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How to troubleshoot Auto-Notification issue

Printed From: LogSat Software
Category: Spam Filter ISP
Forum Name: Spam Filter ISP Support
Forum Description: General support for Spam Filter ISP
Printed Date: 24 January 2025 at 12:18pm

Topic: How to troubleshoot Auto-Notification issue
Posted By: xudage
Subject: How to troubleshoot Auto-Notification issue
Date Posted: 30 April 2010 at 4:48pm
Hi guys,

I just found the spamfilter's Auto-ntoficaiton feature is no longer working for a while. User start complaining about their important emails was stuck in Quarantine for a while without any notification to them.

I am now to spamfilter, could someone with expertise told me which part of spamfilter I need to look into?

Thanks in advance.


Posted By: LogSat
Date Posted: 30 April 2010 at 11:00pm

When SpamFilter stops an email (either stops or quarantines), by default it will reject the sender's email during the SMTP session with a numeric error code. This method of rejecting emails forces the remote server to send a NDR (non-delivery-report notification) back to the sender to inform them that the email was not delivered. It's important to notice that the remote server is the one that sends the email, not SpamFilter.

This said, while we strongly discourage admins from modifying this setting, we do provide the following entry in the SpamFilter.ini file that can be used to alter this behavior:

;Setting DoNotSendNDROnQuarantine to 1 will prevent generation of NDR when email are quarantined by causing SpamFilter *not* to send an error code when quarantining emails


Also please note that some filter have an option (which is never turned on by default) to "send to NULL" the blocked emails, which also causes the sender's email to be accepted preventing the generation of the NDR, even though this email is however neither delivered nor quarantined (if you thus see emails in quarantine they would not have been sent to NULL and thus this option did not apply).

Roberto Franceschetti" rel="nofollow - LogSat Software" rel="nofollow - Spam Filter ISP

Posted By: xudage
Date Posted: 30 April 2010 at 11:44pm
Thanks for your prompt reply.

I guess I didn't make my question clear.

When I say end user complain they didn't receive the notification, I mean the recipient, not the sender.

A real scenario is as follows:

an applicant sent a resume to my company's HR for a job posting, unfortunately his resume is got into Quarantine of spamfilter. At this point, spamfilter should create a notification email to HR to let her check her Quarantine. But for some reason this notification email is not longer being created, and then HR never knew somebody applied for this job posting

I need to know where I can restart the auto-notification feature for this.



Posted By: yapadu
Date Posted: 01 May 2010 at 1:04am
Spamfilter does not send a notification every time an item is placed in quarantine, that would defeat the purpose of putting an item into quarantine.

In fact, I don't think spamfilter ever sends out notice to the recipient that item(s) have been placed into quarantine... or at least I am not familiar with this option.

I know some people produce their own quarantine notifications, that is what we do for our users but it was built on top of spamfilter and does not use any built in system.

Posted By: xudage
Date Posted: 01 May 2010 at 8:53am
Thanks for your prompt reply.

I will attach more information here to make sure we are on the same page.

1. On spamfilter web site, here is that 'auto-notification' feature I thought.

On ListSpam.asp, there is a line like this:

Auto-Notify is ON. Turn Auto-Notify http://spam/ListSpam.asp?notify=off - Off   - - An immediate notification of possible spam will be sent to you if this feature is turned on.

(I try to attach a screenshot but I can't. but basically it is just a line as above)

2. On my desperate troubleshooting, I notice there is another web page call auto-notify.asp which seems to be used for MANUAL notify.

if I open that web page, it will go through all users' Quarantine and send out the notification email as follows:

< ="-" ="text/; =utf-8">< name="ProgId" ="Word.">< name="Generator" ="Microsoft Word 12">< name="Originator" ="Microsoft Word 12"> file:///C:%5CWindows%5CTemp%5Cmsohtmlclip1%5C01%5Cclip_filelist.xml - file:///C:%5CWindows%5CTemp%5Cmsohtmlclip1%5C01%5Cclip_themedata.thmx - file:///C:%5CWindows%5CTemp%5Cmsohtmlclip1%5C01%5Cclip_colorschememapping.xml -

- - System Administrator []
Sent: Friday, April 30, 2010 9:58 AM
To: Winter, David
Subject: Possible SPAM Notification: You have messages being held in quarantine


- You have 1 message(s) being held in the quarantine area For your email account ''. THESE MESSAGES WILL BE CLEARED AUTOMATICALLY BY THE SYSTEM FOR YOU AFTER 18 DAYS AND WILL BE UNRECOVERABLE

Please log into http://spam/ - http://spam and check your messages.


So my issue is even when that auto-notification option is turned on, the recipients still cannot receive the notification.


Posted By: LogSat
Date Posted: 01 May 2010 at 11:10am

From your description it seems that the web interface you are using has been customized to add new features, such as the "Auto-Notify" (which, as yapadu already correctly stated, is not available out-of-the box). Did you inherit the system from a previous administrators? If so, it's very likely that they have made changes to the web interface to add new functionality.

Roberto Franceschetti" rel="nofollow - LogSat Software" rel="nofollow - Spam Filter ISP

Posted By: yapadu
Date Posted: 01 May 2010 at 11:14am
I'm out.

No experience with that .asp quarantine stuff, I thought those were only samples of what could be done.

Sorry I could not assist, hopefully Roberto or another user can help.

Posted By: xudage
Date Posted: 04 May 2010 at 10:33am
Are you sure that Auto-Notify is a customized feature?

I check the source code for that ASP web page under that turn ON link, what it did is simply changing the column called 'Notify' in tblLogins table.

So just wonder if the value of 'Notify' column is changed into -1, what kind of actions Spamfilter will take.



Posted By: yapadu
Date Posted: 04 May 2010 at 10:42am
Hi Kelly,

I checked the tblLogins table on my production server, the field structure is:


That is it, no column called notify.  On top of that, my table is empty!  I don't even know what that table is for.  It must be for use with the sample web applications or something, which I do not use.  That would explain why it is empty on my server.

My system does not use any modified table structure.  You must be running a version that someone has customized, as that extra field you mention is not a part of the standard system.

Posted By: xudage
Date Posted: 04 May 2010 at 10:47am
Mm.....  interesting.

My version is Spamfilter for ISP v.

Is it possible due to old version?



Posted By: xudage
Date Posted: 04 May 2010 at 10:58am
I guess you are right, it could be customized version, since I found the sql file to create the database and the tblLogins should be only have those 3 columns as you mentioned.

Thanks a lot.


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