All of my users are complaning that they do not get their registration emails. I even tried to choose the "Forgot Password" and this was unsuccessful. I ran a check on the database and (dont know if its related) this is what it showed.
================ please wait... Found tblQuarantine Found tblMsgs Found tblRejectCodes Found tblLogins Found tblServers tbl_FilterSettingsPresent - not found tbl_LocalDomainsPresent - not found tblBL_AttachmentsPresent - not found tblBL_CountriesPresent - not found tblBL_DomainsPresent - not found tblBL_EmailsFromPresent - not found tblBL_EmailsToPresent - not found tblBL_HoneypotblockedIPsPresent - not found tblBL_HoneypotEmailsPresent - not found tblBL_IPsPresent - not found tblBL_KeywordsPresent - not found tblBL_MAPSPresent - not found tblBL_SURBLPresent - not found tblReloadTableInfoPresent - not found tblWL_AuthorizedTOEmailsPresent - not found tblWL_AutoWhitelistForceDeliveryPresent - not found tblWL_DomainsIPsPresent - not found tblWL_EmailsFromPresent - not found tblWL_EmailsToPresent - not found tblWL_KeywordsPresent - not found Some Enterprise Database tables not found - recreating... ===========Executing:============ -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'tblbl_domains') drop table [dbo].[tblbl_domains] create table [dbo].[tblbl_domains] ( [id] int not null identity, [domainid] int default 0, [loginid] int default 0, [domainname] varchar(255), constraint [pk_tblbl_domains_id] primary key ([id]), ) -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'tblbl_emailsfrom') drop table [dbo].[tblbl_emailsfrom] create table [dbo].[tblbl_emailsfrom] ( [id] int not null identity, [domainid] int default 0, [loginid] int default 0, [email] varchar(320), constraint [pk_tblbl_emailsfrom_id] primary key ([id]), ) -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'tblbl_emailsto') drop table [dbo].[tblbl_emailsto] create table [dbo].[tblbl_emailsto] ( [id] int not null identity, [domainid] int default 0, [loginid] int default 0, [email] varchar(320), constraint [pk_tblbl_emailsto_id] primary key ([id]), ) -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'tblbl_maps') drop table [dbo].[tblbl_maps] create table [dbo].[tblbl_maps] ( [id] int not null identity, [domainid] int default 0, [loginid] int default 0, [server] varchar(255), [reverseip] bit default 1, constraint [pk_tblbl_maps_id] primary key ([id]), ) -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'tblbl_keywords') drop table [dbo].[tblbl_keywords] create table [dbo].[tblbl_keywords] ( [id] int not null identity, [domainid] int default 0, [loginid] int default 0, [keywords] varchar(1024), constraint [pk_tblbl_keywords_id] primary key ([id]), ) -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'tblbl_attachments') drop table [dbo].[tblbl_attachments] create table [dbo].[tblbl_attachments] ( [id] int not null identity, [domainid] int default 0, [loginid] int default 0, [attachments] varchar(1024), constraint [pk_tblbl_attachments_id] primary key ([id]), ) -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'tblbl_surbl') drop table [dbo].[tblbl_surbl] create table [dbo].[tblbl_surbl] ( [id] int not null identity, [domainid] int default 0, [loginid] int default 0, [server] varchar(320), constraint [pk_tblbl_surbl_id] primary key ([id]), ) -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'tblbl_ips') drop table [dbo].[tblbl_ips] create table [dbo].[tblbl_ips] ( [id] int not null identity, [domainid] int default 0, [loginid] int default 0, [ip] varchar(15), constraint [pk_tblbl_ips_id] primary key ([id]), ) -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'tblbl_honeypotemails') drop table [dbo].[tblbl_honeypotemails] create table [dbo].[tblbl_honeypotemails] ( [id] int not null identity, [domainid] int default 0, [loginid] int default 0, [email] varchar(320), constraint [pk_tblbl_honeypotemails_id] primary key ([id]), ) -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'tblbl_honeypotblockedips') drop table [dbo].[tblbl_honeypotblockedips] create table [dbo].[tblbl_honeypotblockedips] ( [id] int not null identity, [domainid] int default 0, [loginid] int default 0, [ip] varchar(15), constraint [pk_tblbl_honeypotblockedips_id] primary key ([id]), ) -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'tblbl_countries') drop table [dbo].[tblbl_countries] create table [dbo].[tblbl_countries] ( [id] int not null identity, [domainid] int default 0, [loginid] int default 0, [countrycode] varchar(2), constraint [pk_tblbl_countries_id] primary key ([id]), ) -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'tblwl_authorizedtoemails') drop table [dbo].[tblwl_authorizedtoemails] create table [dbo].[tblwl_authorizedtoemails] ( [id] int not null identity, [domainid] int default 0, [loginid] int default 0, [email] varchar(320), constraint [pk_tblwl_authorizedtoemails_id] primary key ([id]), ) -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'tblwl_keywords') drop table [dbo].[tblwl_keywords] create table [dbo].[tblwl_keywords] ( [id] int not null identity, [domainid] int default 0, [loginid] int default 0, [keywords] varchar(1024), constraint [pk_tblwl_keywords_id] primary key ([id]), ) -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'tblwl_emailsfrom') drop table [dbo].[tblwl_emailsfrom] create table [dbo].[tblwl_emailsfrom] ( [id] int not null identity, [domainid] int default 0, [loginid] int default 0, [email] varchar(320), constraint [pk_tblwl_emailsfrom_id] primary key ([id]), ) -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'tblwl_emailsto') drop table [dbo].[tblwl_emailsto] create table [dbo].[tblwl_emailsto] ( [id] int not null identity, [domainid] int default 0, [loginid] int default 0, [email] varchar(320), constraint [pk_tblwl_emailsto_id] primary key ([id]), ) -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'tblwl_autowhitelistforcedelivery') drop table [dbo].[tblwl_autowhitelistforcedelivery] create table [dbo].[tblwl_autowhitelistforcedelivery] ( [id] int not null identity, [domainid] int default 0, [loginid] int default 0, [email] varchar(320), constraint [pk_tblwl_autowhitelistforcedelivery_id] primary key ([id]), ) -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'tblwl_domainsips') drop table [dbo].[tblwl_domainsips] create table [dbo].[tblwl_domainsips] ( [id] int not null identity, [domainid] int default 0, [loginid] int default 0, [domain_or_ip] varchar(255), constraint [pk_tblwl_domainsips_id] primary key ([id]), ) -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'tblreloadtableinfo') drop table [dbo].[tblreloadtableinfo] create table [dbo].