- has a program to parse your SpamFilter Log Files to a database so you can add audit features and reporting features to your websites and SpamFilter management systems:
SF2DB can create and store the following information on each email message: LogID - Unique Key. SRS - SpamFilter Server Name or reference. RDomain - Recipient Domain. LDate - Email Processing Start Date LTime - Email Processing Start Time LFullDate - Email Processing Start Full Date and Time LDOW - Email Processing Start Day of Week LMonth - Email Processing Start Month ThreadID - SpamFilter Thread ID SourceIP - Source IP Address of Sending System SourceHostName - Source Host Name of Sending System SourceCountry - Source Country of Sending System Sender - Sender Email Address Recipient - Recipient Email Address SFAction - Result of SpamFilter checks 0 = Incomplete Data, 1 = Accepted, 2 = Rejected/Quarantined Reason - Reason if Rejected, see SFLRejectCodes Rejection codes table. Note SF2DB uses its own table of rejection codes that does not correspond exactly to SpamFilter's tblRejectCodes. Message - MAPS or Primary Email Disposition Message Queued - Was queued? Delivered - Was Delivered? (NOTE: NOT CURRENTLY SUPPORTED) Complete - SF2DB processing complete? CompletedTime - Full Date and Time Email Checking by SpamFilter was completed (to the point where the message was either queued or rejected/quarantined. Keywords - Keyword or phrase that failed this email message. SPFCheck - SPF Policy/Record if one was found. AutoIPBlock - This message caused IP to be added to Auto Block List? SURBLEntry - SURBL Value that caused message to be blocked Virus - Virus that email message contained.
Current version of SF2DB supports latest version of SpamFilter ISP as of 10/20/2006.
-Matt Rainoff
------------- -Matt R