Kevin -
I've had this working since I first started using SpamFilterISP. It's dependant on the Windows scheduler (on the SF server) to run one page(auto_notify.asp') in IE hourly during business hours, and a second page('auto_reminder.asp') at 6am each business day. I am not an ISP; I use SF at my business... so this will be different for those of you processing 100's of thousands of messages a day (server load to process these pages, script timeout, etc.)... we average under 10K messages daily.
Some users are annoyed with messages throughout the day, and just want one reminder in the morning, so I gave them both options (some choose to have both). The morning reminder is limited (you can easily change this) to only notify those with more than 50 messages in the quarantine.
I modified the 'tbllogins' table to add two fields - 'notify' and 'reminder'. (I'm using MySQL). They are both type 'bool' fields, defaulting to -1 (on).
At the top of the 'listspam.asp' page I added: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <% 'update the reminder field for this user IF Request.QueryString("Reminder") = "on" THEN SQL = "UPDATE tblLogins SET Reminder = -1 WHERE (Email = '" & EmailTo & "')" Set rs = con.Execute(SQL) ELSEIF Request.QueryString("Reminder") = "off" THEN SQL = "UPDATE tblLogins SET Reminder = 0 WHERE (Email = '" & EmailTo & "')" Set rs = con.Execute(SQL) END IF
'update the notification field for this user IF Request.QueryString("Notify") = "on" THEN SQL = "UPDATE tblLogins SET Notify = -1 WHERE (Email = '" & EmailTo & "')" Set rs = con.Execute(SQL) ELSEIF Request.QueryString("Notify") = "off" THEN SQL = "UPDATE tblLogins SET Notify = 0 WHERE (Email = '" & EmailTo & "')" Set rs = con.Execute(SQL) END IF %> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
At the bottom of the 'listspam.asp' page, I have added the following: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <% SQL = "SELECT Reminder FROM tblLogins WHERE (Email = '" & EmailTo & "')" Set rs = con.Execute(SQL) IF clng(rs("Reminder")) = -1 THEN response.write "Reminder is <font size=""2"" color=""red"">ON</font>. Turn Reminder <a href=""ListSpam.asp?Reminder=off"">Off</a>" & vbCRLF ELSE response.write "Reminder is <font size=""2"" color=""red"">OFF</font>. Turn Reminder <a href=""ListSpam.asp?Reminder=on"">On</a>" & vbCRLF END IF response.write " - - A daily reminder to check your quarantined messages will be sent to you if this feature is turned on.<br><br>" & vbCRLF
SQL = "SELECT Notify FROM tblLogins WHERE (Email = '" & EmailTo & "')" Set rs = con.Execute(SQL) IF clng(rs("Notify")) = -1 THEN response.write "Auto-Notify is <font size=""2"" color=""red"">ON</font>. Turn Auto-Notify <a href=""ListSpam.asp?notify=off"">Off</a>" & vbCRLF ELSE response.write "Auto-Notify is <font size=""2"" color=""red"">OFF</font>. Turn Auto-Notify <a href=""ListSpam.asp?notify=on"">On</a>" & vbCRLF END IF response.write " - - An immediate notification of possible spam will be sent to you if this feature is turned on.<br>" & vbCRLF %> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The above code gives the users a 'toggle' to turn on and off their notification messages.