[tblreloadtableinfo] ( [id] int not null identity, [domainid] int default 0, [tablename] varchar(45), [updatetable] bit default 1, constraint [pk_tblreloadtableinfo_id] primary key ([id]), ) -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'tbl_filtersettings') drop table [dbo].[tbl_filtersettings] create table [dbo].[tbl_filtersettings] ( [id] int not null identity, [domainid] int default 0, [bl_domainsforcedelete] bit default 0, [bl_emailsfromforcedelete] bit default 0, [bl_emailstoforcedelete] bit default 0, [bl_countriesforcedelete] bit default 0, [bl_mapsforcedelete] bit default 0, [bl_keywordsforcedelete] bit default 0, [bl_attachmentsforcedelete] bit default 0, [bl_surblforcedelete] bit default 0, [bl_ipsforcedelete] bit default 0, [bl_honeypotemailsforcedelete] bit default 0, [rejectnoreverseforcedelete] bit default 0, [rejectnomxforcedelete] bit default 0, [spffilterenableforcedelete] bit default 0, [rejectemptymailfromforcedelete] bit default 0, [rejectsametofromdomainforcedelete] bit default 0, [rejectsametofromforcedelete] bit default 0, [sfdbforcedelete] bit default 0, [maxrcpt_toforcedelete] bit default 0, [authorizedtoforcedelete] bit default 0, [antivirusforcedelete] bit default 0, [imageforcedelete] bit default 0, [surblforcedelete] bit default 0, [bayesianfilterenable] bit default 1, [bayesianforcedelete] bit default 0, [spffilterenable] bit default 1, [spfneutralfilter] bit default 0, [spfsoftfailfilter] bit default 1, [spffailfilter] bit default 1, [allowpercent] bit default 0, [tagspam] bit default 0, [tagspamsubject] bit default 0, [tagspamandquarantine] bit default 0, [rejectnoreverse] bit default 1, [rejectnomx] bit default 1, [rejectemptymailfrom] bit default 0, [rejectsametofrom] bit default 0, [rejectsametofromdomain] bit default 0, [enableipcacheblacklist] bit default 1, [autowhitelistforcedeliveryenabled] bit default 1, [minmaps] int default 1, [maxsubjectspaces] int default 10, [spamimagethreshold] int default 10, [sfdb_networkreliability] int default 3, [sfdb_filtersall] bit default 1, [sfdb_filterslist] varchar(255), constraint [pk_tbl_filtersettings_id] primary key ([id]), ) -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'tbl_localdomains') drop table [dbo].[tbl_localdomains] create table [dbo].[tbl_localdomains] ( [id] int not null identity, [domainname] varchar(255), [destsmtpserver] varchar(255), [destsmtpserverport] int, [usedefaults] bit not null default 1, constraint [pk_tbl_localdomains_id] primary key ([id]), ) create index [domainid] on [dbo].[tblbl_domains]([domainid]) create index [loginid] on [dbo].[tblbl_domains]([loginid]) create index [domainname] on [dbo].[tblbl_domains]([domainname]) create index [domainid] on [dbo].[tblbl_emailsfrom]([domainid]) create index [loginid] on [dbo].[tblbl_emailsfrom]([loginid]) create index [email] on [dbo].[tblbl_emailsfrom]([email]) create index [domainid] on [dbo].[tblbl_emailsto]([domainid]) create index [loginid] on [dbo].[tblbl_emailsto]([loginid]) create index [email] on [dbo].[tblbl_emailsto]([email]) create index [domainid] on [dbo].[tblbl_maps]([domainid]) create index [loginid] on [dbo].[tblbl_maps]([loginid]) create index [server] on [dbo].[tblbl_maps]([server]) create index [domainid] on [dbo].[tblbl_keywords]([domainid]) create index [loginid] on [dbo].[tblbl_keywords]([loginid]) create index [domainid] on [dbo].[tblbl_attachments]([domainid]) create index [loginid] on [dbo].[tblbl_attachments]([loginid]) create index [domainid] on [dbo].[tblbl_surbl]([domainid]) create index [loginid] on [dbo].[tblbl_surbl]([loginid]) create index [server] on [dbo].[tblbl_surbl]([server]) create index [domainid] on [dbo].[tblbl_ips]([domainid]) create index [loginid] on [dbo].[tblbl_ips]([loginid]) create index [ip] on [dbo].[tblbl_ips]([ip]) create index [domainid] on [dbo].[tblbl_honeypotemails]([domainid]) create index [loginid] on [dbo].[tblbl_honeypotemails]([loginid]) create index [email] on [dbo].[tblbl_honeypotemails]([email]) create index [domainid] on [dbo].[tblbl_honeypotblockedips]([domainid]) create index [loginid] on [dbo].[tblbl_honeypotblockedips]([loginid]) create index [ip] on [dbo].[tblbl_honeypotblockedips]([ip]) create index [domainid] on [dbo].[tblbl_countries]([domainid]) create index [loginid] on [dbo].[tblbl_countries]([loginid]) create index [countrycode] on [dbo].[tblbl_countries]([countrycode]) create index [domainid] on [dbo].[tblwl_authorizedtoemails]([domainid]) create index [loginid] on [dbo].[tblwl_authorizedtoemails]([loginid]) create index [email] on [dbo].[tblwl_authorizedtoemails]([email]) create index [domainid] on [dbo].[tblwl_keywords]([domainid]) create index [loginid] on [dbo].[tblwl_keywords]([loginid]) create index [domainid] on [dbo].[tblwl_emailsfrom]([domainid]) create index [loginid] on [dbo].[tblwl_emailsfrom]([loginid]) create index [email] on [dbo].[tblwl_emailsfrom]([email]) create index [domainid] on [dbo].[tblwl_emailsto]([domainid]) create index [loginid] on [dbo].[tblwl_emailsto]([loginid]) create index [email] on [dbo].[tblwl_emailsto]([email]) create index [domainid] on [dbo].[tblwl_autowhitelistforcedelivery]([domainid]) create index [loginid] on [dbo].[tblwl_autowhitelistforcedelivery]([loginid]) create index [email] on [dbo].[tblwl_autowhitelistforcedelivery]([email]) create index [domainid] on [dbo].[tblwl_domainsips]([domainid]) create index [loginid] on [dbo].[tblwl_domainsips]([loginid]) create index [domain_or_ip] on [dbo].[tblwl_domainsips]([domain_or_ip]) create index [tablename] on [dbo].[tblreloadtableinfo]([tablename]) create index [domainid] on [dbo].[tbl_filtersettings]([domainid]) create unique index [domainname] on [dbo].[tbl_localdomains]([domainname]) alter table [dbo].[tblbl_domains] add constraint [fktblbl_domains] foreign key ( [domainid] ) references [dbo].[tbl_localdomains] ( [id] ) on delete cascade alter table [dbo].[tblbl_emailsfrom] add constraint [fktblbl_emailsfrom] foreign key ( [domainid] ) references [dbo].[tbl_localdomains] ( [id] ) on delete cascade alter table [dbo].[tblbl_emailsto] add constraint [fktblbl_emailsto] foreign key ( [domainid] ) references [dbo].[tbl_localdomains] ( [id] ) on delete cascade alter table [dbo].[tblbl_maps] add constraint [fktblbl_maps] foreign key ( [domainid] ) references [dbo].[tbl_localdomains] ( [id] ) on delete cascade alter table [dbo].[tblbl_keywords] add constraint [fktblbl_keywords] foreign key ( [domainid] ) references [dbo].[tbl_localdomains] ( [id] ) on delete cascade alter table [dbo].[tblbl_attachments] add constraint [fktblbl_attachments] foreign key ( [domainid] ) references [dbo].