Mem Leak?
Printed From: LogSat Software
Category: Spam Filter ISP
Forum Name: Spam Filter ISP Support
Forum Description: General support for Spam Filter ISP
Printed Date: 14 March 2025 at 3:52am
Topic: Mem Leak?
Posted By: kspare
Subject: Mem Leak?
Date Posted: 08 August 2003 at 1:27pm
Hi, I'm running version 194 registered and it seems like there is a mem leak. After only 200 messages Spamfilter is useing 107mb ram and 133mb of virtual ram. Nothing fancy on the machine, just nt4, sp6a, iis4 and mysql.
Posted By: LogSat
Date Posted: 08 August 2003 at 1:29pm
Do you have quarantined emails being displayed in the quarantine tab? If so, try to "Hide List", since that view does consume a lot of RAM.
Roberto Franceschetti LogSat Software
Posted By: kspare
Date Posted: 08 August 2003 at 1:32pm
I don't see how there could be, as I rebooted the server and never even logged into it until now to check to see how much ram it was using. I'm also running it as a service if that helps.
Posted By: LogSat
Date Posted: 08 August 2003 at 3:16pm
We've had a couple of reports where the quarantine grid fills up by itself, without any user intervention, thus the question. If you have verified that it is indeed empty, could you please email us at" CLASS="ASPForums" TITLE="WARNING: URL created by poster. - a copy of the spamfilter logs which start from when you last started the spamfilter service?
Roberto F. LogSat Software
Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: 11 August 2003 at 10:45am
Hi Kevin,
I am running version 190, as a severice on W2k SP3, MySQL, IIS and have also noticed that ther is a big memory leak when the quarantine list is not hidden. It service as using 200+ megs and when I hid the list the memory usage dropped to 6 megs. This is my test server and durring this testing there was no load on it over the last week.
I do not know if this helps. - Steve
Posted By: kspare
Date Posted: 11 August 2003 at 11:46am
Yeah, there is definitly a problem, my backup mailserver, which gets about 40 emails a day, all of which are spam, consumed 400megs of mem over a 24 hour period. That's not good, I am having to restart the service ever 12 hours...
Posted By: Desperado
Date Posted: 11 August 2003 at 5:20pm
What build are you running? It is unclear to me why you are getting a memory leak. I manage about 50,000 message a day and currently have 300,000 messages quarantines and Spam Filter is running at around 35MB of RAM Even if I let the Quarantine Grid populate, I do not have anywhere near the RAM usage you are reporting.
Dan S.
Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: 11 August 2003 at 6:09pm
I typically have 50,000+ items in qurantine and use the grid many time a day and have never seen a memory leak nor the memory useage you are describing. This sounds like something else is contributing to the problem. Do you have a virus scanner running on the system? If so then you should exclude the spamfilter log folder since log files are always being written to.
Posted By: kspare
Date Posted: 11 August 2003 at 7:04pm
I'm running ver 194 registered. And yes I agree, it's doesn't make much sense.
Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: 11 August 2003 at 8:37pm
While I haven't tried any of the builds after 190 you might want to try 195 and see if that helps.
Posted By: Desperado
Date Posted: 12 August 2003 at 2:11am
Running build 195, with 307,000 messages in the Quarantine and under light load (10 or so connections) I have the following stats:
With out the Quarantine Grid: 10-12MB RAM
With Quarantine Grid: 225MB RAM
In both cases, the RAM usage fluctuates up and down with load but I do not see anything like a memory leak at this point on any of my installs.
Dan S.
Posted By: kspare
Date Posted: 12 August 2003 at 2:14am
I just upgraded today to 195 and here are the results.
I have it running on 2 servers. and both are sitting at 50 megs.
One server has processed 17 messages (this is my backup smtp server)
The other server has processed about 100.
Not sure why it's using all that mem, but it's definitly slower than before. I am going to leave it running and see if it consumes anymore mem, although I can't see why it needs that much mem!
Oh, and because I know people will say it. If I refresh the q, the mem jumps up and as soon as I hide it, it goes back down, so I don't think that is the problem.
Posted By: LogSat
Date Posted: 12 August 2003 at 7:15pm
The high memory usage while displaying the quarantined items is not actually a leak. Displaying all that data does actually require that much RAM. Unfortunately right now this is out of our control, the graphic grid control used by our compiler uses up all that RAM when displaying the items. Hiding the list releases all memory used, without any leaks.