Next, I have the following saved as 'auto_notify.asp': -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <html><body> Sending Reminders to those with messages in queue and reminders tuned on.<br><br> <% X = 0 SQL = "SELECT * FROM tbllogins WHERE Notify = -1 ORDER BY Email ASC"
Set rs = con.Execute(SQL) IF NOT (rs.eof AND rs.bof) THEN rs.MoveFirst DO UNTIL rs.eof SQL = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS MessageCount FROM tblQuarantine WHERE (EmailTo = '" & rs("Email") & "') AND Expire = 0 AND Deliver = 0" Set rs2 = con.Execute(SQL) IF clng(rs2("MessageCount")) > 0 THEN X = X + 1 SendMessage rs("Email"), rs2("MessageCount") response.write rs("Email") & " has " & rs2("MessageCount") & " messages in queue... notification sent.<BR>" & vbcrlf END IF rs2.close set rs2 = nothing rs.MoveNext LOOP END IF
response.write "<BR>" & X & " notification messages sent.<br><br><br>" & vbCRLF
SUB SendMessage(strEmail, lMessageCount) Set rs3 = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") Set rs3.ActiveConnection = con rs3.CursorType = 1 rs3.LockType = 3 'Send message to user by way of the quarantine. MessageDate = Now Message = "From: System Administrator <>" & vbCRLF Message = Message & "To: " & strEMail & vbCRLF Message = Message & "Subject: possible SPAM Notification: You have messages being held in quarantine" & vbCRLF Message = Message & "Date: " & FormatDateTime(MessageDate, vbLongDate) & " " & FormatDateTime(MessageDate, vbLongTime) & vbCRLF Message = Message & "Content-Type: text/html;charset=""ISO-8859-1""" & vbCRLF & vbCRLF Message = Message & "Your have " & lMessageCount & " messages being held in the quarantine area" & vbCRLF Message = Message & "For your email account '" & strEmail & "'." & vbCRLF & vbCRLF Message = Message & "THESE MESSAGES **MAY** HAVE ALREADY BEEN CLEARED BY THE SYSTEM ADMINISTRATOR FOR YOU" & vbCRLF & vbCRLF Message = Message & "Please log into http://(your" CLASS="ASPForums" TITLE="WARNING: URL created by poster. - http://" CLASS="ASPForums" TITLE="WARNING: URL created by poster. - http:// (your quarantine website) and check your messages." & vbCRLF & vbCRLF Message = Message & "This message was sent because you turned auto-notification on." & vbCRLF Message = Message & "." & vbCRLF SQL = "SELECT * FROM tblMsgs WHERE 0 = 1" rs3.Open(SQL) rs3.AddNew rs3("Msg") = Message rs3.Update MsgID = rs3("MsgID") response.write "MsgID= " & msgID & "<BR>" & vbCRLF rs3.Close SQL="SELECT * FROM tblQuarantine WHERE 0 = 1" rs3.Open(SQL) rs3.AddNew rs3("EMailFrom") = "System Administrator <>" rs3("EMailTo") = strEMail rs3("Subject") = "Daily Reminder: You have messages being held in quarantine" rs3("MsgID") = MsgID rs3("MsgDate") = MessageDate rs3("Expire") = 0 rs3("Deliver") = 1 rs3("RejectDetails") = "" rs3("RejectID") = 0 rs3("ServerID") = 1 rs3.Update rs3.Close Set rs3 = Nothing END SUB %> </body> </html> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Thew following is saved as 'auto_reminder.asp': -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <html> <body> Sending Reminders to those with messages in queue and reminders tuned on.<br><br> <% X = 0 SQL = "SELECT * FROM tbllogins WHERE Reminder = -1 ORDER BY Email ASC" Set rs = con.Execute(SQL) IF NOT (rs.eof AND rs.bof) THEN rs.MoveFirst DO UNTIL rs.eof SQL = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS MessageCount FROM tblQuarantine WHERE (EmailTo = '" & rs("Email") & "') AND Expire = 0 AND Deliver = 0" Set rs2 = con.Execute(SQL) IF clng(rs2("MessageCount")) > 0 THEN X = X + 1 SendMessage rs("Email"), rs2("MessageCount") response.write rs("Email") & " has " & rs2("MessageCount") & " messages in queue... reminder sent.<BR>" & vbcrlf ELSE response.write rs("Email") & " has 0 messages in queue... reminder NOT sent.<BR>" & vbcrlf END IF rs2.close set rs2 = nothing rs.MoveNext LOOP END IF response.write "<BR>" & X & " reminder messages sent.<br><br><br>" & vbCRLF response.write "Sending reminders to those with excessive messages in queue (50 or more).<BR><BR>" & vbCRLF & vbCRLF X = 0 SQL = "SELECT DISTINCT EmailTo " SQL = SQL & "FROM tblquarantine " SQL = SQL & "WHERE Expire = 0 " SQL = SQL & "ORDER BY EmailTo" Set rs = con.Execute(SQL) If rs.EOF Then Response.Write "<h2>No addresses in database!</h2>" Else rs.movefirst While Not rs.EOF &nb