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Why was a message quarantined?

Printed From: LogSat Software
Category: Spam Filter ISP
Forum Name: Spam Filter ISP Support
Forum Description: General support for Spam Filter ISP
Printed Date: 18 February 2025 at 4:40am

Topic: Why was a message quarantined?
Posted By: Guests
Subject: Why was a message quarantined?
Date Posted: 08 April 2003 at 6:48pm
It would be helpful if the quarantine screen listed the reason a message was quarantined.

Posted By: LogSat
Date Posted: 08 April 2003 at 10:08pm

We've had similar requests in the past. Soon the quarantine will be optimized to allow better searches, improve refresh speed, and will have more details for the reject causes.

Roberto F.
LogSat Software

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