In my prior posts, I was working on the email server's console. I've just moved to my notebook and fired up terminal server and my firewall remote console so that I could cut over the firewall redirectors. Several things aren't right when I log in via terminal server to access the SpamFilter console:
1. the program is not in the parked icon list, even though it appears to be running. Evidently the other problem that I reported has left SpamFilter running on the system console. I cannot access the running instance because I cannot release the SpamFilter program console that's running on the system console.
2. When I start a new instance of SpamFilter to access the console, I get the cannot bind message. Hopefully this is b/c the other instance already has bound the IP/port, but it would be wise to check running instances before attempting to bind...
3. The version information is completely wrong - I get symbols like v%s on the second instance, where I saw actual version info on the running instance on the system console. Interestingly, I saw a similar problem on the earlier version, but I suspect that it's related to a non-started instance or wrongly started instance. I could not report the version number to you in my first posting about binding problms b/c I saw only symbols, no version numbers. Please check to see that correct version information is displayed when the program fails to bind/start correctly.
Robert Shelton