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Quarantine table corrupting - v178 withMySQL on Win2000

Printed From: LogSat Software
Category: Spam Filter ISP
Forum Name: Spam Filter ISP Support
Forum Description: General support for Spam Filter ISP
Printed Date: 14 March 2025 at 3:53am

Topic: Quarantine table corrupting - v178 withMySQL on Win2000
Posted By: Guests
Subject: Quarantine table corrupting - v178 withMySQL on Win2000
Date Posted: 12 September 2003 at 8:29pm

My quarantine table has corrupted for a second time - basically becomes unreadable. This time I got a message that the table file couldn't be accessed/found. I'm on v178, running with MySQL on Win2k -- all current patches and service packs, and no other problems being experienced on this server. Although I don't have an exact count, it seems that we had between 30 and 100 messages in quarantine - not that many. Has anyone else experienced problems like this? I've looked back as far as July, but not found anything in the forum.

Fix I've used is to drop the damaged table and run a script to create it again. Works after that, but all email in quarantine is lost, of course, even before the table drop.


Robert Shelton

Posted By: Desperado
Date Posted: 13 September 2003 at 1:51am


Stupid question .... Are you running any sort of Backup progran such as BackupExec or NT Backup?  If so, that may be your problem. You must either exclude the folder where the DB's are located or make absolutly sure the backup program does not try to "Lock" the files in that folder. MySQL becomes VERY unhappy whe some other program trys to lock the files and "blows itself up".  The MySQL logs files will indicate that something horrible is happening when a program locks the file and then an attempt is made to write to the db.

Or .... I have no other thoughts at this time.

Dan S.

Posted By: Desperado
Date Posted: 19 September 2003 at 7:33am


Did you ever resolve this issue?  If so, what was the resolution?

Dan S

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: 19 September 2003 at 12:55pm


I've not specifically resolved the issue, nor has it recurred since my posting. Unfortunately it just seems to happen periodically - well, twice thus far, but that's enough to make it "periodic".

I plan to run a low level HDD check on that server just to be sure that I don't have some problem lurking at that level. I'd expect to see other problems on that box if I had serious HDD problems, and this is the only file loss problem that I've had.

I will let you know if I find anything, as I'd sure like to be able to trace this down to a probable cause!



Posted By: Desperado
Date Posted: 18 October 2003 at 12:21am

Test Post Only


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