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SQL Guru Needed!

Printed From: LogSat Software
Category: Spam Filter ISP
Forum Name: Spam Filter ISP Support
Forum Description: General support for Spam Filter ISP
Printed Date: 13 March 2025 at 5:36pm

Topic: SQL Guru Needed!
Posted By: kspare
Subject: SQL Guru Needed!
Date Posted: 21 October 2004 at 12:49am

I came up with an idea, but I can't make it work because of my limited SQL knowledge.

I want to create a script that will run once or twice a day that will generate an email to be send to my users to let them know there is a spam message addressed to them in the quaruntine. Can anyone help me with this?


Posted By: Desperado
Date Posted: 21 October 2004 at 11:40am


This can actually get semi complex but ... how familiar are you with stored procedures?  You can write a procedure that gets all new blocked messages and use the SQL scheduler as the "trigger" for it.  What you do from there depends on your person programming style.  You can either have the procedure RE-WRITE a database table and use the addresses from there to generate massages or you can have the procedure overwrite an "flat file" for the same purpose.  From there you can use CDO (Don't use CDONTS as it has been superceded and it will not work on 2003 server) to send out messages (my preference) or, I suppose you could actually use SpamFilter to send it out using the same methodology at the self registering ASP sample.

Also,  I believe someone wrote a VB app to do this and posted it somewhere.  I haven't really looked at that though.


Dan S.

Posted By: kspare
Date Posted: 21 October 2004 at 11:44am

Hey Dan, as you know i'm not much of a programmer, but I can come up with great ideas :)

Basically, what I would it to do is this.

Count the # of spam for a user, and email them with a generic email to the counted email address, containing the email address mailed to, the number of spam counted and a link to where they can check the spam?

can this be done easily?

What I don't want is a spam sent out EACH time a spam enters the q. I want this to happen only twice a day. Maybe even onyl once a day.


Posted By: Desperado
Date Posted: 21 October 2004 at 11:53am


"can this be done easily?"  I guess that depends on how you define "easily".  I need to think about it some more.  I will get back to you.  However, I do not call myself a "Guru" ... more like a "Hack"


Posted By: kspare
Date Posted: 21 October 2004 at 11:57am
heh your one step ahead of me Dan! When you come up with some ideas, could you email me?

Posted By: Desperado
Date Posted: 21 October 2004 at 12:02pm

No problem



Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: 21 October 2004 at 12:47pm

Kevin -

I've had this working since I first started using SpamFilterISP.  It's dependant on the Windows scheduler (on the SF server) to run one page(auto_notify.asp') in IE hourly during business hours, and a second page('auto_reminder.asp') at 6am each business day.  I am not an ISP; I use SF at my business... so this will be different for those of you processing 100's of thousands of messages a day (server load to process these pages, script timeout, etc.)... we average under 10K messages daily.

Some users are annoyed with messages throughout the day, and just want one reminder in the morning, so I gave them both options (some choose to have both).  The morning reminder is limited (you can easily change this) to only notify those with more than 50 messages in the quarantine.

I modified the 'tbllogins' table to add two fields - 'notify' and 'reminder'. (I'm using MySQL).  They are both type 'bool' fields, defaulting to -1 (on).

At the top of the 'listspam.asp' page I added:
 'update the reminder field for this user
 IF Request.QueryString("Reminder") = "on" THEN
  SQL = "UPDATE tblLogins SET Reminder = -1 WHERE (Email = '" & EmailTo & "')"
  Set rs = con.Execute(SQL)
 ELSEIF Request.QueryString("Reminder") = "off" THEN
  SQL = "UPDATE tblLogins SET Reminder = 0 WHERE (Email = '" & EmailTo & "')"
  Set rs = con.Execute(SQL) 

 'update the notification field for this user
 IF Request.QueryString("Notify") = "on" THEN
  SQL = "UPDATE tblLogins SET Notify = -1 WHERE (Email = '" & EmailTo & "')"
  Set rs = con.Execute(SQL)
 ELSEIF Request.QueryString("Notify") = "off" THEN
  SQL = "UPDATE tblLogins SET Notify = 0 WHERE (Email = '" & EmailTo & "')"
  Set rs = con.Execute(SQL) 


