Roberto -
The key is there. I was only seeing the large files created from messages that were released from quarantine. The .TOKEN file was flagged as '.falsepositive' in the first line and the entire file content appeared as mime encoded gobbletygook - here's the first few lines:
<snip> .falsepositive & _ _nextpart_002_01c3afab 0 00 000c05a6 0080iahdo4qy45zpugu6g75fw1er4ykbuwicv2iasvxoocr5dpk9aiofdcq1l7madpg 00bmwd7joomh9rc6jypazit1hswms2klfhmmhniycoragwwp1 00jg59vgc 00tk5nbj0burvixfhhp3zmou7v1zznpt8masgj3gmbmvx 00wkzw 02bpslnq7 02l1oiyxe44a60 033y8goesdoiijp6u 0344ns5h7eyoxij58yvgswjczzc5pxfbesn018tufpxjjo3ncwpikl3bwryzwohcnig 039k 03bpfj 03y8mqyavhj0wjkklbjaa5rhebyb8 04arwuinm8xreji6ggbdnvuplkksr20l0a6vighpwicvlipgouau 04mobtwnzyn6x5ig8vwwjb9 04tj0mg30twjpe9oisgqbia 04v5h8xae 05 05239q5tw82f4dnrklc3mc5zjcpapqv2j2qctlek8 05ewsrs7mhxdn 05naa6fetku5 05oipxkt5lmgmuklkha3pynaabgmc7f8ul1st6vql8nmw4o1uohkgafxfkyub7b5j4smsjl40hxi </snip>
It looks like messages that are released from quarantine are being parsed for tokens in the binary area possibly???
I re-installed .263 this morning, and I haven't seen anything like this appear yet - but there haven't been any messages bouncing back with attachments like yesterday.
Unfortunately, it also looks like there's another problem - the corpus file isn't saving. I ran for a couple of hours this AM and there were no changes to the corpus.ini or db.dat files. I stopped the service and restarted - the two files updated at that time, but only showed 1 good/1 spam in the .ini.... and SpamFilterISP had processed over a thousand messages.
The logfile shows the corpus file being saved at startup, but not again:
At startup: <snip> 11/21/03 11:59:07:320 -- Listening on xx.xx.xx.xx:25, 11/21/03 11:59:08:271 -- (3060) Connection from: - Originating country : Argentina 11/21/03 11:59:09:173 -- Starting to process queue directory... 11/21/03 11:59:10:685 -- ***Memory info******* 11/21/03 11:59:10:685 -- TotalAddrSpace = 1,048,576 11/21/03 11:59:10:685 -- TotalUncommitted = 196,608 11/21/03 11:59:10:685 -- TotalCommitted = 851,968 11/21/03 11:59:10:685 -- TotalAllocated = 806,988 11/21/03 11:59:10:685 -- TotalFree = 14,852 11/21/03 11:59:10:685 -- FreeSmall = 14,852 11/21/03 11:59:10:685 -- FreeBig = 11/21/03 11:59:10:685 -- Unused = 11/21/03 11:59:10:685 -- Overhead = 30,128 11/21/03 11:59:10:685 -- HeapErrorCode = 11/21/03 11:59:10:685 -- AllocMemCount = 7,559 11/21/03 11:59:10:685 -- AllocMemSize = 808,500 11/21/03 11:59:10:685 -- ********** 11/21/03 11:59:10:685 -- Begin Cleanup of Corpus.db 11/21/03 11:59:10:695 -- End Cleanup of Corpus.db 11/21/03 11:59:10:695 -- Begin Sync Corpus.db 11/21/03 11:59:10:695 -- Sync Corpus.db - 1 - 0 11/21/03 11:59:10:695 -- Sync Corpus.db pass 1 (0) 11/21/03 11:59:10:695 -- Sync Corpus.db pass 2 (0) 11/21/03 11:59:10:695 -- Sync Corpus.db pass 3 (0) 11/21/03 11:59:10:695 -- Sync Corpus.db pass 4 (0) 11/21/03 11:59:10:695 -- Begin Saving Corpus.db 11/21/03 11:59:10:895 -- End Saving Corpus.db (200) 11/21/03 11:59:10:895 -- End Sync Corpus.db (200) 11/21/03 11:59:11:906 -- (3060) Resolving - Not found 11/21/03 11:59:11:916 -- (3060) - Reverse DNS not found - </snip>
subsequent log entries: <snip> 11/21/03 12:44:50:464 -- Begin Sync Corpus.db 11/21/03 12:44:50:464 -- Sync Corpus.db - 9864 - 594 11/21/03 12:44:50:595 -- Sync Corpus.db pass 1 (130) 11/21/03 12:44:50:595 -- Sync Corpus.db pass 2 (130) 11/21/03 12:44:50:595 -- Sync Corpus.db pass 3 (130) 11/21/03 12:44:50:605 -- Sync Corpus.db pass 4 (141) 11/21/03 12:44:50:605 -- End Sync Corpus.db (141) </snip>
I hope this is helpful... I'll keep a close eye on what's happening...