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Table 'tblquarantine' details

Printed From: LogSat Software
Category: Spam Filter ISP
Forum Name: Spam Filter ISP Support
Forum Description: General support for Spam Filter ISP
Printed Date: 05 February 2025 at 12:58pm

Topic: Table 'tblquarantine' details
Posted By: suchi
Subject: Table 'tblquarantine' details
Date Posted: 03 November 2008 at 2:43am
I am using  spamfilter3.5.4.692  with mysql 5.1.
In quranatine databae,there is one table 'tblquarantine' which stores quarantined mails.
Can anyone tell me,what is the  ''  field in the table ?? Where can i get more information about this(database details) ?? in  'SpamFilter.ini'  ???

Thanks in advance.

Posted By: LogSat
Date Posted: 03 November 2008 at 9:04am
Setting the "Expire" field to "true" or "1" causes SpamFilter to purge that record (and the binary data associated with that email stored in the tblMsg) during the next database cleanup. This by default occurs every 60 minutes, when SpamFilter removes from the database old emails.

Another field of interest is the "Deliver" field. Setting the value to "true" or "1" for a record causes SpamFilter to force the delivery of that email within 5 seconds.

We do not have any official documentation for the database structure, as it is relatively straightforward. The forums will contain a lot of info, and you can always contact our email support to have further answer.

Roberto Franceschetti" rel="nofollow - LogSat Software" rel="nofollow - Spam Filter ISP

Posted By: suchi
Date Posted: 30 December 2008 at 12:19am
ok.that is understood by me.
But what is the exact status of msg if 'deliver' field is set to '0' and 'expire' set to '1'...
I am bit confused about this.
Thanks in advance.

Posted By: LogSat
Date Posted: 30 December 2008 at 8:03am
If the "expire" field is set to "1", this marks the message to be deleted the next time SpamFilter performs a database purge. The "purge" removes from the database all messages that are older than your retention period (the "number of days to store quarantine rejected emails" value in the database configuration tab in SpamFilter). The database purge occurs by default every 60 minutes.

Roberto Franceschetti" rel="nofollow - LogSat Software" rel="nofollow - Spam Filter ISP

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