05/16/07 13:03:49:328 -- (5696) Connection from: - Originating country : United States 05/16/07 13:03:49:468 -- (5696) Resolving - ccm01.constantcontact.com 05/16/07 13:03:49:562 -- (5696) Mail from: mailto:ESC1101648128490_1100650110356_11070@in.constantcontact.com - ESC1101648128490_1100650110356_11070@in.constantcontact.com 05/16/07 13:03:54:343 -- (5696) - MAPS search done... 521 The IP is Blacklisted. Please contact via phone. Sorry is Level 2 listed at UCEPROTECT-NETWORK. See http://www.uceprotect.net/rblcheck.php?ipr= - http://www.uceprotect.net/rblcheck.php?ipr= -- 05/16/07 13:03:54:359 -- (5696) - Mail from: mailto:ESC1101648128490_1100650110356_11070@in.constantcontact.com - ESC1101648128490_1100650110356_11070@in.constantcontact.com To: mailto:localuser@localdomain.com - localuser@localdomain.com will be rejected 05/16/07 13:03:55:046 -- (5696) EMail from mailto:ESC1101648128490_1100650110356_11070@in.constantcontact.com - ESC1101648128490_1100650110356_11070@in.constantcontact.com to mailto:localuser@localdomain.com - localuser@localdomain.com was queued. Size: 2 KB, 2048 bytes 05/16/07 13:03:55:062 -- (5696) Created thread (5804) to add email to quarantine 05/16/07 13:03:55:359 -- (5696) Disconnect
This has a different thread number but appears to be part of the same transaction.
05/16/07 13:03:55:062 -- (1796) Sending email from mailto:ESC1101648128490_1100650110356_11070@in.constantcontact.com - ESC1101648128490_1100650110356_11070@in.constantcontact.com to mailto:localuser@localdomain.com - localuser@localdomain.com -- 05/16/07 13:03:56:203 -- (1796) EMail from mailto:ESC1101648128490_1100650110356_11070@in.constantcontact.com - ESC1101648128490_1100650110356_11070@in.constantcontact.com to mailto:localuser@localdomain.com - localuser@localdomain.com -- was forwarded to
Is it rejecting it initially, landing it in quarantine but then actually sending it? So when I went in and saw it in quarantine and resent it, he then got another copy?