SFI stopped responding AGAIN
Printed From: LogSat Software
Category: Spam Filter ISP
Forum Name: Spam Filter ISP Support
Forum Description: General support for Spam Filter ISP
URL: https://www.logsat.com/spamfilter/forums/forum_posts.asp?TID=6394
Printed Date: 15 January 2025 at 10:26am
Topic: SFI stopped responding AGAIN
Posted By: Stupid
Subject: SFI stopped responding AGAIN
Date Posted: 18 February 2008 at 10:31am
I have been running for almost a month without any problem. With past versions, I did some a similar problem.
Reberto, would you see if you can help?
Here's the last bit of log when it stopped:
2/15/08 16:43:44:326 -- (26864) GreyList limbo - Added 02/15/08 16:43:44:326 -- (26864) IP is in not in GreyList Allowed. Disconnecting: 02/15/08 16:43:44:389 -- (26864) No Data Received 02/15/08 16:43:44:389 -- (26864) Disconnect 02/15/08 16:43:47:529 -- (25744) Connection from: - Originating country : United States 02/15/08 16:43:47:529 -- (25744) GreyList limbo - Added 02/15/08 16:43:47:529 -- (25744) IP is in not in GreyList Allowed. Disconnecting: 02/15/08 16:43:47:592 -- (25744) No Data Received 02/15/08 16:43:47:592 -- (25744) Disconnect 02/15/08 16:43:48:436 -- (28128) Connection from: - Originating country : United States 02/15/08 16:43:48:436 -- (28128) GreyList cache - removed from limbo, will add to allowed list 02/15/08 16:43:48:436 -- (28128) IP Greylist - Added to list 02/15/08 16:43:48:654 -- (28128) Received MAIL FROM: <norma@n2itcontainers.com> SIZE=104051 02/15/08 16:43:48:717 -- (28128) Received RCPT TO: Kim.Mitchell@mycompany.com 02/15/08 16:43:48:873 -- (28128) Resolving - flpi102.sbcis.sbc.com 02/15/08 16:43:49:295 -- (28128) - SPF analysis for n2itcontainers.com done: - none 02/15/08 16:43:49:295 -- (28128) Mail from: norma@n2itcontainers.com 02/15/08 16:43:55:139 -- (28128) DNS Error:TimedOut 02/15/08 16:44:00:139 -- (28128) DNS Error:TimedOut 02/15/08 16:44:01:076 -- (26928) Running TTerminateIdleThreads - SFTC=1 - SFFC=1 02/15/08 16:44:01:076 -- (26928) Running TTerminateIdleThreads SSL - SFTC=0 - SFFC=1 02/15/08 16:44:01:076 -- (25424) Blacklist cache - starting cleanup 02/15/08 16:44:01:076 -- (25424) Blacklist cache - removed IP from limbo during cleanup 02/15/08 16:44:01:092 -- (25424) Blacklist cache - removed IP from limbo during cleanup 02/15/08 16:44:01:123 -- (25424) GreyList limbo cache - removed 9 entries during cleanup 02/15/08 16:44:01:701 -- (28128) - MAPS search done... 02/15/08 16:44:01:701 -- (28128) RCPT TO: Kim.Mitchell@mycompany.com accepted 02/15/08 16:44:02:342 -- (28128) Checking SFDC 02/15/08 16:44:02:529 -- (28128) Hash cache - Added OK 02/15/08 16:44:02:529 -- (28128) Scanning PDF for spam:70385.pdf 02/15/08 16:44:02:654 -- (28128) Warning: error (1) scanning PDF for spam - Unexpected PDF object encountered 02/15/08 16:44:02:654 -- (28128) Warning: error scanning image for spam - Access violation at address 004047A4 in module 'SpamFilterSvc.exe'. Read of address 00000112
Posted By: LogSat
Date Posted: 18 February 2008 at 7:43pm
From the log entries, the problem appears to be caused by the PDF image scanning filter. Unfortunately we are aware of the presence of a memory leak in the PDF library we use to scan PDF files for spam. We have been in contact (for quite a long time - several months...) with the vendor that provides the PDF library to work on a solution, but we are currently still waiting for the fix. Due to this problem, we have been actually shipping SpamFilter with the PDF-scanning filter in the disabled state by default, as this was a known issue. If you upgraded SpamFilter to the version supporting the PDF filter several months ago, before the issue was discovered, this may explain why your filter was "on".
If the problem is causing issues (as it's likely in your case), you can disable PDF scanning by setting the following option in the SpamFilter.ini file to 0:
While this may have allowed a few more spam emails to make it thru with the older SpamFilter 3.5, the new SpamFilter 4.0 and the new greylisting filter changed the playing field. This filter has proven to be so effective that you may safely disable the PDF filter, as the amount of emails that could slip by will be very, very small.
------------- Roberto Franceschetti
http://www.logsat.com" rel="nofollow - LogSat Software
http://www.logsat.com/sfi-spam-filter.asp" rel="nofollow - Spam Filter ISP