[tbl_localdomains] ( [id] ) on delete cascade alter table [dbo].[tblbl_surbl] add constraint [fktblbl_surbl] foreign key ( [domainid] ) references [dbo].[tbl_localdomains] ( [id] ) on delete cascade alter table [dbo].[tblbl_ips] add constraint [fktblbl_ips] foreign key ( [domainid] ) references [dbo].[tbl_localdomains] ( [id] ) on delete cascade alter table [dbo].[tblbl_honeypotemails] add constraint [fktblbl_honeypotemails] foreign key ( [domainid] ) references [dbo].[tbl_localdomains] ( [id] ) on delete cascade alter table [dbo].[tblbl_honeypotblockedips] add constraint [fktblbl_honeypotblockedips] foreign key ( [domainid] ) references [dbo].[tbl_localdomains] ( [id] ) on delete cascade alter table [dbo].[tblwl_authorizedtoemails] add constraint [fktblwl_authorizedtoemails] foreign key ( [domainid] ) references [dbo].[tbl_localdomains] ( [id] ) on delete cascade alter table [dbo].[tblwl_keywords] add constraint [fktblwl_keywords] foreign key ( [domainid] ) references [dbo].[tbl_localdomains] ( [id] ) on delete cascade alter table [dbo].[tblwl_emailsfrom] add constraint [fktblwl_emailsfrom] foreign key ( [domainid] ) references [dbo].[tbl_localdomains] ( [id] ) on delete cascade alter table [dbo].[tblwl_emailsto] add constraint [fktblwl_emailsto] foreign key ( [domainid] ) references [dbo].[tbl_localdomains] ( [id] ) on delete cascade alter table [dbo].[tblwl_autowhitelistforcedelivery] add constraint [fktblwl_autowhitelistforcedelivery] foreign key ( [domainid] ) references [dbo].[tbl_localdomains] ( [id] ) on delete cascade alter table [dbo].[tblwl_domainsips] add constraint [fktblwl_domainsips] foreign key ( [domainid] ) references [dbo].[tbl_localdomains] ( [id] ) on delete cascade
******* Error:There is already an object named 'tblbl_domains' in the database ===========Executing:============
insert into tbl_localdomains (domainname) values (' ALL DOMAINS');
******* Error:Cannot insert duplicate key row in object 'dbo.tbl_localdomains' with unique index 'domainname' ===========Executing:============
-- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'tr_localdomains_au' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[tr_localdomains_au]; -- go create trigger [dbo].[tr_localdomains_au] on [dbo].[tbl_localdomains] after update as insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select, 1, 'tbl_localdomains' from deleted del where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = and (r.tablename = tablename))
******* Error:There is already an object named 'tr_localdomains_au' in the database ===========Executing:============
-- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'tr_localdomains_ai' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[tr_localdomains_ai]; -- go create trigger [dbo].[tr_localdomains_ai] on [dbo].[tbl_localdomains] for insert as insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select, 1, 'tbl_localdomains' from inserted ins where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = and (r.tablename = tablename))
******* Error:There is already an object named 'tr_localdomains_ai' in the database ===========Executing:============
-- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'tr_localdomains_ad' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[tr_localdomains_ad]; -- go create trigger [dbo].[tr_localdomains_ad] on [dbo].[tbl_localdomains] after delete as insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select, 1, 'tbl_localdomains' from deleted del where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = and (r.tablename = tablename))
******* Error:There is already an object named 'tr_localdomains_ad' in the database ===========Executing:============
-- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'tr_localdomains_bd' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[tr_localdomains_bd]; -- go create trigger [dbo].[tr_localdomains_bd] on [dbo].[tbl_localdomains] for delete as declare @domainname varchar(255) select @domainname = domainname from deleted if @domainname = ' ALL DOMAINS' begin raiserror('unable to delete system record for "all domains"', 16, 1) end
******* Error:There is already an object named 'tr_localdomains_bd' in the database ===========Executing:============
-- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trwl_authorizedtoemails_au' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trwl_authorizedtoemails_au]; -- go create trigger [dbo].[trwl_authorizedtoemails_au] on [dbo].[tblwl_authorizedtoemails] after update as insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select del.domainid, 1, 'tblwl_authorizedtoemails' from deleted del where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = del.domainid) and (r.tablename = tablename))
******* Error:There is already an object named 'trwl_authorizedtoemails_au' in the database ===========Executing:============
-- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trwl_authorizedtoemails_ai' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trwl_authorizedtoemails_ai]; -- go create trigger [dbo].[trwl_authorizedtoemails_ai] on [dbo].[tblwl_authorizedtoemails] for insert as insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select ins.domainid, 1, 'tblwl_authorizedtoemails' from inserted ins where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = ins.domainid) and (r.tablename = tablename))
******* Error:There is already an object named 'trwl_authorizedtoemails_ai' in the database ===========Executing:============
-- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trwl_authorizedtoemails_ad' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trwl_authorizedtoemails_ad]; -- go create trigger [dbo].[trwl_authorizedtoemails_ad] on [dbo].[tblwl_authorizedtoemails] after delete as insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select del.domainid, 1, 'tblwl_authorizedtoemails' from deleted del where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = del.domainid) and (r.tablename = tablename))
******* Error:There is already an object named 'trwl_authorizedtoemails_ad' in the database ===========Executing:============
-- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trwl_keywords_au' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trwl_keywords_au]; -- go create trigger [dbo].[trwl_keywords_au] on [dbo].[tblwl_keywords] after update as insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select del.domainid, 1, 'tblwl_keywords' from deleted del where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = del.domainid) and (r.tablename = tablename))
