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Quarentine Lookup

Printed From: LogSat Software
Category: Spam Filter ISP
Forum Name: Spam Filter ISP Support
Forum Description: General support for Spam Filter ISP
Printed Date: 23 February 2025 at 6:49am

Topic: Quarentine Lookup
Posted By: Guests
Subject: Quarentine Lookup
Date Posted: 07 October 2003 at 5:16pm

Would it be possible to seperate the username from the domain name in the "from" column of the quarentine list. (using access database)  Right now I have to search the log files if our client neeeds a rejected e-mail and only have a domain name.  I know they should get more info before they call but they don't.  Just a wish.  Thanks Wes

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: 07 October 2003 at 5:44pm
Open the database in Access and use VBA to parse the addresses.

Posted By: LogSat
Date Posted: 09 October 2003 at 10:57pm


That is part of why we developed a web interface for the quarantine, to allow each end user to access their own quarantined emails.

If that is now an option for you, rather than looking at logfiles it would be simpler to query the database for the sender's emails. You can perform partial searches in databases using the "LIKE" SQL operator.

Roberto F.
LogSat Software

Posted By: Desperado
Date Posted: 12 October 2003 at 3:22am


Please elaborate on the lookup problem.   I have an interface for our customers that looks something line the image in the link below:" CLASS="ASPForums" TITLE="WARNING: URL created by poster. -" CLASS="ASPForums" TITLE="WARNING: URL created by poster. -

It actually has several more options now.  I also have a very in depth interface for our Support Staff that allows them to search for almost anything they need to.  It is a very rare deal that they need to go into the logs to find something.

I also have modified the listspam.asp to allow sorting by from address or from domain using a custom query as follows:

 SQL = "SELECT SUBSTRING(EmailFrom, CHARINDEX( mailto:'@'" CLASS="ASPForums" TITLE="WARNING: URL created by poster. - '@' , EmailFrom) + 1, 100) AS Domain, QuarID, EmailFrom, Subject, MsgDate, MsgID, RejectDesc,  RejectDetails, EmailTo "
 SQL = SQL & "FROM tblQuarantine, tblRejectCodes "
 SQL = SQL & "WHERE EmailTo LIKE '%" + Replace(SearchQuery, "'", "''") + "%' "
 SQL = SQL & "AND (Deliver <> 1) "
 SQL = SQL & "AND (Expire <> 1) "
 SQL = SQL & "AND (tblQuarantine.RejectID = tblRejectCodes.RejectID) "
 SQL = SQL & "ORDER BY " & order_By
 Set rs = con.Execute(SQL)
 RecordCount = rs.RecordCount

The case statement for sorting is modified as follows:

 Select Case order_By
  Case "EmailTo"
   order_By = "EmailTo, MsgDate, Subject, EmailFrom"
  Case "Subject"
   order_By = "Subject, MsgDate, EmailFrom, EmailTo"
  Case "EmailFrom"
   order_By = "EmailFrom, MsgDate, EmailTo, Subject"
  Case "Domain"
   order_By = "Domain, MsgDate, EmailTo, Subject, RejectDetails"
  Case "MsgDate"
   order_By = "MsgDate, EmailFrom, Subject, EmailTo"
  Case "DESC-MsgDate"
   order_By = "MsgDate DESC, EmailFrom, Subject, EmailTo"
 End Select

These are for example only .... you can do nearly anything you want just by setting up custom queries.

Dan S.

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