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koi8-r support and other stuff

Printed From: LogSat Software
Category: Spam Filter ISP
Forum Name: Spam Filter ISP Support
Forum Description: General support for Spam Filter ISP
Printed Date: 18 February 2025 at 5:36am

Topic: koi8-r support and other stuff
Posted By: Guests
Subject: koi8-r support and other stuff
Date Posted: 07 April 2003 at 12:48pm


What's up with extending Russian lang. support? What do u think? and if u will try to implement it (i understand u have a lot to do, i don't hurry you) when it may be avail.?

And what about to make segmented log file? selectable events group to log. (errors, blocks, etc.). With all those passed through messaged activity window and logs soon will become VERY garbaged.

Posted By: LogSat
Date Posted: 07 April 2003 at 7:33pm

We've likely fixed the issue with the Russian subject line, and we are improving the way the other headers will be handled.

If by "extending Russian support" you mean actually translating the GUI, that honestly is not going to happen soon.

We've seen other postings asking to improve/better organize the log file. We had initially intended the log to be used as a troubleshooting tool, but do realize now that it would be much more useful if it was more standarized. We will be changing the format soo then, and will be adding a few more options/tools to better extract data from it.

Roberto Franceschetti
LogSat Software

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