Please elaborate on the lookup problem. I have an interface for our customers that looks something line the image in the link below:
http://spamman.ipresolve.com/test/dadmin.jpg" CLASS="ASPForums" TITLE="WARNING: URL created by poster. - http://spamman.ipresolve.com/test/dadmin.jpg" CLASS="ASPForums" TITLE="WARNING: URL created by poster. - http://spamman.ipresolve.com/test/dadmin.jpg
It actually has several more options now. I also have a very in depth interface for our Support Staff that allows them to search for almost anything they need to. It is a very rare deal that they need to go into the logs to find something.
I also have modified the listspam.asp to allow sorting by from address or from domain using a custom query as follows:
SQL = "SELECT SUBSTRING(EmailFrom, CHARINDEX( mailto:'@'" CLASS="ASPForums" TITLE="WARNING: URL created by poster. - '@' , EmailFrom) + 1, 100) AS Domain, QuarID, EmailFrom, Subject, MsgDate, MsgID, RejectDesc, RejectDetails, EmailTo " SQL = SQL & "FROM tblQuarantine, tblRejectCodes " SQL = SQL & "WHERE EmailTo LIKE '%" + Replace(SearchQuery, "'", "''") + "%' " SQL = SQL & "AND (Deliver <> 1) " SQL = SQL & "AND (Expire <> 1) " SQL = SQL & "AND (tblQuarantine.RejectID = tblRejectCodes.RejectID) " SQL = SQL & "ORDER BY " & order_By Set rs = con.Execute(SQL) RecordCount = rs.RecordCount
The case statement for sorting is modified as follows:
Select Case order_By Case "EmailTo" order_By = "EmailTo, MsgDate, Subject, EmailFrom" Case "Subject" order_By = "Subject, MsgDate, EmailFrom, EmailTo" Case "EmailFrom" order_By = "EmailFrom, MsgDate, EmailTo, Subject" Case "Domain" order_By = "Domain, MsgDate, EmailTo, Subject, RejectDetails" Case "MsgDate" order_By = "MsgDate, EmailFrom, Subject, EmailTo" Case "DESC-MsgDate" order_By = "MsgDate DESC, EmailFrom, Subject, EmailTo" End Select
These are for example only .... you can do nearly anything you want just by setting up custom queries.
Dan S.