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DNS Query Server Error

Printed From: LogSat Software
Category: Spam Filter ISP
Forum Name: Spam Filter ISP Support
Forum Description: General support for Spam Filter ISP
Printed Date: 14 March 2025 at 10:40am

Topic: DNS Query Server Error
Posted By: jerbo128
Subject: DNS Query Server Error
Date Posted: 03 April 2007 at 5:46pm

I seem to be getting a lot of these  :   -- (3572) - Invalid MX record - DNS Server Reports Query Server Error
I rely upon ISP DNS servers - 4 of them.  It seems that 1 or more is always down.  When this happens on an MX record lookup, good mail is held in the quarantine.

I understand that the DNS servers rotate, but can someone explain the mechanics of the rotation?  Do the servers rotate after a certain number of queries, or a certain number of errors?  Is there a way to see what servers are failing the most (a log, etc)?  Any advise is most welcome.

Thanks for the help.

Posted By: LogSat
Date Posted: 07 April 2007 at 2:10pm

sorry for the delay in responding, this posting slipped thru the cracks and we just noticed it.

The error "DNS Server Reports Query Server Error" appears to have been returned by the DNS server itself when it attempted to perform the lookup. In this case it's not a problem with *your* DNS server, but rather with the remote DNS configuration. However, again this is only an "appears". To be more certain, we'd need to see the full log entries relative to that email. If you could either post or email us with more samples we'll be able to find out more.

In regards to the DNS rotation, this happens as soon as there is a problem performing a reverse lookup, and the next DNS server in the list is used from that point on. We actually believe there may be a bug in SpamFilter however, as the DNS rotation should occurr during other DNS lookups as well, we're looking into this right now.

Please note however that if there are *real* DNS errors with your DNS, these should never cause an email to be stopped, as if there's a DNS timeout the filter performing the query is skipped. In the case you reported, again this does not appear to be a problem with your DNS, thus the filter does interpret the result as a misconfiguration of the remote site, rejecting the email. But once more, we'd need your logs to be certain.

Roberto Franceschetti" rel="nofollow - LogSat Software" rel="nofollow - Spam Filter ISP

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