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Keyword filtering

Printed From: LogSat Software
Category: Spam Filter ISP
Forum Name: Spam Filter ISP Support
Forum Description: General support for Spam Filter ISP
Printed Date: 14 March 2025 at 3:53am

Topic: Keyword filtering
Posted By: Guests
Subject: Keyword filtering
Date Posted: 16 June 2004 at 9:21am

I've got SPAMFilter running on a test domain name that gets lots of SPAM and it seems to be working nicely, except it isn't filtering much at all.

I think this is because I have no keyword filtering. Is there a default keyword file that I can get from somewhere, or would someone be kind enough to share theirs with me? I'm not an expert on this regex stuff and it's going to take me ages to get it all working.

Any help would be really appreciated.


Posted By: LogSat
Date Posted: 16 June 2004 at 11:14pm


We've sent you via email a list of keyword you can use. Using good MAPS RBL servers and often rejecting connections from servers without reverse DNS will stop a lot of emails. Please note however that these filters require that SpamFilter see the original IP address of the sender, so if you place SpamFilter behind a firewall you will need to configure it (the firewall) so that it does not mask the original IP.

Roberto F.
LogSat Software

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: 17 June 2004 at 6:14am

I am interested by such a keyword file. Please could  you also send it to me.

Many thanks.



Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: 18 June 2004 at 9:47am
Wonderful could you please post it to me?



Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: 19 June 2004 at 10:47pm

Me too.  Thanks.


Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: 21 June 2004 at 11:09am

Excellent!  Please email to me as well.


Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: 23 June 2004 at 2:00am

Would love a copy of your list via email as well.



Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: 29 June 2004 at 11:19am

Could I get a copy of this list?


Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: 14 July 2004 at 5:19pm

Can I have a that email also please.


Posted By: CyberBob
Date Posted: 10 August 2004 at 12:24pm



Can you send the keyword list to" CLASS="ASPForums" TITLE="WARNING: URL created by poster. -





Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: 19 August 2004 at 4:32pm

Roberto I would like the keyword list as well.

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: 22 September 2004 at 6:33am

Could I also have a copy of this list. Since there is such a high demand for this list maybe someone should put online to be accessed easily.


Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: 26 September 2004 at 4:15pm
I would like the keyword list too.


Posted By: Lee
Date Posted: 30 September 2004 at 7:51am

Roberto I wouldn't mind having a copy of this list as well.

Have you thought about including the keyword file as part of the SF download ? I know there is a blank keyword.txt file including maybe this file would be a good start for new installs.

Thanks Lee

Posted By: LogSat
Date Posted: 30 September 2004 at 11:09pm

The lists are contributed by our users actually. Yes, we've thought about distributing them with the software, but then opted against it. For one, the keywords may be excessively strict for some users, and we'd also like to keep it away from spammers so they don't find workarounds for them...

The list is attached in a private email sent to you.

Roberto Franceschetti LogSat Software

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: 04 October 2004 at 12:02pm

I hate these words... but... me too! 

I'm finding it tough to keep up with the almost daily requirement of updating filters - and I'm WAY behind...

Is there a 'soon to be released' patch that will allow us to train the bayes filter about it's misses?  There's so much spam making it through, it would be nice to be able to tell SpamFilter what it didn't do well, so it could learn from it's mistakes.

Maybe better filters up front (that part is my fault...) would help too...



Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: 04 October 2004 at 2:11pm

Would also like a copy of the keyword list.

Posted By: LogSat
Date Posted: 04 October 2004 at 6:09pm

We're focusing on implementing an anti-virus plugin, it shold be ready in bout 30 days. When done, we'll revisit the Bayesian "training".

Roberto F. LogSat Software

PS - I emailed you the keyword file separately.

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: 06 October 2004 at 5:29pm

Me too, me too <jumping up and down>  ;-)



Posted By: Desperado
Date Posted: 07 October 2004 at 6:16pm

Since it looks like you have a registered copy of SF you can go to the following and sign up and then see some of the keywords that are being used." CLASS="ASPForums" TITLE="WARNING: URL created by poster. -" CLASS="ASPForums" TITLE="WARNING: URL created by poster. -

Dan S.

