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queue not resending emails

Printed From: LogSat Software
Category: Spam Filter ISP
Forum Name: Spam Filter ISP Support
Forum Description: General support for Spam Filter ISP
Printed Date: 05 February 2025 at 2:06pm

Topic: queue not resending emails
Posted By: Guests
Subject: queue not resending emails
Date Posted: 12 May 2003 at 5:19pm
My mail server does not accept email during its house keeping routine. During this time the filter collects the files and stores them. I read another post about this problem that said the filters retrys every 60 minutes. On my system the only way the queue will dump is to stop and restart the filter. I checked my queue today and had emails 7 days old. Is there a certain revision that I need to support this function.

Posted By: dcook
Date Posted: 12 May 2003 at 5:52pm

After I read your post, I checked and also had 7 messages in the queue.  Restarting sent them out.  Five were dated today and two yesterday.

FYI- We set up a monitor to check for the number of files in the queue directory and I get an alarm when the count exceeds 50 files.


Posted By: LogSat
Date Posted: 12 May 2003 at 6:05pm

We were able to replicate your issue. Definetly a bug. The queue is not being reprocessed every 60 minutes as it should. We'll have this fixed in the next build.

Roberto Franceschetti
LogSat Software

Posted By: LogSat
Date Posted: 12 May 2003 at 6:05pm

We were able to replicate your issue. Definetly a bug. The queue is not reprocessed every 60 minutes as it should. We'll have this fixed in the next build.

Roberto Franceschetti
LogSat Software

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