******* Error:There is already an object named 'trwl_keywords_au' in the database ===========Executing:============
-- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trwl_keywords_ai' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trwl_keywords_ai]; -- go create trigger [dbo].[trwl_keywords_ai] on [dbo].[tblwl_keywords] for insert as insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select ins.domainid, 1, 'tblwl_keywords' from inserted ins where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = ins.domainid) and (r.tablename = tablename))
******* Error:There is already an object named 'trwl_keywords_ai' in the database ===========Executing:============
-- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trwl_keywords_ad' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trwl_keywords_ad]; -- go create trigger [dbo].[trwl_keywords_ad] on [dbo].[tblwl_keywords] after delete as insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select del.domainid, 1, 'tblwl_keywords' from deleted del where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = del.domainid) and (r.tablename = tablename))
******* Error:There is already an object named 'trwl_keywords_ad' in the database ===========Executing:============
-- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trwl_emailsfrom_au' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trwl_emailsfrom_au]; -- go create trigger [dbo].[trwl_emailsfrom_au] on [dbo].[tblwl_emailsfrom] after update as insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select del.domainid, 1, 'tblwl_emailsfrom' from deleted del where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = del.domainid) and (r.tablename = tablename))
******* Error:There is already an object named 'trwl_emailsfrom_au' in the database ===========Executing:============
-- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trwl_emailsfrom_ai' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trwl_emailsfrom_ai]; -- go create trigger [dbo].[trwl_emailsfrom_ai] on [dbo].[tblwl_emailsfrom] for insert as insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select ins.domainid, 1, 'tblwl_emailsfrom' from inserted ins where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = ins.domainid) and (r.tablename = tablename))
******* Error:There is already an object named 'trwl_emailsfrom_ai' in the database ===========Executing:============
-- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trwl_emailsfrom_ad' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trwl_emailsfrom_ad]; -- go create trigger [dbo].[trwl_emailsfrom_ad] on [dbo].[tblwl_emailsfrom] after delete as insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select del.domainid, 1, 'tblwl_emailsfrom' from deleted del where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = del.domainid) and (r.tablename = tablename))
******* Error:There is already an object named 'trwl_emailsfrom_ad' in the database ===========Executing:============
-- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trwl_emailsto_au' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trwl_emailsto_au]; -- go create trigger [dbo].[trwl_emailsto_au] on [dbo].[tblwl_emailsto] after update as insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select del.domainid, 1, 'tblwl_emailsto' from deleted del where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = del.domainid) and (r.tablename = tablename))
******* Error:There is already an object named 'trwl_emailsto_au' in the database ===========Executing:============
-- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trwl_emailsto_ai' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trwl_emailsto_ai]; -- go create trigger [dbo].[trwl_emailsto_ai] on [dbo].[tblwl_emailsto] for insert as insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select ins.domainid, 1, 'tblwl_emailsto' from inserted ins where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = ins.domainid) and (r.tablename = tablename))
******* Error:There is already an object named 'trwl_emailsto_ai' in the database ===========Executing:============
-- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trwl_emailsto_ad' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trwl_emailsto_ad]; -- go create trigger [dbo].[trwl_emailsto_ad] on [dbo].[tblwl_emailsto] after delete as insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select del.domainid, 1, 'tblwl_emailsto' from deleted del where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = del.domainid) and (r.tablename = tablename))
******* Error:There is already an object named 'trwl_emailsto_ad' in the database ===========Executing:============
-- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trwl_domainsips_au' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trwl_domainsips_au]; -- go create trigger [dbo].[trwl_domainsips_au] on [dbo].[tblwl_domainsips] after update as insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select del.domainid, 1, 'tblwl_domainsips' from deleted del where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = del.domainid) and (r.tablename = tablename))
******* Error:There is already an object named 'trwl_domainsips_au' in the database ===========Executing:============
-- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trwl_domainsips_ai' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trwl_domainsips_ai]; -- go create trigger [dbo].[trwl_domainsips_ai] on [dbo].[tblwl_domainsips] for insert as insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select ins.domainid, 1, 'tblwl_domainsips' from inserted ins where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = ins.domainid) and (r.tablename = tablename))
******* Error:There is already an object named 'trwl_domainsips_ai' in the database ===========Executing:============
-- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trwl_domainsips_ad' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trwl_domainsips_ad]; -- go create trigger [dbo].[trwl_domainsips_ad] on [dbo].[tblwl_domainsips] after delete as insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select del.domainid, 1, 'tblwl_domainsips' from deleted del where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = del.domainid) and (r.tablename = tablename))
******* Error:There is already an object named 'trwl_domainsips_ad' in the database ===========Executing:============
-- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trwl_autowhitelistforcedelivery_au' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trwl_autowhitelistforcedelivery_au]; -- go create trigger [dbo].[trwl_autowhitelistforcedelivery_au] on [dbo].[tblwl_autowhitelistforcedelivery] after update as insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select del.domainid, 1, 'tblwl_autowhitelistforcedelivery' from deleted del where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = del.domainid) and (r.tablename = tablename))