At the bottom of the 'listspam.asp' page, I have added the following:
 SQL = "SELECT Reminder FROM tblLogins WHERE (Email = '" & EmailTo & "')"
 Set rs = con.Execute(SQL)
 IF clng(rs("Reminder")) = -1 THEN
  response.write "Reminder is <font size=""2"" color=""red"">ON</font>. Turn Reminder <a href=""ListSpam.asp?Reminder=off"">Off</a>"  & vbCRLF
  response.write "Reminder is <font size=""2"" color=""red"">OFF</font>. Turn Reminder <a href=""ListSpam.asp?Reminder=on"">On</a>"  & vbCRLF
 response.write "&nbsp; - - A daily reminder to check your quarantined messages will be sent to you if this feature is turned on.<br><br>" & vbCRLF

 SQL = "SELECT Notify FROM tblLogins WHERE (Email = '" & EmailTo & "')"
 Set rs = con.Execute(SQL)
 IF clng(rs("Notify")) = -1 THEN
  response.write "Auto-Notify is <font size=""2"" color=""red"">ON</font>. Turn Auto-Notify <a href=""ListSpam.asp?notify=off"">Off</a>"  & vbCRLF
  response.write "Auto-Notify is <font size=""2"" color=""red"">OFF</font>. Turn Auto-Notify <a href=""ListSpam.asp?notify=on"">On</a>"  & vbCRLF
 response.write "&nbsp; - - An immediate notification of possible spam will be sent to you if this feature is turned on.<br>" & vbCRLF

The above code gives the users a 'toggle' to turn on and off their notification messages.

Next, I have the following saved as 'auto_notify.asp':
Sending Reminders to those with messages in queue and reminders tuned on.<br><br>
X = 0
SQL = "SELECT * FROM tbllogins WHERE Notify = -1 ORDER BY Email ASC"

 Set rs = con.Execute(SQL)
 IF NOT (rs.eof AND rs.bof) THEN
  DO UNTIL rs.eof
   SQL = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS MessageCount FROM tblQuarantine WHERE (EmailTo = '" & rs("Email") & "') AND Expire = 0 AND Deliver = 0"
   Set rs2 = con.Execute(SQL)
   IF clng(rs2("MessageCount")) > 0 THEN
    X = X + 1
    SendMessage rs("Email"), rs2("MessageCount")
    response.write rs("Email") & " has " & rs2("MessageCount") & " messages in queue... notification sent.<BR>" & vbcrlf
   set rs2 = nothing

response.write "<BR>" & X & " notification messages sent.<br><br><br>" & vbCRLF

SUB SendMessage(strEmail, lMessageCount)
 Set rs3 = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
 Set rs3.ActiveConnection = con
 rs3.CursorType = 1
 rs3.LockType = 3
 'Send message to user by way of the quarantine.
 MessageDate = Now
 Message = "From: System Administrator <>" & vbCRLF
 Message = Message & "To: " & strEMail & vbCRLF
 Message = Message & "Subject: possible SPAM Notification: You have messages being held in quarantine" & vbCRLF
 Message = Message & "Date: " & FormatDateTime(MessageDate, vbLongDate) & " " & FormatDateTime(MessageDate, vbLongTime) & vbCRLF
 Message = Message & "Content-Type: text/html;charset=""ISO-8859-1""" & vbCRLF & vbCRLF
 Message = Message & "Your have " & lMessageCount & " messages being held in the quarantine area" & vbCRLF
 Message = Message & "For your email account '" & strEmail & "'." & vbCRLF & vbCRLF
 Message = Message & "Please log into http://(your" CLASS="ASPForums" TITLE="WARNING: URL created by poster. - http://" CLASS="ASPForums" TITLE="WARNING: URL created by poster. - http:// (your quarantine website) and check your messages." & vbCRLF & vbCRLF
 Message = Message & "This message was sent because you turned auto-notification on." & vbCRLF
 Message = Message & "." & vbCRLF
 SQL = "SELECT * FROM tblMsgs WHERE 0 = 1"
 rs3("Msg") = Message
 MsgID = rs3("MsgID")
 response.write "MsgID= " & msgID & "<BR>" & vbCRLF
 SQL="SELECT * FROM tblQuarantine WHERE 0 = 1"
 rs3("EMailFrom") = "System Administrator <>"
 rs3("EMailTo") = strEMail
 rs3("Subject") = "Daily Reminder: You have messages being held in quarantine"
 rs3("MsgID") = MsgID
 rs3("MsgDate") = MessageDate
 rs3("Expire") = 0
 rs3("Deliver") = 1
 rs3("RejectDetails") = ""
 rs3("RejectID") = 0
 rs3("ServerID") = 1
 Set rs3 = Nothing

