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Quarantining Authorized TO emails

Printed From: LogSat Software
Category: Spam Filter ISP
Forum Name: Spam Filter ISP Support
Forum Description: General support for Spam Filter ISP
Printed Date: 14 March 2025 at 6:48am

Topic: Quarantining Authorized TO emails
Posted By: Guests
Subject: Quarantining Authorized TO emails
Date Posted: 16 September 2003 at 5:21pm
I unfortunately set a blank Authorized TO file yesterday which naturally rejected all emails that weren't already bypassing the rules.  I recommend adding the ability to quarantine rejected "Authorized TO" emails so that they too can be analyzed.  Upon combing through the logs to determine who sent me emails which were later rejected, some of my rejects were actually merited as I've noticed a new spam problem ... somebody is sending out spam to AOL addresses using my domain name and some random string as the account in the From and Reply-To headers.  As a result, I keep getting all of these failure notices.  But other legitimate email was getting blocked too, as I use many different aliased accounts that forward to my one master account.  Quarantining Authorized TO rejects will help people like me determine how to tweak my settings better.

Posted By: LogSat
Date Posted: 16 September 2003 at 8:23pm

We were originally doing just that, but it was (rightly so) pointed out by several users that if they decided to have such a list, it meant that they knew what the valid email addresses were. At that point, anything addressed to a non-existant email account was completely useless, and could be safely discarded without filling up the quarantine database and using up bandwidth.

What is of concern is that an empty list should not cause everything to be blocked. Since this can happen by mistake, we'll be adding checks in future builds to ignore empty lists.

Roberto F.
LogSat Software

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: 20 September 2003 at 7:41pm

I actually use my domain name and create a new username for just about every form I sign.  Therefore, there may be dozens of aliases that I use out there.  I actually do this so that if spam starts coming to a particular address, I have an idea where it originated.

Perhaps rather than hard-coding it one way or another, the feature could be optional via a checkbox?

Posted By: LogSat
Date Posted: 21 September 2003 at 10:13pm

We've added the request to the wishlist!

Roberto F.
LogSat Software

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