******* Error:There is already an object named 'trwl_autowhitelistforcedelivery_au' in the database ===========Executing:============
-- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trwl_autowhitelistforcedelivery_ai' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trwl_autowhitelistforcedelivery_ai]; -- go create trigger [dbo].[trwl_autowhitelistforcedelivery_ai] on [dbo].[tblwl_autowhitelistforcedelivery] for insert as insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select ins.domainid, 1, 'tblwl_autowhitelistforcedelivery' from inserted ins where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = ins.domainid) and (r.tablename = tablename))
******* Error:There is already an object named 'trwl_autowhitelistforcedelivery_ai' in the database ===========Executing:============
-- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trwl_autowhitelistforcedelivery_ad' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trwl_autowhitelistforcedelivery_ad]; -- go create trigger [dbo].[trwl_autowhitelistforcedelivery_ad] on [dbo].[tblwl_autowhitelistforcedelivery] after delete as insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select del.domainid, 1, 'tblwl_autowhitelistforcedelivery' from deleted del where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = del.domainid) and (r.tablename = tablename))
******* Error:There is already an object named 'trwl_autowhitelistforcedelivery_ad' in the database ===========Executing:============
-- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trbl_domains_au' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trbl_domains_au]; -- go create trigger [dbo].[trbl_domains_au] on [dbo].[tblbl_domains] after update as insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select del.domainid, 1, 'tblbl_domains' from deleted del where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = del.domainid) and (r.tablename = tablename))
******* Error:There is already an object named 'trbl_domains_au' in the database ===========Executing:============
-- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trbl_domains_ai' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trbl_domains_ai]; -- go create trigger [dbo].[trbl_domains_ai] on [dbo].[tblbl_domains] for insert as insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select ins.domainid, 1, 'tblbl_domains' from inserted ins where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = ins.domainid) and (r.tablename = tablename))
******* Error:There is already an object named 'trbl_domains_ai' in the database ===========Executing:============
-- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trbl_domains_ad' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trbl_domains_ad]; -- go create trigger [dbo].[trbl_domains_ad] on [dbo].[tblbl_domains] after delete as insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select del.domainid, 1, 'tblbl_domains' from deleted del where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = del.domainid) and (r.tablename = tablename))
******* Error:There is already an object named 'trbl_domains_ad' in the database ===========Executing:============
-- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trbl_emailsfrom_au' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trbl_emailsfrom_au]; -- go create trigger [dbo].[trbl_emailsfrom_au] on [dbo].[tblbl_emailsfrom] after update as insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select del.domainid, 1, 'tblbl_emailsfrom' from deleted del where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = del.domainid) and (r.tablename = tablename))
******* Error:There is already an object named 'trbl_emailsfrom_au' in the database ===========Executing:============
-- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trbl_emailsfrom_ai' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trbl_emailsfrom_ai]; -- go create trigger [dbo].[trbl_emailsfrom_ai] on [dbo].[tblbl_emailsfrom] for insert as insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select ins.domainid, 1, 'tblbl_emailsfrom' from inserted ins where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = ins.domainid) and (r.tablename = tablename))
******* Error:There is already an object named 'trbl_emailsfrom_ai' in the database ===========Executing:============
-- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trbl_emailsfrom_ad' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trbl_emailsfrom_ad]; -- go create trigger [dbo].[trbl_emailsfrom_ad] on [dbo].[tblbl_emailsfrom] after delete as insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select del.domainid, 1, 'tblbl_emailsfrom' from deleted del where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = del.domainid) and (r.tablename = tablename))
******* Error:There is already an object named 'trbl_emailsfrom_ad' in the database ===========Executing:============
-- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trbl_emailsto_au' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trbl_emailsto_au]; -- go create trigger [dbo].[trbl_emailsto_au] on [dbo].[tblbl_emailsto] after update as insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select del.domainid, 1, 'tblbl_emailsto' from deleted del where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = del.domainid) and (r.tablename = tablename))
******* Error:There is already an object named 'trbl_emailsto_au' in the database ===========Executing:============
-- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trbl_emailsto_ai' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trbl_emailsto_ai]; -- go create trigger [dbo].[trbl_emailsto_ai] on [dbo].[tblbl_emailsto] for insert as insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select ins.domainid, 1, 'tblbl_emailsto' from inserted ins where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = ins.domainid) and (r.tablename = tablename))
******* Error:There is already an object named 'trbl_emailsto_ai' in the database ===========Executing:============
-- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trbl_emailsto_ad' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trbl_emailsto_ad]; -- go create trigger [dbo].[trbl_emailsto_ad] on [dbo].[tblbl_emailsto] after delete as insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select del.domainid, 1, 'tblbl_emailsto' from deleted del where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = del.domainid) and (r.tablename = tablename))