Thew following is saved as 'auto_reminder.asp':
Sending Reminders to those with messages in queue and reminders tuned on.<br><br>
X = 0
 SQL = "SELECT * FROM tbllogins WHERE Reminder = -1 ORDER BY Email ASC"
 Set rs = con.Execute(SQL)
 IF NOT (rs.eof AND rs.bof) THEN
  DO UNTIL rs.eof
   SQL = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS MessageCount FROM tblQuarantine WHERE (EmailTo = '" & rs("Email") & "') AND Expire = 0 AND Deliver = 0"
   Set rs2 = con.Execute(SQL)
   IF clng(rs2("MessageCount")) > 0 THEN
    X = X + 1
    SendMessage rs("Email"), rs2("MessageCount")
    response.write rs("Email") & " has " & rs2("MessageCount") & " messages in queue... reminder sent.<BR>" & vbcrlf
    response.write rs("Email") & " has 0 messages in queue... reminder NOT sent.<BR>" & vbcrlf
   set rs2 = nothing
response.write "<BR>" & X & " reminder messages sent.<br><br><br>" & vbCRLF
response.write "Sending reminders to those with excessive messages in queue (50 or more).<BR><BR>" & vbCRLF & vbCRLF
X = 0
  SQL = SQL & "FROM tblquarantine "
  SQL = SQL & "WHERE Expire = 0 "
  SQL = SQL & "ORDER BY EmailTo"
  Set rs = con.Execute(SQL)
  If rs.EOF Then
   Response.Write "<h2>No addresses in database!</h2>"
   While Not rs.EOF

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: 21 October 2004 at 12:56pm

OOPS! overflowed.... didn't realize there was a limit to length of posts...

Here's the rest:


The following is saved as 'auto_reminder.asp':
Sending Reminders to those with messages in queue and reminders tuned on.<br><br>
X = 0
 SQL = "SELECT * FROM tbllogins WHERE Reminder = -1 ORDER BY Email ASC"
 Set rs = con.Execute(SQL)
 IF NOT (rs.eof AND rs.bof) THEN
  DO UNTIL rs.eof
   SQL = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS MessageCount FROM tblQuarantine WHERE (EmailTo = '" & rs("Email") & "') AND Expire = 0 AND Deliver = 0"
   Set rs2 = con.Execute(SQL)
   IF clng(rs2("MessageCount")) > 0 THEN
    X = X + 1
    SendMessage rs("Email"), rs2("MessageCount")
    response.write rs("Email") & " has " & rs2("MessageCount") & " messages in queue... reminder sent.<BR>" & vbcrlf
    response.write rs("Email") & " has 0 messages in queue... reminder NOT sent.<BR>" & vbcrlf
   set rs2 = nothing
response.write "<BR>" & X & " reminder messages sent.<br><br><br>" & vbCRLF
response.write "Sending reminders to those with excessive messages in queue (50 or more).<BR><BR>" & vbCRLF & vbCRLF
X = 0
  SQL = SQL & "FROM tblquarantine "
  SQL = SQL & "WHERE Expire = 0 "
  SQL = SQL & "ORDER BY EmailTo"
  Set rs = con.Execute(SQL)
  If rs.EOF Then
   Response.Write "<h2>No addresses in database!</h2>"
   While Not rs.EOF
    EmailTo = lcase(rs("EmailTo"))
    OKToMail = True
    SQL2 = "SELECT * FROM tbllogins WHERE Email = '" & EmailTo & "'"
    Set TestRS = con.Execute(SQL2)
    IF not (TestRS.eof AND TestRS.bof) THEN
     IF TestRS("Reminder") = "-1" THEN
      OKToMail = False
     END IF
    END IF
    Set TestRs = nothing
    IF OKToMail THEN
     SQL = "SELECT COUNT(EmailTo) AS MessageCount FROM tblQuarantine WHERE (lcase(EmailTo) = '" & lcase(EmailTo) & "')"
     Set MessageCountRS = con.Execute(SQL)
     IF MessageCountRS(0) > 50 THEN
      SendMessage EmailTo, MessageCountRS(0)
      X = X + 1
      response.write EmailTo & " has " & MessageCountRS(0) & " messages in queue... reminder sent.<BR>" & vbcrlf
      response.write EmailTo & " has " & MessageCountRS(0) & " messages in queue... reminder NOT sent.<BR>" & vbcrlf 
     END IF
    END IF
  set rs = nothing
  set con = nothing
response.write "<BR>" & X & " reminder messages sent foir excessive messages in queue.<br><br><br>" & vbCRLF

