A new beta of SpamFilter v4.0.0.767 is available in the
registered user area.
SpamFilter ISP v4.0 and SpamFilter Enterprise v4.0 introduce two new filters to fight spam:
- http://www.logsat.com/sfi-spam-filter-how-it-works/sfi-spam-filter-greylisting.asp - Greylisting
- http://www.logsat.com/sfi-spam-filter-how-it-works/sfi-spam-filter-sfdc.asp - SFDC - SpamFilter Distributed Content
Updated manuals and documentation for this new release are available at: http://www.logsat.com/spamfilter/pub/SpamFilterDocs.zip - www.logsat.com/spamfilter/pub/SpamFilterDocs.zip
As always, all users with a current software maintenance will receive this upgrade free of charge.
The changes since the latest available version ( are as follows below.
// New to VersionNumber = '';
{TODO -cNew : New filter/feature is now available - Greylisting}
{TODO -cNew : New filter is available - SFDC - SpamFilter Distributed Content}
{TODO -cNew : SpamFilter Enterprise loads 20x - 40x faster when tables contain 100,000+ rows }
{TODO -cFix : The MaxMsgSizeForSpamFiltering option is sometimes ignored if an email fails the IP-based tests} For those users who have been testing the alpha version of SpamFilter
v4.0.0.763, the additions from build 763 to 767 are:
- the fixes in italics above
- a new tab in the filter settings to configure the SFDC filter
- the greylist filter is enabled by default instead of being disabled by default
- the default setting for "GreyListAllowedHold" is now 60 days rather than 90
------------- Roberto Franceschetti
http://www.logsat.com" rel="nofollow - LogSat Software
http://www.logsat.com/sfi-spam-filter.asp" rel="nofollow - Spam Filter ISP