
Looking at our spamfilter logs I see an entry for this customer that says:
(563) EMail from: garbage characters{return address} to: {delivery address} was returned to sender - server error - malformed address: {garbage characters{return address}}
but nothing acutally bounces back to the sender.
I have a screenshot of the log file I can send if someone at Logsat support would like to see it.
I've read about the Fedex non-RFC compliant problem in other posts, so my question is if the new beta release 194 will solve this problem the same way it does for the Fedex messages?
Thanks for any help,