Posted By: Terry
Date Posted: 07 October 2004 at 8:46pm
Roberto, I guess I would like to get a copy of the keyword list also...Thanks

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: 20 October 2004 at 4:27pm

can i get this list please? thank you" CLASS="ASPForums" TITLE="WARNING: URL created by poster. -

Posted By: Desperado
Date Posted: 20 October 2004 at 6:05pm

The address you provided seems to be hosted on a Sendmail server.  Do you have a registered copy of SpamFilter?

Dan S.  (User)


Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: 21 October 2004 at 12:26pm

I am interested for this keyword file. Please could  you also send it to me.

thanks and Kind regards from Switzerland .


Posted By: LogSat
Date Posted: 21 October 2004 at 11:02pm

We've emailed you the file in a separate private email.

Roberto F. LogSat Software

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: 26 October 2004 at 12:31am
Please send me the keyword filter list.. I am trying out your product Thank you

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: 29 October 2004 at 7:25am

Could you please e-mail me this list as well?


Posted By: Web123
Date Posted: 05 November 2004 at 4:45am

Can i also get this list please?

thank you," CLASS="ASPForums" TITLE="WARNING: URL created by poster. -


Posted By: Web123
Date Posted: 09 November 2004 at 3:17am
Could I also get this list?
(haven't received yet?)
Kim" CLASS="ASPForums" TITLE="WARNING: URL created by poster. -

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: 17 November 2004 at 11:28am
I would be interested in a list too if one is available.

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: 21 November 2004 at 8:47am


i'm interested to have this list.

Thanks in advance

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: 28 December 2004 at 6:22pm

Could you send that keywork list along to me as well, please?

Email is: scotbw [at]

Thanks much!

Posted By: Desperado
Date Posted: 28 December 2004 at 6:40pm
Registered users of SpamFilterISP can find some of my filters if you register on the "un-official" Forum at:" CLASS="ASPForums" TITLE="WARNING: URL created by poster. -" CLASS="ASPForums" TITLE="WARNING: URL created by poster. -
Then go to the "Download Area".

Posted By: sirrar
Date Posted: 29 December 2004 at 3:03am


Could You please also send me a copy of your keyword file?

I have one I've been working on for some time.

But it's not 100%, maybe yours could give me the last.

Please attach the file or else it likely me spamfilter will quarantine it


Happy newyear (without spam) to you all!


Best regards...

Torsten Christiansen


Posted By: Desperado
Date Posted: 29 December 2004 at 3:00pm
Registered users of SpamFilterISP can find some of my filters if you register on the "un-official" Forum at:" CLASS="ASPForums" TITLE="WARNING: URL created by poster. -" CLASS="ASPForums" TITLE="WARNING: URL created by poster. -" CLASS="ASPForums" TITLE="WARNING: URL created by poster. -
Then go to the "Download Area".

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: 03 January 2005 at 4:23am
Roberto, I would like to recieve the keyword filter list also please....

Thank you very much in advance

keep up the good work

your sincerely,


p.s. best wishes for 2005

Posted By: mikek
Date Posted: 11 January 2005 at 3:54am

Please send me your keyword list as well! Thank you!


Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: 19 January 2005 at 7:46pm

I would love to have these lists also.  Have been stugling with regex with some success, but an example list would be helpful (regex included?)



Posted By: Desperado
Date Posted: 20 January 2005 at 3:33pm

You should have a confirmation for the unofficial forum now and can get a list there.



Posted By: Zoro
Date Posted: 23 November 2005 at 9:54am
Could I get a copy of this keyword list?

Posted By: Rifleman
Date Posted: 28 November 2005 at 4:38pm
I would like to get a copy as well. I registered on the site but it never gave me confirmation to activate the account.

Posted By: sgeorge
Date Posted: 29 November 2005 at 9:07am
I would also like a copy of the recommended keyword list (sgeorge.msandyou (at) gmail [dot] com).

Desperado, I too had difficulty signing up on the unofficial SpamFilter ISP web site.  I was sent a confirmation email with my username and password, but they don't seem to work.  I am not sure whether my account (sgeorge) was successfully activated.  I also tried the "Send Pasword" option to attempt to confirm or reset my password, but that gave me this error:
Parse error: parse error, unexpected T_VARIABLE in d:\apache group\apache\htdocs\spamfilter\modules\Your_Accou nt\public\mailpass.php on line 80
Thanks for any help that you can provide.


Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: 20 December 2005 at 8:45pm


can someone send me this list aswell ?  please send to email below

thx -



Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: 30 December 2005 at 3:02am


I am facing problem in filtering out keywords in "Subject" field of the mail. i've tried to filter them out by putting entries in Keywords Filter like,

Subject: <word>

but its not working properly, so would u plz guide me, how to filter mails with unwanted words in SUBJECT field.


Posted By: Desperado
Date Posted: 30 December 2005 at 10:56am

ALL:  I no longer have the time to support the "Un-Official forum".  With this new forum, perhaps there is a way I can provide links to my lists only to registered SpamFilterISP owners.  However, I have only a very small Keyword list as I lean on the SMTP server configuration issues more shuch as rDNS and MX records and such.

HOWEVER:  On the keyword in subject issue, I have the following and they always work so I am not too sure what issues others are having:


The "(?i) is not really required if I use all lower case in the regular expression but I tend to use a stricter form of RegEx by habbit (Perl Programming).

The Desperado
Dan Seligmann.

Posted By: jhughes88
Date Posted: 07 February 2006 at 12:17pm

Can I get a copy of the Keywords example.  Please send to - .



Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: 07 March 2006 at 5:02pm

Can someone please send me a copy of the keywords list and examples to pseixas(at)spn(dot)pt?!



Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: 26 April 2006 at 9:24am
Can I get one copy this keywords list please at ???


Posted By: jemmie
Date Posted: 22 July 2006 at 6:59am

Can I also get a copy of the keyword filter list


Posted By: Wayne
Date Posted: 29 August 2006 at 7:19am
Please can someone  send me the file too?


Posted By: __M__
Date Posted: 30 August 2006 at 9:32am

I'd appreciate a current list too please.

Thanx, Mike

Posted By: sgeorge
Date Posted: 30 August 2006 at 11:00am
Wayne, Mike,  ...I can send you a copy of my keyword list if you'd like. 

However, some of my keywords include offensive language.  Please let me know if you'd like me to remove any offensive keywords before sending it.

Also, some of my longer keywords will wrap lines if I PM them to you.  If you'd like a pure copy, you may want to PM me an email address to send it to.



Posted By: __M__
Date Posted: 30 August 2006 at 7:13pm

Stephen, many thanks. PM sent!

Regards, Mike

Posted By: sgeorge
Date Posted: 01 September 2006 at 3:28pm
Great, I'll send it sometime this weekend Mike.  ...I've been a bit lazy in my replies this week.


Posted By: DavidF
Date Posted: 07 September 2006 at 7:58pm


Please can I also have a copy of the keyword list file sent to -



Posted By: __M__
Date Posted: 07 September 2006 at 9:43pm

Stephen, just a reminder that I PM'd you my email address too.


Posted By: sed2c
Date Posted: 11 September 2006 at 8:47am

if still possible i would like  to receive a copy of the text file.

still strugling with it ;)


Posted By: sgeorge
Date Posted: 19 September 2006 at 5:56pm
jhughes88, __M__, Wayne, StevenJohns, and DavidF... I've finally sent you a copy of my list.  Sorry to keep you waiting after you requested it about 2 weeks ago... I've been MIA from the logsat forums for the past couple of weeks.

sed2c, I just PM'd you a couple of questions before sending it off.  Basically just wanted to know whether I should prune any offensive language from my list before sending it to you, and whether you prefered the list via email or PM.


Posted By: atifghaffar
Date Posted: 20 September 2006 at 6:01am

Stephen, Can you please also send me a copy.
You can send it unfiltered.


best regards


Posted By: __M__
Date Posted: 20 September 2006 at 7:07am

Stephen's keyword list works great, been running it for a few hours today and it is doing a fabulous job!

Thanks Stephen.

Posted By: dcook
Date Posted: 20 September 2006 at 7:46am


What ever happened to the forum you started for registered users?  I tried earlier in the thread, no response.

I was registered for your forum, was inactive and have lost the login.

dcook dot soundworks dot com




Posted By: jhughes88
Date Posted: 20 September 2006 at 11:18pm


Thanks for replying, but I didn't receive the keywords email or PM.  Please resend via PM if you could.  Appreciate your help!



Posted By: jhughes88
Date Posted: 20 September 2006 at 11:26pm


Sorry I lied, I did have it hidden away by another spam filter. 



