Foreign language support.
Printed From: LogSat Software
Category: Spam Filter ISP
Forum Name: Spam Filter ISP Support
Forum Description: General support for Spam Filter ISP
Printed Date: 14 March 2025 at 4:09pm
Topic: Foreign language support.
Posted By: caratking
Subject: Foreign language support.
Date Posted: 30 April 2007 at 6:04am
I've suspected there was a problem with non english characters for some time, I was just to lazy to investigate.
Today was the day.
I sent a short email with japanese in the subject, and body from gmail. I also included viagra in there so it would get placed into quarantine.
When using SpamFilter's Quarantine viewer, it showed the senders email (all english characters) but the subject was just scrambled.
When I looked in the database, the subject also appears scrambled.
I clicked deliver, and the message is pushed through.
Guess what, the subject is scrambled upon receipt when viewed in Outlook Express.
If I click on the message, the body and subject both appear OK.
I'm running the latest SFE, and connecting to mySQL on linux.
Posted By: LogSat
Date Posted: 30 April 2007 at 7:35pm
I'm not sure I understand. When you say
caratking wrote:
Guess what, the subject is scrambled upon receipt when viewed in Outlook Express.
If I click on the message, the body and subject both appear OK.
Does that mean that in Outlook the subject is scrambled when you look at the window that contains the list of emails in the Inbox, but that when you double-click on the messge to open it, the subject is fine? If that is the case, if the subject is "normal" when viewing the email in Outlook, that should mean that everything is fine... Keep in mind that if you view the "source" of the email, japanese characters will be encoded, so they will look like gibberish when viewing either the email source or the email with SpamFilter.
If I misunderstood, please let me know. We'll have you send us a similar email to us, and carbon-copy it to one of our gmail accounts so we can look into it further.
------------- Roberto Franceschetti" rel="nofollow - LogSat Software" rel="nofollow - Spam Filter ISP