I've been reviewing the log files of several customers and I'm wondering if there's a way to tell what has been "delivered from the quarantine" versus regular delivery of email. I can usually tell when someone is delivering email from the quarantine because I'll see a bunch of them all at once. But if we could flag those lines somehow with something like "quarantine delivery" or anything really then I can find those specific lines easier. BTW, I'm referring to the web page version of the spam filter quarantine access. When I login, I can select emails in my quarantine, and click send. Then, in the spam filter console, I can suddenly see a rush of email deliveries. Obviously spam filter picked up on a flag that was set and started delivering the emails. If the email is being delivered due to that flag, log that somehow. The reason I thought of this is that I have a customer who swears that they highlighted a bunch of items in their quarantine and pressed 'send' but none of them were delivered. I'm looking in the log files for entries where I might be able to tell that those emails were delivered, or were attempted to be delivered. Although I doubt I can tell for sure, I really think the customer clicked the delete button. <g>