An updated beta version of SpamFilter Enterprise v3.5.3.630 is now available to registered users. Please see notes below for details on the fixes and new features available in this beta.
Please note that all new features are (and always will be) available in both SpamFilter Enterprise and SpamFilter ISP "standard". SpamFilter Enterprise can be configured to run in "SpamFilter ISP standard" mode, which will cause SpamFilter to run pretty much as it always has, and does not require Microsoft SQL or MySQL to run.
Major Changes introduced in SpamFilter ISP
Enterprise v3.5 - The new SpamFilter ISP Enterprise v3.5
allows administrators to configure most filter settings
individually for each domain being hosted. Most settings are now
stored in a database, making it simpler for administrators to
access them via custom web applications.
Technical notes - SpamFilter ISP Enterprise can be configured to run
in "Standard" mode and in "Enterprise" mode. When configured for "Standard"
mode, the functionality will be the same as in previous versions. When
configured for "Enterprise" mode, the new functionality is activated. The
Quarantine Database must be enabled and active for the Enterprise mode.
New Database functionality - In Enterprise mode, most settings are
saved to the database. However, to avoid downtime if the database server is
not available, all settings are automatically exported from the database to
the file system. SpamFilter uses the files located on the file system to
read all settings. SpamFilter will *not* read the database directly for its
settings. SpamFilter will however continuously monitor the database, and if
any settings stored in the database are changed, they are automatically
saved to files and re-imported within seconds.
New Database Requirements - SpamFilter Enterprise only supports
Microsoft SQL 7 or higher and MySQL v5 or higher. Support for MS Access and
Oracle will not be added. The new database functionality relies heavily on
the use of database triggers to ensure replication of database data to the
file system. Triggers where added to MySQL starting from version 5, which
explains the minimum requirement for this platform. SpamFilter will try to
add the necessary tables, indexes and triggers automatically. If this
procedure fails, please manually execute the MicrosoftSQL-Enterprise.sql
and/or the MySql-Enterprise.sql update scripts found in the database
New .ini settings structure - In both the Enterprise and the
Standard modes, the SpamFilter.ini file has been greatly modified. Several
of the settings in the SpamFilter.ini file can now be specified
individually for each domain. For this reason, these settings have been
moved to a new Filter.ini file. In Enterprise mode, each domain will have
an associated Filter.ini file. All files relative to a domain are now
stored in a subdirectory named after that domain. Special folder names are:
.\Domains\SFI - contains all settings for SpamFilter ISP in Standard mode
.\Domains\ ALL DOMAINS - contains all settings for domains in SpamFilter
Enterprise that have not been customized.
Updates since previous beta - In addition to several bug fixes, this
version changes the way emails with multiple recipients are handles. Two
major issues in the past have been:
(1) emails with with multiple recipients, where one of them was in the
"Unfiltered" whitelist, would be delivered to everyone even if it was spam.
(2) emails where the recipients belonged to different domains, and each
domain had custom destination SMTP servers.
Both of these are being addressed in this beta. The release notes for this
build are:
// New to VersionNumber = '';
{TODO -cFix : Solved several bugs that would cause Access Violation
Exceptions while processing incoming emails}
{TODO -cFix : Emails with multiple recipients on multiple domains - if
different domains have different destination SMTP servers, the email is
split and delivered to each server correctly}
{TODO -cNew : Emails with multiple recipients - When a recipient is in the
"Unfiltered Emails", now a spam email is only delivered to them, and not
everyone else}
{TODO -cNew : Added the X-SF-WhiteListedReason header for emails that are
force-delivered from quarantine}
{TODO -cFix : SFE Only - Added option to DROP Enterprise tables before
creating them via the database scripts}
Disclaimer - This version is a pre-release beta. As such, problems
are expected. Using this version in a live production environment is
not recommended.
This beta will expire on March 1, 2007.
------------- Roberto Franceschetti" rel="nofollow - LogSat Software" rel="nofollow - Spam Filter ISP