Posted By: Thing
Date Posted: 22 September 2006 at 5:14pm
Originally posted by dcook dcook wrote:


What ever happened to the forum you started for registered users?  I tried earlier in the thread, no response.

I was registered for your forum, was inactive and have lost the login.

dcook dot soundworks dot com

The forum still exist, but I haven't seen any visitors in quite some time so I took it offline. Maybe it should be reactivated? I brought this up a couple weeks ago, but had no response. So do you want it again?

Posted By: Thermo
Date Posted: 09 October 2006 at 9:07am

Can you send me an unfiltered copy of your keyword list? I am looking at the percentage of spam going through for a few users and it is much higher than I thought it would be.

My keyword list is blank so I think this would be a great start.


Posted By: burdsjm
Date Posted: 16 October 2006 at 3:26pm
I would be very interested in this list.

Also how would I block Everyone  that emails from the *@*.biz domain?



Posted By: Hassan
Date Posted: 17 October 2006 at 8:25am

Can u send me a copy for the keyword blacklist? Why you don't make an automatic update file for this keyword BL.



Posted By: sgeorge
Date Posted: 17 October 2006 at 10:29am
Hi All, I'd be happy to pass along my latest keyword list - once I get around to updating it this week.  There are some additions (and removals) that I'd like to make first.

If you haven't done so already, please post or pm whether or not you want offensive language to be stripped from the keyword list before I send it to you.  While I don't keep an orwellian policy of banning emails with any offensive language, some of my keywords happen to have offensive phrases within them.  If you would rather not receive such colorful keywords, let me know!

Hassan, that is an excellent idea - maintaining an updated link to my latest keyword  list word certainly mean for a lot less hassle for those who ask for it.  However, I hesitate to do that because it exposes it more easily to those who would abuse it - i.e., spammers - who could have immediate and anonymous access to the list and try to evade the keywords.  Of course, there's nothing stopping them from asking me directly, but at least that way I know that dozens of spammers a day aren't feasting on the keyword list with anonymity.


Posted By: LeeC
Date Posted: 21 October 2006 at 12:43pm

Hi Stephen,

Would you be so kind as to send the keyword list along to me as well? Much appreciated!


lee @


Posted By: burdsjm
Date Posted: 23 October 2006 at 3:44pm
forgot to include my email address.


Posted By: wcspivey
Date Posted: 08 November 2006 at 5:39pm

Would love a copy of your list via email as well.

Many thanks!!!


Posted By: MatWEB
Date Posted: 24 November 2006 at 10:02am
I'm interested too. Can I have a copy please ???


Posted By: Rifleman
Date Posted: 28 November 2006 at 8:04am
Originally posted by LogSat LogSat wrote:


We've sent you via email a list of keyword you can use. Using good MAPS RBL servers and often rejecting connections from servers without reverse DNS will stop a lot of emails. Please note however that these filters require that SpamFilter see the original IP address of the sender, so if you place SpamFilter behind a firewall you will need to configure it (the firewall) so that it does not mask the original IP.

Roberto F.
LogSat Software

I am a registered user as well. Could I get this list please?
Thank you

Posted By: caratking
Date Posted: 28 November 2006 at 7:48pm

While I have been building up my own keyword list, I would appreciate seeing the techniques used by others as well.  If you can send me the list in a PM, or to - that would be appreciated.

I am also wondering how much 'load' using the regular expressions takes over just a keyword.  I would assume quite a bit more.

Posted By: gerdgoebel
Date Posted: 30 November 2006 at 9:16am

Could I have a copy of your list as well? -



Posted By: brainlift
Date Posted: 01 December 2006 at 11:12am
Could I get a copy of this list?


Posted By: Rifleman
Date Posted: 01 December 2006 at 11:15am
So, I guess this is normal? I requested a copy and no replies. Very annoying, sorry.... 

Posted By: bmahesh
Date Posted: 04 December 2006 at 7:46am


  can u send us keyword list

  Thank you

Posted By: kesutton
Date Posted: 04 December 2006 at 4:44pm

Would love a copy of your filter list as well.

email ken(at)

Posted By: NARDA
Date Posted: 23 February 2007 at 12:52pm

please i would like to have a copy too -



Posted By: TechSquared
Date Posted: 23 April 2007 at 10:51am

I would also like a copy of the keyword list or a link of where to download it.




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