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SpamFilter is officially released

Printed From: LogSat Software
Category: Spam Filter ISP
Forum Name: Announcements
Forum Description: Announcements for SpamFilter ISP and SpamFilter Enterprise
Printed Date: 12 March 2025 at 7:14am

Topic: SpamFilter is officially released
Posted By: LogSat
Subject: SpamFilter is officially released
Date Posted: 14 April 2013 at 1:24pm
We have officially released the new SpamFilter ISP and SpamFilter Enterprise v4.5.0.77. This release is available for download in the registered user area of our website. A free Evaluation copy is also available for all other users. 

As always, this upgrade is free for all users with a current software maintenance.

The changes since the latest official release ( are as follows:
// New to VersionNumber = '';
{TODO -cFix : Solved an issue introduced from v4.5.0.0 that could have caused SpamFilter to freeze and/or terminate abrubtly}
{TODO -cFix : Emails Blocked counter was not increasing when emails were sent to NULL due to a keyword match}
{TODO -cNew : If the destination SMTP server is offline, SpamFilter does a better (faster) job in determining that recipients cannot be tested against the remote server, thus accepting inbound clean emails more quickly}

// New to VersionNumber = '';
{TODO -cFix : Under high CPU, SpamFilter could use more than the allotted number of concurrent outbound connections when processing the \SpamFilter\queue folder, which is hardcoded to be equel to one half the maximum number of inbound connections}
{TODO -cNew : Updated the internal compiler library for the TCP components}
{TODO -cNew : Added new watchdog thread that catastrophically tries to terminate SpamFilter's service if it stops accepting emails. This forces Windows to auto-restart SpamFilter's service minimizing downtime}

// New to VersionNumber = '';
{TODO -cNew : Changed the SMTP error code sent for the "Too many connections" from 300 to 421 - 300 was used starting from SpamFilter v4.5}
{TODO -cNew : When using the HideXSFBlockedKeywordsReasonHeader setting, we are now storing the matched keywords in the tblQuarantine anyways even if hiding them in the email header}
{TODO -cFix : In some cases, depending on the MIME encoding used, SpamFilter was missing to detect some attachments when testing the attachment filename filter}
{TODO -cFix : Oprimizations added to SFE v4.5.0.66 cased a bug in the standard version, resulting in some emails being rejected with the error "no relay allowed or % found in FROM address"}
{TODO -cFix : When decoding an inbound email, SpamFilter could store a temporary file in the system's %TEMP% folder instead of the \SpamFilter\temp folder}

// New to VersionNumber = '';
{TODO -cNew : In SpamFilter Enterprise, for domains that custom settings, if a Blacklist/Whitelists is configured to "Use default settings from ALL DOMAINS", instead of creating a copy of the blacklist and load it in RAM, SFE will use the same copy that is already loaded. With thousands of domains configured this way, this helps reduce the RAM usage}
{TODO -cNew : In SpamFilter Enterprise, optimized database triggers to greatly improve performance when adding/removing large quantities of entries from the blacklists (100s of KB in size}
{TODO -cNew : Standardized the %EmailFrom% and %EmailTo% placeholders used in the customizable NDR responses to remove any "<" and ">" brackets that may be present in the email addresses}

// New to VersionNumber = '';
{TODO -cFix : Attempt to catch errors that may occur within the OpenSSL libraries and may cause errors similar to "Exception occurred during GetConnectionsFromIP: Access violation at address 0610FFBA in module 'ssleay32.dll'"}

// New to VersionNumber = '';
{TODO -cFix : Re-introduced a fix from that was regressed in v4.5.x: Better job in handling attachment filenames in malformed emails}

// New to VersionNumber = '';
{TODO -cNew : SpamFilter is now decoding the subject before checking it for keywords}
{TODO -cFix : If using the new VerifyRCPTTOForCleanEmails, and the destination SMTP server rejected a recipient with a 4xx error rather than a more normal 5xx error, SpamFilter would not relay back to the sender the 4xx error caused by the RCPT TO}

// New to VersionNumber = '';
{TODO -cFix : Solved an issue introduced in that could prevent emails from being forwarded to the destination SMTP servers }
{TODO -cFix : Starting from SpamFilter v4.5, the NDR emails could be incorrectly generated using a MAIL FROM that is not NULL, but rather containing the customized error email address that should only appear in the "From:" headers }

// New to VersionNumber = '';
{TODO -cFix : Possible and rare GUI lockup when saving SpamFilter.ini settings }
{TODO -cNew : Added DisableTLSv1_0 option in SpamFilter.ini file to optionally disable TLS v1.0 leaving support only for TLS v1.1 and TLS v1.2 }
{TODO -cNew : SpamFilter will now scan for viruses all individual attachments separately in addition to the entire email. This allows more chances to Norman A/V to detect infected files }
{TODO -cFix : Sorting the quarantine grid is now possible again }
{TODO -cFix : When added the VerifyRCPTTOForCleanEmails option in v4.2.4.486, if the dest SMTP server was taking over 10 seconds to acknowledge the recipient, SpamFilter could not be seing any rejections from the dest SMTP server and accept the recipient anyways, causing an NDR to be sent via email rather than rejecting it in the SMTP stream }
{TODO -cNew : Added paramenter RCPTTOVerificationTimeout in SpamFilter.ini file }

// New to VersionNumber = '';
{TODO -cFix : If using the new GUI style with the new option UseNewGUIStyle from build 4.5.049, the activity log monitor could be blank }

// New to VersionNumber = '';
{TODO -cFix : Rolled back this change in as it caused DB settings not to be reloaded with multiple SFE servers if one was offline: Reduced the startup time for the Enterprise version by one fourth}
{TODO -cNew : Moved the SMTP listeners to separate threads to improve reliability}
{TODO -cNew : Rmoved TLSv1 support and only allow TLSv1.2 connections to avoid using less secure protocols}

// New to VersionNumber = '';
{TODO -cNew : Added parameter UseNewGUIStyle in SpamFilter.ini file}
{TODO -cNew : Added option in Authorized TO whitelist to specify an custom SMTP destination server for any one entry in the list}

// New to VersionNumber = '';
{TODO -cFix : Malformed emails with a line length > 16,384 (greatly exceeding the RFC max line length of 1000) were rejected without outputting an error code in the SMTP transmission, thus causing retries from the remote server}
{TODO -cFix : Exception occurred during TUpdateCountriesListViewThread.DoUpdatelistView: Access violation at address 0055DC00 in module 'SpamFilter.exe'. Read of address 00000004}
{TODO -cFix : Updated the OpenSSL libraries to v1.0.1c}

// New to VersionNumber = '';
{TODO -cNew : Reduced the startup time for the Enterprise version by one fourth}
{TODO -cFix : Error in SpamFilter Enterprise when importing the file-based settings into Enterprise}

Roberto Franceschetti" rel="nofollow - LogSat Software" rel="nofollow - Spam Filter ISP

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