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Relay problems

Printed From: LogSat Software
Category: Spam Filter ISP
Forum Name: Spam Filter ISP Support
Forum Description: General support for Spam Filter ISP
Printed Date: 14 March 2025 at 8:22am

Topic: Relay problems
Posted By: Guests
Subject: Relay problems
Date Posted: 19 July 2004 at 4:48pm

I can only allow relay by adding ip addresses to "Excluded Domains/IP's" . If I add a domain it will not work. I have tried. *  * mailto:*" CLASS="ASPForums" TITLE="WARNING: URL created by poster. - * causing a big problem with pop3 users any ideas ?

Posted By: Desperado
Date Posted: 19 July 2004 at 7:02pm


Are you the one I spoke with earlier?  If so, is this a new issue or is this now resolved?

Dan S.  (SpamFilter User)

Posted By: LogSat
Date Posted: 19 July 2004 at 10:59pm


If by "relay" you mean allowing user to be able to use SpamFilter to deliver emails to domains not listed under your local domains, you are correct. SpamFilter will only allow IP addresses to be able to relay, not "domains". This is by design, as if a spammer is able to guess which domains you whitelisted, they'd be able to use your SpamFilter as an open relay, thus creating big problems. It's rather hard to fake IP addresses, which makes relaying more secure since you can specify which networks are allowed to relay.

Roberto F.
LogSat Software

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: 20 July 2004 at 10:02pm


I saw that version has a new option:

"A remote server on the IP whitelist is now able to relay to the internet even if the recipient domain is not a local domain"

Can this option be turned off/on via spamfilter.ini settings ? I dont want to allow them to relay. I just want to accept e-mails from them to my domains. When IP whitelist was created it was not intended to do that. I have many ip in my whitelist.These options must be separated.

Or maybe you can create some entry in spamfilter.ini to tell SF what IPīs can relay.



Posted By: Desperado
Date Posted: 21 July 2004 at 12:25am


LogSat actually changed this behavior specificly to allow relay as there are instalations that require that clients use the SpamFilter SMTP engine for their sending server.  This will, I believe, become even more needed once the AV is incorporated as you really will want your clients OUTBOUND mail to be virus free also.  Understanding that this is only my viewpoint, Whitelisting an IP to allow it to send to your domains should actually be a very last resort anyway and what you are doing is actually trusting the user of that IP.

Having said all that, if there is a problem with the senders from an IP, that is not yours, being blocked, one of the other whitelists should be able to be used to let them past the filters.  Certainly, they have a domain name that you could add to the FROM address or FROM Domain lists even if it required a RegEx.  If you can give me a "Real Life" example of where this will not work, perhaps I, as a "fellow user" could help you come up with a reliable expression to resolve the issue.


Dan S.

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: 21 July 2004 at 4:53pm


I agree with you that its a matter of viewpoint. Our viewpoint is that our company dont accept relay. Companies usually dont accept relay. Maybe ISP accept them, but its not our case.

How can we be sure that a guy from an IP address that we whitelisted will not try to use our server to relay ? I will only trust it if he want to send e-mails to my domains, not to others domains.

I hope that Logsat change this behavior and create this option outside of the IP whitelist. Maybe in the spamfilter.ini.


Posted By: Desperado
Date Posted: 21 July 2004 at 9:27pm


Sorry, I think you missunderstood ... as an ISP we allow NO relays EXCEPT for our own IP's.  Under no conditions will we ever whitelist an external IP address.

What I was trying to get at is that there should be another way for you to effectivlt allow the troublesome IP's through other than IP Whitelisting.  If you have an example, I may be able to give you some thoughts.


Dan S.

Posted By: LogSat
Date Posted: 21 July 2004 at 11:37pm


The behavior reintroduced in build 365 was actually the behavior that was always implemented in SpamFilter. A few months ago we had a regression bug that prevented whitelisted IPs to relay, and build 365 fixed that.

This is intentional,as some users also use SpamFilter ISP for their outgoing SMTP server, and as such there have to be IPs that are allowed to relay to the internet.

We don't think that having a hanndful of whitelisted IPs for the purpose of receiving emails from otherwise blocked senders should be a big problem. They are most likely legitimate senders (otherwise admins would not whitelist them) and unlikely to try using you as an open relay. If however we receive several "complaints" about this, an option would be to create a separate IP whitelist for receive-only, not relay.

Roberto F.
LogSat Softeare

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: 22 July 2004 at 10:09am


Sorry, sometimes my bad english put me in trouble.

I dont wanna say that ISP like to relay.

Let me give you an example here about our whitelists. We use Spamcop MAPS, we know that its a little aggressive but we have good results from that list. Sometimes a big ISP here in Brazil get listed/delisted and this created a lot of complains from our users that they couldnīt receive e-mails from this ISP. So we decided to include the IPs addresses of all smtp server of this ISP. We cant use domain whitelist because that domain is used by spammers, virus, etc (forged e-mails).

If you need more information, please ask me.

Thanks for your help on this.



Posted By: Desperado
Date Posted: 22 July 2004 at 10:48am


Please email me at daseligmann at hotmail dot com . I want to see it I can give some help but not clutter up the support forum.

Dan S.

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