******* Error:There is already an object named 'trbl_emailsto_ad' in the database ===========Executing:============
-- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trbl_countries_au' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trbl_countries_au]; -- go create trigger [dbo].[trbl_countries_au] on [dbo].[tblbl_countries] after update as insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select del.domainid, 1, 'tblbl_countries' from deleted del where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = del.domainid) and (r.tablename = tablename))
******* Error:There is already an object named 'trbl_countries_au' in the database ===========Executing:============
-- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trbl_countries_ai' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trbl_countries_ai]; -- go create trigger [dbo].[trbl_countries_ai] on [dbo].[tblbl_countries] for insert as insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select ins.domainid, 1, 'tblbl_countries' from inserted ins where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = ins.domainid) and (r.tablename = tablename))
******* Error:There is already an object named 'trbl_countries_ai' in the database ===========Executing:============
-- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trbl_countries_ad' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trbl_countries_ad]; -- go create trigger [dbo].[trbl_countries_ad] on [dbo].[tblbl_countries] after delete as insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select del.domainid, 1, 'tblbl_countries' from deleted del where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = del.domainid) and (r.tablename = tablename))
******* Error:There is already an object named 'trbl_countries_ad' in the database ===========Executing:============
-- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trbl_maps_au' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trbl_maps_au]; -- go create trigger [dbo].[trbl_maps_au] on [dbo].[tblbl_maps] after update as insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select del.domainid, 1, 'tblbl_maps' from deleted del where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = del.domainid) and (r.tablename = tablename))
******* Error:There is already an object named 'trbl_maps_au' in the database ===========Executing:============
-- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trbl_maps_ai' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trbl_maps_ai]; -- go create trigger [dbo].[trbl_maps_ai] on [dbo].[tblbl_maps] for insert as insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select ins.domainid, 1, 'tblbl_maps' from inserted ins where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = ins.domainid) and (r.tablename = tablename))
******* Error:There is already an object named 'trbl_maps_ai' in the database ===========Executing:============
-- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trbl_maps_ad' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trbl_maps_ad]; -- go create trigger [dbo].[trbl_maps_ad] on [dbo].[tblbl_maps] after delete as insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select del.domainid, 1, 'tblbl_maps' from deleted del where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = del.domainid) and (r.tablename = tablename))
******* Error:There is already an object named 'trbl_maps_ad' in the database ===========Executing:============
-- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trbl_keywords_au' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trbl_keywords_au]; -- go create trigger [dbo].[trbl_keywords_au] on [dbo].[tblbl_keywords] after update as insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select del.domainid, 1, 'tblbl_keywords' from deleted del where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = del.domainid) and (r.tablename = tablename))
******* Error:There is already an object named 'trbl_keywords_au' in the database ===========Executing:============
-- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trbl_keywords_ai' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trbl_keywords_ai]; -- go create trigger [dbo].[trbl_keywords_ai] on [dbo].[tblbl_keywords] for insert as insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select ins.domainid, 1, 'tblbl_keywords' from inserted ins where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = ins.domainid) and (r.tablename = tablename))
******* Error:There is already an object named 'trbl_keywords_ai' in the database ===========Executing:============
-- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trbl_keywords_ad' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trbl_keywords_ad]; -- go create trigger [dbo].[trbl_keywords_ad] on [dbo].[tblbl_keywords] after delete as insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select del.domainid, 1, 'tblbl_keywords' from deleted del where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = del.domainid) and (r.tablename = tablename))
******* Error:There is already an object named 'trbl_keywords_ad' in the database ===========Executing:============
-- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trbl_attachments_au' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trbl_attachments_au]; -- go create trigger [dbo].[trbl_attachments_au] on [dbo].[tblbl_attachments] after update as insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select del.domainid, 1, 'tblbl_attachments' from deleted del where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = del.domainid) and (r.tablename = tablename))
******* Error:There is already an object named 'trbl_attachments_au' in the database ===========Executing:============
-- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trbl_attachments_ai' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trbl_attachments_ai]; -- go create trigger [dbo].[trbl_attachments_ai] on [dbo].[tblbl_attachments] for insert as insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select ins.domainid, 1, 'tblbl_attachments' from inserted ins where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = ins.domainid) and (r.tablename = tablename))
******* Error:There is already an object named 'trbl_attachments_ai' in the database ===========Executing:============
-- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trbl_attachments_ad' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trbl_attachments_ad]; -- go create trigger [dbo].[trbl_attachments_ad] on [dbo].[tblbl_attachments] after delete as insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select del.domainid, 1, 'tblbl_attachments' from deleted del where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = del.domainid) and (r.tablename = tablename))
