I was having the problem. Just for my own info I took a llok at the source code on the emails that made it past the keyword filter and found that what caused the email to get by the filter was random code inserted in the email ie.
SEE THE PRE<!--18812-->VIEW OF THE G<!--3477-->IRLS WE HAVE TO OF<!--8929-->FER YOU. GET READY TO EN<!--31219-->JOY! </a><br><br> <hr><i><font size="-1"> This is NOT SP<!--12026-->AM - You have received this e-mail because at one time or another you ent<!--6575-->ered the we<!--32553-->ekly draw at one of our portals or FFA s<!--10692-->ites.
This is just one of the many ways that the spamers are using to bypass the keyword filtering
Once I found this I put the first part of the code in.
This seems to be working on this method used by the spammers.
Here is another one of the snippits of code used to bypass the keyword filter.
If you do<!edr> n<!edr>ot wish to re<!edr>ceive further mai<!edr>lings,
As you can see, by inserting these snipits of code between the letter of the banned words, the email will get through.
I have also seen emails with random snippits inserted in the emails. ie <k1oojap> <kl38gjh30> <j3iondf843>.
These are harder to filter since the combinations possible are endless. Since I don't know how they are generating these on the fly, it makes it a time consuming proposition to create keywords to block them.
Some kind of smart filtering engine that could learn or be taught to detect this kind of pattern and block the emails would be a great feature for SpamFilterISP to have.