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Blocking attachments

Printed From: LogSat Software
Category: Spam Filter ISP
Forum Name: Spam Filter ISP Support
Forum Description: General support for Spam Filter ISP
Printed Date: 15 March 2025 at 6:13am

Topic: Blocking attachments
Posted By: kspare
Subject: Blocking attachments
Date Posted: 19 August 2003 at 6:44pm
Can spamfilter be set to block certain attachments? I wanted to block *.pif and tried that as a keyword but it did not work, anyone else have any ideas?

Posted By: LogSat
Date Posted: 19 August 2003 at 8:12pm


Attachment blocking is on our wishlist. It's not possible to block them right now, but we'll be adding that feature soon.

Roberto F.
LogSat Software

Posted By: kspare
Date Posted: 19 August 2003 at 8:23pm
Well the sooner the better, it sure would be nice to filter out some of these virus' that are spreading around so that my virus software doesn't even have to deal with them.

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: 20 August 2003 at 12:40pm
You got that right, I'm getting hit with thousands of these viruses, but trying to filter the subject line by keywords and it's not working

Posted By: kspare
Date Posted: 20 August 2003 at 12:42pm

I'm in the same boat, my virus software is working perfectly, I just don't want to even have these messages come into my system! For the simple fact that my virus software won't block the entire message so some of my users are getting 50+ messages that a virus came through from someone they don't know....which is basically...SPAM!

Posted By: kspare
Date Posted: 20 August 2003 at 7:33pm
Any ETA on this?

Posted By: LogSat
Date Posted: 20 August 2003 at 7:43pm

Not yet, we will 1st be releasing the new version which will filter based on statistical dna fingerprinting. When that is done, we'll be adding the extra features on the wishlist.

LogSat Software

Posted By: kspare
Date Posted: 20 August 2003 at 7:47pm
Hmm...DNA hey..sounds like a urine sample scandal!!!!!!!!!!!!

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