******* Error:There is already an object named 'trbl_attachments_ad' in the database ===========Executing:============
-- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trbl_surbl_au' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trbl_surbl_au]; -- go create trigger [dbo].[trbl_surbl_au] on [dbo].[tblbl_surbl] after update as insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select del.domainid, 1, 'tblbl_surbl' from deleted del where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = del.domainid) and (r.tablename = tablename))
******* Error:There is already an object named 'trbl_surbl_au' in the database ===========Executing:============
-- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trbl_surbl_ai' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trbl_surbl_ai]; -- go create trigger [dbo].[trbl_surbl_ai] on [dbo].[tblbl_surbl] for insert as insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select ins.domainid, 1, 'tblbl_surbl' from inserted ins where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = ins.domainid) and (r.tablename = tablename))
******* Error:There is already an object named 'trbl_surbl_ai' in the database ===========Executing:============
-- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trbl_surbl_ad' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trbl_surbl_ad]; -- go create trigger [dbo].[trbl_surbl_ad] on [dbo].[tblbl_surbl] after delete as insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select del.domainid, 1, 'tblbl_surbl' from deleted del where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = del.domainid) and (r.tablename = tablename))
******* Error:There is already an object named 'trbl_surbl_ad' in the database ===========Executing:============
-- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trbl_ips_au' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trbl_ips_au]; -- go create trigger [dbo].[trbl_ips_au] on [dbo].[tblbl_ips] after update as insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select del.domainid, 1, 'tblbl_ips' from deleted del where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = del.domainid) and (r.tablename = tablename))
******* Error:There is already an object named 'trbl_ips_au' in the database ===========Executing:============
-- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trbl_ips_ai' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trbl_ips_ai]; -- go create trigger [dbo].[trbl_ips_ai] on [dbo].[tblbl_ips] for insert as insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select ins.domainid, 1, 'tblbl_ips' from inserted ins where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = ins.domainid) and (r.tablename = tablename))
******* Error:There is already an object named 'trbl_ips_ai' in the database ===========Executing:============
-- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trbl_ips_ad' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trbl_ips_ad]; -- go create trigger [dbo].[trbl_ips_ad] on [dbo].[tblbl_ips] after delete as insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select del.domainid, 1, 'tblbl_ips' from deleted del where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = del.domainid) and (r.tablename = tablename))
******* Error:There is already an object named 'trbl_ips_ad' in the database ===========Executing:============
-- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trbl_honeypotemails_au' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trbl_honeypotemails_au]; -- go create trigger [dbo].[trbl_honeypotemails_au] on [dbo].[tblbl_honeypotemails] after update as insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select del.domainid, 1, 'tblbl_honeypotemails' from deleted del where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = del.domainid) and (r.tablename = tablename))
******* Error:There is already an object named 'trbl_honeypotemails_au' in the database ===========Executing:============
-- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trbl_honeypotemails_ai' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trbl_honeypotemails_ai]; -- go create trigger [dbo].[trbl_honeypotemails_ai] on [dbo].[tblbl_honeypotemails] for insert as insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select ins.domainid, 1, 'tblbl_honeypotemails' from inserted ins where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = ins.domainid) and (r.tablename = tablename))
******* Error:There is already an object named 'trbl_honeypotemails_ai' in the database ===========Executing:============
-- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trbl_honeypotemails_ad' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trbl_honeypotemails_ad]; -- go create trigger [dbo].[trbl_honeypotemails_ad] on [dbo].[tblbl_honeypotemails] after delete as insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select del.domainid, 1, 'tblbl_honeypotemails' from deleted del where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = del.domainid) and (r.tablename = tablename))
******* Error:There is already an object named 'trbl_honeypotemails_ad' in the database ===========Executing:============
-- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trbl_honeypotblockedips_au' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trbl_honeypotblockedips_au]; -- go create trigger [dbo].[trbl_honeypotblockedips_au] on [dbo].[tblbl_honeypotblockedips] after update as insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select del.domainid, 1, 'tblbl_honeypotblockedips' from deleted del where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = del.domainid) and (r.tablename = tablename))
******* Error:There is already an object named 'trbl_honeypotblockedips_au' in the database ===========Executing:============
-- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trbl_honeypotblockedips_ai' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trbl_honeypotblockedips_ai]; -- go create trigger [dbo].[trbl_honeypotblockedips_ai] on [dbo].[tblbl_honeypotblockedips] for insert as insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select ins.domainid, 1, 'tblbl_honeypotblockedips' from inserted ins where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = ins.domainid) and (r.tablename = tablename))
