Thanks for quick response. listed in NOT the "Local Domains" white list
I am testing spamfilter and I am currently not interested in testing ALL DNS or IP-based tests (reverse-DNS, country, SPF, MAPS-RBL, IP blacklists, MX checks etc.)
I have installed two instances of spamfilter 2.5.2 on same server.
1) First spamfilter is bound to NIC’s IP and used to capture and quarantine sample data. I redirect SMTP traffic from firewall to capture test data. I release items from quarantine and feed it to second spamfilter (which is under test here)
2) Second spamfilter is bounded to That instance is under test.
I am only testing I/O and keyword tests… untrust flag is setup in ini file as well. Log entries I posted are from s econd filter.
I find many instances (almost all are related to emails generated by mailing lists) where I can make spamfilter freeze.
I find Output SMTP conversation specifications of spamfilter are incompatible with its input. Perhaps the way program treats “RCPT TO” and “FROM” address is the hazard.
Here is an example of one scenario.
External email is received by first spamfilter. “RCPT TO” person is in Auth_TO white list. Email is received correctly and then sent to second spamfilter. In conversation to Second spamfilter “RCPT TO” is reported correctly again and “rcpt to” person is listed in AUTH-TO white list as well. Second spamfilter accepts email, halfway then rejects it because it finds “TO” field populated with “Reply to” address of list. I also see in logs that “FROM” is reported empty. Obviously since second spamfilter finds items in “TO” that is not in auth domain white list it invokes that “rejected - no relay allowed or % found in FROM address” error. In mean time connection status column in activity log remain frozen reporting “RCPT TO” status. Connection remains open past defined timers in ini file.
If you look at log file items I posted, you see “From” is empty and “TO” is populated by list’s emails address instead of the targeted recipient. IS this correct behavior? I think there is something wrong…
You can reproduce this problem fairly easily. Two instances can be on two different servers and result is same.
Scenario shows that spamfilter perhaps cannot be daisy changed in v2.5.2?
The first reason I was interested in running multiple instances in series is because spamfilter white list is so weak. If I white list one user to disable rev-DNS check I give up keyword file attachment tests and all other tests. Spamfilter needs to be able to white list users and administrator have ability to check box filters to which a white listed person applies.
Mr Sam