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please note

Printed From: LogSat Software
Category: Spam Filter ISP
Forum Name: Spam Filter ISP Support
Forum Description: General support for Spam Filter ISP
Printed Date: 14 March 2025 at 3:10pm

Topic: please note
Posted By: Guests
Subject: please note
Date Posted: 16 July 2003 at 8:17am

i use an us international version which supports multiple character sets and if you use just :

a dutch or just the german version, logsat cannot interpret chinese hex or korean messages.

in your html mail (i guess it was a html mail) it will be displayed correct.

check some bodies from korean or chinese spam, and get suprised by the newest techniques from spammers.

entering the top down question mark as a keyword did fix that all for me.

(disclaimer : we do not do any bussiness with asia, but you might ! take care)

Posted By: Desperado
Date Posted: 16 July 2003 at 9:35am


You have hit a "Biggie" there.  I have been tearing my hair out on just that issue but my problem is the we have customers from all over the world and any attempt I have made in the direction of blocking some "odd" characters that, under normal situations, should not be in a message, has turned out very badly for me. If you come up with anything clever, PLEASE post it.  I will do the same.


Dan S.


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