We manage a fair number of domains, and implemented some user detection so we don't quarantine email for users that do not exist on the destination server.
By doing this, our customers do not have to create a new user on logsat any time they add a user to their mailserver. Our system therefore doesn't use the tblwl_authorizedtoemails table.
Instead, we put invalid users in the tblbl_emailsto list.
So far, so good. But today, we had a sender who sent an email to nine users on the domain, one of which was in the tblbl_emailsto list.
Spamfilter rejected the entire list, so the sender received an NDR stating none of the recipients were valid. And the email was rejected.
06/03/09 10:33:34:375 -- (1792) Received MAIL FROM: < mailto:store4906@senderdomain - store4906@senderdomain > 06/03/09 10:33:34:422 -- (1792) Received RCPT TO: mailto:charityr@example.com - charityr@example.com 06/03/09 10:33:37:203 -- (1792) Resolving - cmsout01.mbox.net 06/03/09 10:33:43:265 -- (1792) - SPF analysis for senderdomain done: - none 06/03/09 10:33:43:265 -- (1792) Mail from: mailto:store4906@senderdomain - store4906@senderdomain 06/03/09 10:34:13:203 -- (1792) - MAPS search done... 06/03/09 10:34:13:203 -- (1792) RCPT TO: mailto:charityr@example.com - charityr@example.com accepted 06/03/09 10:34:13:234 -- (1792) Received RCPT TO: mailto:davidf@example.com - davidf@example.com 06/03/09 10:34:13:234 -- (1792) Mail from: mailto:store4906@senderdomain - store4906@senderdomain 06/03/09 10:34:13:234 -- (1792) RCPT TO: mailto:davidf@example.com - davidf@example.com accepted 06/03/09 10:34:13:281 -- (1792) Received RCPT TO: mailto:debbiew@example.com - debbiew@example.com 06/03/09 10:34:13:281 -- (1792) Mail from: mailto:store4906@senderdomain - store4906@senderdomain 06/03/09 10:34:13:281 -- (1792) RCPT TO: mailto:debbiew@example.com - debbiew@example.com accepted 06/03/09 10:34:13:328 -- (1792) Received RCPT TO: mailto:ellenr@example.com - ellenr@example.com 06/03/09 10:34:13:328 -- (1792) Mail from: mailto:store4906@senderdomain - store4906@senderdomain 06/03/09 10:34:13:328 -- (1792) RCPT TO: mailto:ellenr@example.com - ellenr@example.com accepted 06/03/09 10:34:13:375 -- (1792) Received RCPT TO: mailto:erink@example.com - erink@example.com 06/03/09 10:34:13:375 -- (1792) Mail from: mailto:store4906@senderdomain - store4906@senderdomain 06/03/09 10:34:13:375 -- (1792) RCPT TO: mailto:erink@example.com - erink@example.com accepted 06/03/09 10:34:13:422 -- (1792) Received RCPT TO: mailto:jessm@example.com - jessm@example.com 06/03/09 10:34:13:422 -- (1792) - EmailTO is in local blacklist file... 06/03/09 10:34:13:422 -- (1792) - Mail from: mailto:store4906@senderdomain - store4906@senderdomain To: mailto:jessm@example.com - jessm@example.com will be rejected 06/03/09 10:34:13:453 -- (1792) Received RCPT TO: mailto:joanns@example.com - joanns@example.com 06/03/09 10:34:13:468 -- (1792) Mail from: mailto:store4906@senderdomain - store4906@senderdomain 06/03/09 10:34:13:468 -- (1792) - Mail from: mailto:store4906@senderdomain - store4906@senderdomain To: mailto:joanns@example.com - joanns@example.com will be rejected 06/03/09 10:34:13:500 -- (1792) Received RCPT TO: mailto:katiec@example.com - katiec@example.com 06/03/09 10:34:13:500 -- (1792) Mail from: mailto:store4906@senderdomain - store4906@senderdomain 06/03/09 10:34:13:500 -- (1792) - Mail from: mailto:store4906@senderdomain - store4906@senderdomain To: mailto:katiec@example.com - katiec@example.com will be rejected 06/03/09 10:34:13:547 -- (1792) Received RCPT TO: mailto:kimb@example.com - kimb@example.com 06/03/09 10:34:13:547 -- (1792) Mail from: mailto:store4906@senderdomain - store4906@senderdomain 06/03/09 10:34:13:547 -- (1792) - Mail from: mailto:store4906@senderdomain - store4906@senderdomain To: mailto:kimb@example.com - kimb@example.com will be rejected 06/03/09 10:34:13:593 -- (1792) Received RCPT TO: mailto:rondat@example.com - rondat@example.com 06/03/09 10:34:13:593 -- (1792) Mail from: mailto:store4906@senderdomain - store4906@senderdomain 06/03/09 10:34:13:593 -- (1792) - Mail from: mailto:store4906@senderdomain - store4906@senderdomain To: mailto:rondat@example.com - rondat@example.com will be rejected 06/03/09 10:34:13:953 -- (1792) Start virus scan 06/03/09 10:34:13:984 -- (1792) Starting bayesian procedures 06/03/09 10:34:14:062 -- (1792) Blacklist cache - Added to limbo 06/03/09 10:34:14:218 -- (1792) SFDB - Added - Response: Error=0 06/03/09 10:34:14:218 -- (1792) Disconnect
Does Logsat not have the granularity to deliver / process the message and simply NDR the single invalid recipient?
Being able to have a list of invalid recipients drastically reduces our Quarantine tables, which is great for performance. So I'd really like to be able to keep that methodology.
I'm just surprised that one bad user (jessm) prevented all the legitimate recipients from receiving the email...
Any tips/help greatly appreciated. Thanks!