We're looking for a replacement component.
Roberto F. LogSat Software
Posted By: LogSat
Date Posted: 12 August 2003 at 7:20pm
I'm still not sure we received a definite answer on this. Do you see a usage of 100s of MB even after hitting the "Hide List" button? We do know about the high memory usage while displaying items in the list, please see" CLASS="ASPForums" TITLE="WARNING: URL created by poster. Open message: ‘Re: Mem Leak?’ - Re: Mem Leak? for more. But high ram while the grid is empty is not normal.
Roberto F LogSat Software
Posted By: kspare
Date Posted: 12 August 2003 at 7:39pm
Yeah, it does it eitherway. If I refresh the grid you can see the mem go up, and as soon as I hide it, it goes down. I have even tried clearing out the database so it has nothing quaruntined, and it still does it.
Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: 12 August 2003 at 9:15pm
Ok, it not a "leak" but the usage is high for the size load and much higher than the amount used by the earlier version.
I have restarted it and it has been running for the last two days and it has processed 0 messages and has 0 quarantined and is using 30 megs, hidding does not change it.
Could it be the build of mysql or the ODBC driver, I am running the lastest version for mysql?
Any ideas as what to try?
Thanks - Steve
Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: 12 August 2003 at 11:42pm
It could be the ODBC driver causing the problem. I am using UDL to connect to my SAL server and don't see near the memory useage that everyone is seeing.
With Grid mem = 22,560K
Without Grid = 9600K
CPU 3-40%
Processes = 46
Database size = 152MB
Posted By: kspare
Date Posted: 13 August 2003 at 12:08pm
Well guys, Dan and I spend 3.5 hours on this last night and we have a solution for the mysql guys!
We found that if you run mysql odbc driver 3.51 spamfilter would have a mem leak. Even with roberto's suggested settings:
(" CLASS="ASPForums" TITLE="WARNING: URL created by poster. -" CLASS="ASPForums" TITLE="WARNING: URL created by poster. -" CLASS="ASPForums" TITLE="WARNING: URL created by poster. - )
My backup sever which processed 12 spam messages last night, sat at 80 megs. While my prod server which processed about 200 normally, would have been at around 100 megs, However, I uninstalled the 3.51 client and installed the 2.50 mysql odbc client and it worked like a charm, sits at 8 megs which is perfectly acceptable.
Hope this helps!
Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: 13 August 2003 at 2:05pm
Thanks I will try it and let you know.
- Steve
Posted By: Sean
Date Posted: 13 August 2003 at 5:15pm
This was the problem we were having in this post:" CLASS="ASPForums" TITLE="WARNING: URL created by poster. -" CLASS="ASPForums" TITLE="WARNING: URL created by poster. -
I will try the 2.50 OBDC driver and see if it helps.
Posted By: kspare
Date Posted: 13 August 2003 at 5:31pm
Good stuff, let us know how this works for you.
btw, my process was to delete any 3.51 dsn's uninstall the 3.51 odbc driver, then install 2.50 and it worked for me, however you should just have to install the 2.50 driver, delete the dsn and recreate it and re-configure spamfitler and you'll be good to go.
Posted By: kspare
Date Posted: 13 August 2003 at 5:49pm
well we're not home free yet....
I have noticed since back reving to Mysql ODBC driver 2.50 when a message comes in and it is to be quarantined, I get the message "Exception occorred during RECIEVEMESSAGE: Could not convert varient of type (null) into type (integer)
at this point it disconnects and the message is not quaruntined. Is anyone else having this problem who has gone back to ver 2.50?
Posted By: Sean
Date Posted: 13 August 2003 at 5:54pm
I was just about to say that the 2.50 driver does not work. We are getting all kinds of execption errors such as yours. Also if we try to delete or deliver a message from quarentine view, nothing happens.
Reverted back to 3.51 driver for now.
Posted By: kspare
Date Posted: 13 August 2003 at 7:12pm
I was just going to post that, after digging deeper I found numerous problems with the 2.50 driver. I have reverted back to 3.51 I will just have to restart the service every 24 hours for now. I do know that this problem has been recreated by Dan and possible Roberto. However it seems like it is limited to NT4.0 and not windows 2000.....
