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SpamFilter pre-release

Printed From: LogSat Software
Category: Spam Filter ISP
Forum Name: Announcements
Forum Description: Announcements for SpamFilter ISP and SpamFilter Enterprise
Printed Date: 12 March 2025 at 7:14am

Topic: SpamFilter pre-release
Posted By: LogSat
Subject: SpamFilter pre-release
Date Posted: 06 June 2014 at 1:34pm
A new pre-release of SpamFilter (v4.6.0.112) is available in the registered user area.

There are two major changes in this update. 

1. SpamFilter v4.6 includes support for the 64bit versions of Windows. Separate binaries are included for x32 and the x64 platforms.

2. The optional Norman antivirus plugin has been replaced with an AV engine from CYRUS (the makers of F-Prot). This plugin is available for both the x32 and x64 versions of SpamFilter.

The full list of changes since the latest official release ( is as follows:

// New to VersionNumber = '';

{TODO -cNew : Added support for x64 bit operating systems}

{TODO -cNew : Replaced the Norman antivirus plugin with one developed in partnership with F-Prot and CYREN}

{TODO -cNew : Added new parameter to customize location of queue directory in SpamFilter.ini - QueuePath}

{TODO -cNew : To more easily identify compromised accounts used in AUTH LOGIN, SpamFilter will add an info warning when the AUTH LOGIN account does not match the MAIL FROM account, ex:  User authenticated with AUTH LOGIN - info - MAILFROM <> AUTHLOGIN - }

{TODO -cNew : Added parameters AUTHLOGINEmailsInIntervalMax and AUTHLOGINEmailsInIntervalMinutes in .ini file to limit number of emails during a time interval that can be sent by AUTH LOGIN authenticated users during the same SMTP session}

{TODO -cFix : When adding a prefix in the Subject line for tagged emails, SpamFilter was corrupting subjects that had UTF encodings for foreign charsets}

{TODO -cFix : improperly formatted passwd file for Unix authentication would cause: Exception occurred during AuthUserInPasswd: List index out of bounds (0)}

{TODO -cFix : If TLS is disabled via EnableTLSSupport option in .ini file, but a buggy remote SMTP server like MIcrosoft's hotmail and mailservers will attempt to use the STARTTLS command anyways (violating RFC...), there could be an access violation in the OpenSSL SSLEAY32.DLL which will prevent the email to be delivered.}

// New to VersionNumber = '';

{TODO -cNew : Added parameter MaxSPFAllowedLoops in SpamFilter.ini file. This parameter used to be hardcoded to "10" in SpamFilter and it is not customizable. It is used to limit the number of nested include directives allowed in an SPF query. Used to limit the risk of DoS attacks using malicious SPF DNS records}

Roberto Franceschetti" rel="nofollow - LogSat Software" rel="nofollow - Spam Filter ISP

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