Hi Roberto,
We were using
After your response I have since updated to and the anti virus issue is now resolved, however when starting the service we noticed errors in the activity log:
12/23/10 11:31:19:016 -- ===========Executing:============
12/23/10 11:31:19:016 -- if exists (select * from sysobjects
where name = 'trwl_authorizedtoemails_au' and type = 'tr') drop
trigger[trwl_authorizedtoemails_au]; --
12/23/10 11:31:19:156 -- ******* Error:Cannot drop the
trigger 'trwl_authorizedtoemails_au', because it does not exist or you do not
have permission
12/23/10 11:31:19:156 -- ===========Executing:============
12/23/10 11:31:19:156 --
-- create trigger [dbo].[trwl_authorizedtoemails_au] -- on
[dbo].[tblwl_authorizedtoemails] -- after update as -- insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid,
updatetable, tablename) select del.domainid, 1, 'tblwl_authorizedtoemails' from
deleted del -- where not exists (select
* from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = del.domainid) and (r.tablename
= 'tblwl_authorizedtoemails')) -- insert
into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select s.domainid,
1, 'tblwl_authorizedtoemails' from tbl_localdomains d inner join
tbl_filtersettings s -- on d.id =
s.domainid where (d.usedefaults=0) and (s.wl_authorizedtoemailsusedefaults = 1)
-- declare @tmp_id int -- select top 1 @tmp_id = s.domainid from
tbl_localdomains d inner join tbl_filtersettings s on d.id = s.domainid where
(d.usedefaults=0) and (s.wl_authorizedtoemailsusedefaults = 1) -- if (@tmp_id <> null) and not exists
(select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = @tmp_id) and
(r.tablename = 'tblwl_authorizedtoemails')) -- insert into tblreloadtableinfo
(domainid, updatetable, tablename) values (@tmp_id, 1,
'tblwl_authorizedtoemails') --
12/23/10 11:31:19:172 -- ******* Error:Invalid column name
The log continues with multiple errors of a similar nature. Is this anything to be worried about?
Many thanks