I am currently developing a new web interface to SpamFilter.
My Settings
· Change Password Allows the user to change their password
· Alias's Allows users to add alias address’s. (eg. mailto:sales@mydomain.com - sales@mydomain.com )
· Hidden Senders Displays email addresses that will not be displayed in their quarantine folder. These are automatically created when you delete a quarantined message. The quarantine folder tells you how many are hidden, and has a button to show the messages and allow you to manage them as you would any other message.
· White List * These are emails that will not be checked. These are the emails that you have released (Send) messages from in the past. This list is automatically generated from within SpamFilter ISP, however this allows you to see what is in there and delete an entry if you accidently “Sent” an email from an address that you didn’t want.
Domain Settings
· Managed Domains Displays the domains that your login is linked to. This allows you to manage the settings for all the domains that your account is linked to, also add alias’s for other domains. (Eg. Your company has 2 domains mydomain.com and myotherdomain.com.uk you can now have a single logon that gets the spam from all your addresses on both domains, likewise you can manage the settings on both (or as many as you like) domains.)
· User's This is a listing of the users that exist in your domain. Depending on your access level you can see there password, and click on it to logon as that user.
· Quarantine Report This is a report that will generate and send to all the users. Registered users (users that have a valid logon and password) can delete, send, or view the message from the email. Un-Registered users (users that do not have a valid logon and password) will get the same report except that they will not be able to delete, send, or view the message from the email until they register. The email includes a link that allows them to register the email address automatically. They will still receive the password in a follow up email automatically.
Black Lists
· Black List Countries Allows the domain administrator to add/delete country codes to the SpamFilter ISP filter.
· Black List Email Allows the domain administrator to add/delete Blacklisted sender email addresses to the SpamFilter ISP filter.
· Black List Keyword Allows the domain administrator to add/delete Black list keywords to the SpamFilter ISP filter.
White Lists
· White List Email Allows the domain administrator to add/delete Blacklisted sender email addresses to the SpamFilter ISP filter.
· White List Keyword Allows the domain administrator to add/delete Black list keywords to the SpamFilter ISP filter.
Admin Settings
· Domains Lists all your domains and allows you to change there settings. (eg. Destination SMTP, Destination SMTP Port, Alternate SMTP, Alternate SMTP Port,...)
System Settings
· FAQ Page Allows you to customize the content of the FAQ page. Includes a html editor.
· This section will be increased to allow customization of all content that appears on the site.
Other features
Validates users email addresses at registeration time. (eg. Will not allow a user to register an email address that contains invalid characters like spaces, multiple “@”, “&”, domains that SpamFilter is not acting for, ....)
Search capability within the quarantine folder.
Sorting by any column in the quarantine folder.
I will also be putting together a few different skins for the site, so if you dont like the dark look that I have on mine then there will be a few options.
I am looking for any more features you think would be good, I will develop based on complexity and value. Just post a reply to this message and I will look at it.
Feel free to have a look at what I have got by going to:-
http://www.tyrexpg.com.au/ - www.tyrexpg.com.au
Administration Username:- mailto:adminuser@tyrexpg.com.au - adminuser@tyrexpg.com.au
Administration Password:- SpamFilter
Standard Username:- mailto:user@tyrexpg.com.au - user@tyrexpg.com.au
Standard Password:- SpamFilter
Please note that the adminuser can see all the settings and alter as they desire however no changes will actually be written to the database.
If you like what you see then send me an email Andrew at ntbm .com .au
As I am looking for beta Testers