Posted By: Desperado
Date Posted: 13 August 2003 at 11:46pm
I have 2 test beds set up and never having really used MySql before, this was a task. I have a autoresopnder endless loop set up and hit both servers with 200 messages / min
Both servers: SpamFilter build 195
Both Servers: ODBC Driver 3.5
After 2 hours
On the NT4 (SP6a) box, the server crashed and burnned in very short order. I have so many errors comming from God knows where that I went into sensory overload trying to look at them
On the Win2K box ... well, it is still running and I have about 40meg being used by SpamFilter.
On the NT box, I changed my UDL to point to my Microsoft (how I hate that word) MS-SQL 2000 SP3(+) and it is running as I write this and looks like it will be fine.
So ... what the heck? I just do not have enough experience with MySQL to go much further. I have, in fact, sent all my test information over to Roberto and I believe he is setting a test up on and NT box but I do not want to speak for him.
Dan S.
Posted By: LogSat
Date Posted: 13 August 2003 at 11:56pm
Now that you and George have found this to happen on NT4, we were finally able to reproduce the leak on an NT4 server with SpamFilter running as a service. What is odd is that the leak only happened once, we were not able to reproduce it again... Working with the debug data we collected, we may have found a possible problem. Non matter what we did, after the code change the leak was unreproduceable.
We've just uploaded beta build .196 in the registered user are. If you can give it a try, please let us know if a miracle happened and the leak is gone.
If not, can you please try running SpamFilter in standalone mode rather than as a service, and let us know if that leaks as well?
If so, can you please run SpamFilter from the command line with the follwoing switch:
SpamFilter -d
and let it run until you see 50-100MB leaking. When you close SpamFilter, the -d switch will show a debug window to come up. Please email us the contents.
If the leak only occurs in the service, please add the -d switch in the registry at:
edit the ImagePath value and add the -d option at the end of the existing value, ex:
C:\\SpamFilter\\SpamFilterSvc.exe /startedbyscm:F9D641D8-40E26D57-SpamFilter -d
Roberto F. LogSat Software
Posted By: kspare
Date Posted: 14 August 2003 at 12:23am
It leaked in standalone mode as well. I will install it on my backup server and give it a try right now and see how it does in a few hours.
Posted By: Sean
Date Posted: 14 August 2003 at 8:40am
I hate to post this, but. Has anyone tried to see if the leak occurs while running MySQL on a seperate box from SpamFilter. If so was the Box running MySQL window 2K or NT 4.0. This should help determine if it is related to the MySQL OBDC driver running on NT 4.0. I'm sorry, I would test this myself, but aftering losing my Email server last week (hence lack of post latley from me), I am still in the process recreating all processes on the Server.
Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: 14 August 2003 at 9:56am
Hi all,
It has been about 24 and after switching to the 2.5 driver the memory usage has remained at 9megs with the list hidden and no load.
Will upgrade to the latest version and see what happens.
Posted By: kspare
Date Posted: 14 August 2003 at 1:15pm
Actually that is how I am running.....We know it's a problem between Spamfilter and the odbc driver on NT4
Posted By: Sean
Date Posted: 18 August 2003 at 1:20pm
How is the .198 release on correcting this issue?
Posted By: Sean
Date Posted: 19 August 2003 at 3:26pm
FYI : I've tested the .198 release, and memory leak still exist.
Posted By: LogSat
Date Posted: 19 August 2003 at 8:16pm
Can you please ensure you are actually running MDAC 2.7, and it has not been corrupted? We (actually SpamFilter users) have found using the MDAC Component Checker that their install of MDAC had been down-revved by other applications. Reinstalling MDAC 2.7 fixed all leak issues.
Roberto F. LogSat Software
Posted By: Sean
Date Posted: 21 August 2003 at 1:38pm
As you noted, MDAC on our server has been downgraded as well. The culprit... None other than Crystal Reports. However, instead of reinstalling version 2.7 of MDAC (which now has 3 versions, 2.7, 2.7 refresh, and 2.7 SP1) I am going to attempt to install and run MDAC 2.8. Is there any known issues with 2.8 that I should be aware of?
We installed MDAC 2.8 and are not having any problems, the Memory leak has also gone away. For those wondering MDAC 2.8 can be found at the link below:" CLASS="ASPForums" TITLE="WARNING: URL created by poster. -" CLASS="ASPForums" TITLE="WARNING: URL created by poster. -