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Next version suggestions...

Printed From: LogSat Software
Category: Spam Filter ISP
Forum Name: Spam Filter ISP Support
Forum Description: General support for Spam Filter ISP
Printed Date: 12 March 2025 at 1:00am

Topic: Next version suggestions...
Posted By: Guests
Subject: Next version suggestions...
Date Posted: 06 April 2003 at 7:31pm
Currently using version

1. When refreshing Quarantine, sort by newest first. 2. Statistics - add by reason graph, i.e. keyword, ip, etc. 3. Log - option to save as "comma-delimited" file for import to other apps. 4. Service - ability to open the configuration screen and edit as if running as stand alone. Upon rebooting a server the SpamFilter service icon does not show up in the system tray. (NT 4.0 SP6) 5. Unfiltered Email - you mispelled local...

All-in-all a really GREAT program!


Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: 06 April 2003 at 7:33pm
and I just misspelled, misspelled... :-)

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: 06 April 2003 at 7:41pm
Also maybe a way to filter the activity log to only view rejection types you would like to track. Like Reverse DNS rejects. We have customers with their email domains not providing reverse DNS, so I have to watch for them, then put them on the exclude list.

Just suggestions, again a really great program.


Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: 07 April 2003 at 5:29am

Yes, log filtering will be good to see!!!

I mean to log to files only blocks and errors.

OR to select what to display: to display blocks and errors in activity window


Posted By: LogSat
Date Posted: 07 April 2003 at 8:01am

Thanks for the suggestions Brian,

We're aware of issues with the service in NT4 and are trying to fix them for the next build. We may be able to include some ofo your suggestions in there as well.

Roberto Franceschetti
LogSat Software

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: 09 April 2003 at 1:48pm

Also how about adding the entry of "from specific email address" to the White List exclusion feature in addition to Domain/IP. We have some clients in South America where the IP of the mail server may be on a relay list or block list, but we will accept the mail from a specific user from that system.


Posted By: LogSat
Date Posted: 09 April 2003 at 2:33pm

Hi Brian,

Our latest build does exactly that (among other things). From our release notes at" CLASS="ASPForums" TITLE="WARNING: URL created by poster. -" CLASS="ASPForums" TITLE="WARNING: URL created by poster. - :

// New to VersionNumber = '';
{TODO -cDone : Add optional list of RCPT TO authorized emails - email will only be delivered if in list}
{TODO -cDone : Add whitelist of FROM emails in addition to domains}
{TODO -cDone : Disable Max RCPT TO by entering 0}
{TODO -cDone : Block emails with empty FROM field}
{TODO -cDone : Block emails when Email To is the same as Email From}
{TODO -cDone : Added customization response for blacklisted "Mail To" in addition to "Mail From"}
{TODO -cDone : Moved "Excluded Domains/IP entries from INI file to standalone file}
{DONE -cFix : Attempted to fix incorrect subject headers with non-ISO characters}
{DONE -cFix : Again - Exception occurred during RECEIVEMESSAGE and Exception occurred during TimerSecondTimer}
{DONE -cFix : Spelling mistakes}
{DONE -cFix : Invalid Packet Size exceptions on invalid reverse lookups}

Roberto Franceschetti
LogSat Software

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