SUB SendMessage(strEmail, lMessageCount)
 Set rs3 = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
 Set rs3.ActiveConnection = con
 rs3.CursorType = 1
 rs3.LockType = 3
 MessageDate = Now
 Message = "From: System Administrator <>" & vbCRLF
 Message = Message & "To: " & strEMail & vbCRLF
 Message = Message & "Subject: Daily Reminder: You have messages being held in quarantine" & vbCRLF
 Message = Message & "Date: " & FormatDateTime(MessageDate, vbLongDate) & " " & FormatDateTime(MessageDate, vbLongTime) & vbCRLF
 Message = Message & "Content-Type: text/html;charset=""ISO-8859-1""" & vbCRLF & vbCRLF
 Message = Message & "Your have " & lMessageCount & " messages being held in the quarantine area" & vbCRLF
 Message = Message & "For your email account '" & strEmail & "'." & vbCRLF & vbCRLF
 Message = Message & "Please log into http://(your" CLASS="ASPForums" TITLE="WARNING: URL created by poster. - http://" CLASS="ASPForums" TITLE="WARNING: URL created by poster. - http:// (your quarantine website) and check your messages." & vbCRLF
 Message = Message & "." & vbCRLF
 SQL = "SELECT * FROM tblMsgs WHERE 0 = 1"
 rs3("Msg") = Message
 MsgID = rs3("MsgID")
 response.write "MsgID= " & msgID & "<BR>" & vbCRLF
 SQL="SELECT * FROM tblQuarantine WHERE 0 = 1"
 rs3("EMailFrom") = "System Administrator <>"
 rs3("EMailTo") = strEMail
 rs3("Subject") = "Daily Reminder: You have messages being held in quarantine"
 rs3("MsgID") = MsgID
 rs3("MsgDate") = MessageDate
 rs3("Expire") = 0
 rs3("Deliver") = 1
 rs3("RejectDetails") = ""
 rs3("RejectID") = 0
 rs3("ServerID") = 1
 Set rs3 = Nothing

It's not the cleanest code, I just hacked it together... but I hope this gives you some ideas to help you with your quest.

Ric Marques
Systems Manager
Chico Community Publishing

Posted By: kspare
Date Posted: 21 October 2004 at 1:12pm

Wow, thanks for the quick reply!

Just so I understand this, the auto-notify only sends to people who switch this option on, and autoreminder sends to everyone in the database?

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: 21 October 2004 at 1:27pm


If you set both of the new fields (reminder and notify) in the tbllogins table to default to -1, then both messages will automatically be sent.  The toggles at the bottom of the listspam page let the users control if they get the messages or not.  You can take away the toggle for the reminder message so that they can't turn it off if you'd like.


Posted By: kspare
Date Posted: 21 October 2004 at 2:27pm

Well, i'm playing around with the code, I do want to allow people who have setup an account in spamfilter to turn off notification, right now i'm just playing around with trying to get the web code working so they can turn it on and off lol

Posted By: kspare
Date Posted: 21 October 2004 at 3:56pm
Well. I'm looking through this, Great Idea. I just gotta figure out how to make this work with MS-SQL!! lol

Posted By: kspare
Date Posted: 21 October 2004 at 10:44pm

Hey Ric, when you get a chance, can you fire me an email to" CLASS="ASPForums" TITLE="WARNING: URL created by poster. - so I can talk to you about this code? The logic is perfect, I just can't get it to work!



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