Losing honeypot enties
Printed From: LogSat Software
Category: Spam Filter ISP
Forum Name: Spam Filter ISP Support
Forum Description: General support for Spam Filter ISP
URL: https://www.logsat.com/spamfilter/forums/forum_posts.asp?TID=6207
Printed Date: 14 March 2025 at 3:55am
Topic: Losing honeypot enties
Posted By: Stupid
Subject: Losing honeypot enties
Date Posted: 20 August 2007 at 2:26pm
I am using
why am I losing Honeypot entires? I have many email addresses in there, but they are all gone. This is the second time it happens.
Only thing left on there is entries started with numbers and IP addresses.
Posted By: LogSat
Date Posted: 20 August 2007 at 6:36pm
Is this for SpamFilter ISP "standard" or "Enterprise"? If it is the "Standard" version, could you please check the \SpamFilter\domains\SFI\Filters.ini file, to see if the entry: BL_HoneypotEmailsFileName has specified the full path + filename to the text file, and not just the filename?
------------- Roberto Franceschetti
http://www.logsat.com" rel="nofollow - LogSat Software
http://www.logsat.com/sfi-spam-filter.asp" rel="nofollow - Spam Filter ISP
Posted By: Stupid
Date Posted: 21 August 2007 at 9:16am
It did it again!!!
Standard. Here's how it looks like:
BL_HoneypotBlockedIPsFileName=C:\Program Files\SpamFilter\HoneypotBlockedIPs.txt BL_HoneypotEmailsFileName=C:\Program Files\SpamFilter\HoneypotBlockedIPs.txt
Posted By: Stupid
Date Posted: 21 August 2007 at 4:25pm
It's getting bad losing these. My Honeypot actually blocks majority of my spam. any idea?
Posted By: LogSat
Date Posted: 21 August 2007 at 4:35pm
We've been re-checking the past bug fixes, and saw that the following one:
// New to VersionNumber = ''; {TODO -cFix : In SFE, sometimes new entries were not being added to the autowhitelist table}
could have actually caused a similar problem to other self-maintained lists as well, as the honeypot one.
Could you please upgrade to the latest build of SpamFilter to see if the problem has already been fixed in the latest builds?
------------- Roberto Franceschetti
http://www.logsat.com" rel="nofollow - LogSat Software
http://www.logsat.com/sfi-spam-filter.asp" rel="nofollow - Spam Filter ISP
Posted By: Stupid
Date Posted: 21 August 2007 at 4:37pm
I guess I'll try that and let you know.
Posted By: Stupid
Date Posted: 22 August 2007 at 9:49am
I am now on 704, but I lost again the email addresses in the honeypot!!!
Posted By: LogSat
Date Posted: 22 August 2007 at 5:48pm
Ok, I should have caught this before, but I was looking at only the presence of the full path name in your post, I was not looking at the filename itself. This is the problem:
BL_HoneypotBlockedIPsFileName=C:\Program Files\SpamFilter\HoneypotBlockedIPs.txt
BL_HoneypotEmailsFileName=C:\Program Files\SpamFilter\HoneypotBlockedIPs.txt
You are using the same filename for both blacklists, so one is overwriting the contents of the other. Please note that those two files are very much different.
The "Honeypot Emails" contains a list of email addresses. These email addresses are stored in whatever file you specify via the GUI, and is then stored in "BL_HoneypotEmailsFileName".
Any emails sent to a recipient in that list will cause the IP of the sender to be blacklisted. This sender's IP will be added to the file specified in the "BL_HoneypotBlockedIPsFileName" field. By default, this file is handled internally by SpamFilter and is called "HoneypotBlockedIPs.txt".
You will thus need to ensure that you use different filenames for the different lists.
------------- Roberto Franceschetti
http://www.logsat.com" rel="nofollow - LogSat Software
http://www.logsat.com/sfi-spam-filter.asp" rel="nofollow - Spam Filter ISP
Posted By: Stupid
Date Posted: 23 August 2007 at 9:18am
Where and how do I make this correction?
Posted By: LogSat
Date Posted: 23 August 2007 at 7:38pm
To keep the file names consistent, you should change the file used by the "Honeypot Emails" list. That can be done wither via SpamFilter's GUI, or by editing this line in the Filters.ini:
BL_HoneypotEmailsFileName=C:\Program Files\SpamFilter\NewFileNameHere.txt
This file should contain the list of email addresses you want to use as hoenypots.
------------- Roberto Franceschetti
http://www.logsat.com" rel="nofollow - LogSat Software
http://www.logsat.com/sfi-spam-filter.asp" rel="nofollow - Spam Filter ISP
Posted By: Stupid
Date Posted: 24 August 2007 at 9:18am
If I do that, where do I add new email addresses that I want to use as honeypot?
Posted By: LogSat
Date Posted: 24 August 2007 at 7:45pm
Either via SpamFilter' GUI, in the "Settings - Configuration - Black / White Lists / Honeypots" tab, or by entering them directly in the new file you should have created, specified by the entry:
BL_HoneypotEmailsFileName=C:\Program Files\SpamFilter\NewFileNameHere.txt
------------- Roberto Franceschetti
http://www.logsat.com" rel="nofollow - LogSat Software
http://www.logsat.com/sfi-spam-filter.asp" rel="nofollow - Spam Filter ISP
Posted By: Stupid
Date Posted: 27 August 2007 at 5:50pm
it seems this resolved the problem.