******* Error:There is already an object named 'trbl_honeypotblockedips_ai' in the database ===========Executing:============
-- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trbl_honeypotblockedips_ad' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trbl_honeypotblockedips_ad]; -- go create trigger [dbo].[trbl_honeypotblockedips_ad] on [dbo].[tblbl_honeypotblockedips] after delete as insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select del.domainid, 1, 'tblbl_honeypotblockedips' from deleted del where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = del.domainid) and (r.tablename = tablename))
******* Error:There is already an object named 'trbl_honeypotblockedips_ad' in the database ===========Executing:============
-- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'tr_filtersettings_au' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[tr_filtersettings_au]; -- go create trigger [dbo].[tr_filtersettings_au] on [dbo].[tbl_filtersettings] after update as insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select del.domainid, 1, 'tbl_filtersettings' from deleted del where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = del.domainid) and (r.tablename = tablename))
******* Error:There is already an object named 'tr_filtersettings_au' in the database ===========Executing:============
-- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'tr_filtersettings_ai' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[tr_filtersettings_ai]; -- go create trigger [dbo].[tr_filtersettings_ai] on [dbo].[tbl_filtersettings] for insert as insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select ins.domainid, 1, 'tbl_filtersettings' from inserted ins where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = ins.domainid) and (r.tablename = tablename))
******* Error:There is already an object named 'tr_filtersettings_ai' in the database ===========Executing:============
-- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'tr_filtersettings_ad' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[tr_filtersettings_ad]; -- go create trigger [dbo].[tr_filtersettings_ad] on [dbo].[tbl_filtersettings] after delete as insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select del.domainid, 1, 'tbl_filtersettings' from deleted del where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = del.domainid) and (r.tablename = tablename))
******* Error:There is already an object named 'tr_filtersettings_ad' in the database
There is already an object named 'tblbl_domains' in the database
Cannot insert duplicate key row in object 'dbo.tbl_localdomains' with unique index 'domainname'
There is already an object named 'tr_localdomains_au' in the database
There is already an object named 'tr_localdomains_ai' in the database
There is already an object named 'tr_localdomains_ad' in the database
There is already an object named 'tr_localdomains_bd' in the database
There is already an object named 'trwl_authorizedtoemails_au' in the database
There is already an object named 'trwl_authorizedtoemails_ai' in the database
There is already an object named 'trwl_authorizedtoemails_ad' in the database
There is already an object named 'trwl_keywords_au' in the database
There is already an object named 'trwl_keywords_ai' in the database
There is already an object named 'trwl_keywords_ad' in the database
There is already an object named 'trwl_emailsfrom_au' in the database
There is already an object named 'trwl_emailsfrom_ai' in the database
There is already an object named 'trwl_emailsfrom_ad' in the database
There is already an object named 'trwl_emailsto_au' in the database
There is already an object named 'trwl_emailsto_ai' in the database
There is already an object named 'trwl_emailsto_ad' in the database
There is already an object named 'trwl_domainsips_au' in the database
There is already an object named 'trwl_domainsips_ai' in the database
There is already an object named 'trwl_domainsips_ad' in the database
There is already an object named 'trwl_autowhitelistforcedelivery_au' in the database
There is already an object named 'trwl_autowhitelistforcedelivery_ai' in the database
There is already an object named 'trwl_autowhitelistforcedelivery_ad' in the database
There is already an object named 'trbl_domains_au' in the database
There is already an object named 'trbl_domains_ai' in the database
There is already an object named 'trbl_domains_ad' in the database
There is already an object named 'trbl_emailsfrom_au' in the database
There is already an object named 'trbl_emailsfrom_ai' in the database
There is already an object named 'trbl_emailsfrom_ad' in the database
There is already an object named 'trbl_emailsto_au' in the database
There is already an object named 'trbl_emailsto_ai' in the database
There is already an object named 'trbl_emailsto_ad' in the database
There is already an object named 'trbl_countries_au' in the database
There is already an object named 'trbl_countries_ai' in the database
There is already an object named 'trbl_countries_ad' in the database
There is already an object named 'trbl_maps_au' in the database
There is already an object named 'trbl_maps_ai' in the database
There is already an object named 'trbl_maps_ad' in the database
There is already an object named 'trbl_keywords_au' in the database
There is already an object named 'trbl_keywords_ai' in the database
There is already an object named 'trbl_keywords_ad' in the database
There is already an object named 'trbl_attachments_au' in the database
There is already an object named 'trbl_attachments_ai' in the database
There is already an object named 'trbl_attachments_ad' in the database
There is already an object named 'trbl_surbl_au' in the database
There is already an object named 'trbl_surbl_ai' in the database
There is already an object named 'trbl_surbl_ad' in the database
There is already an object named 'trbl_ips_au' in the database
There is already an object named 'trbl_ips_ai' in the database
There is already an object named 'trbl_ips_ad' in the database
There is already an object named 'trbl_honeypotemails_au' in the database
There is already an object named 'trbl_honeypotemails_ai' in the database
There is already an object named 'trbl_honeypotemails_ad' in the database
There is already an object named 'trbl_honeypotblockedips_au' in the database
There is already an object named 'trbl_honeypotblockedips_ai' in the database
There is already an object named 'trbl_honeypotblockedips_ad' in the database
There is already an object named 'tr_filtersettings_au' in the database
There is already an object named 'tr_filtersettings_ai' in the database
There is already an object named 'tr_filtersettings_ad' in the database Retrieved ServerID from tblServers: 1 Done.