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Possible bug?

Printed From: LogSat Software
Category: Spam Filter ISP
Forum Name: Spam Filter ISP Support
Forum Description: General support for Spam Filter ISP
Printed Date: 14 March 2025 at 10:48am

Topic: Possible bug?
Posted By: Dan B
Subject: Possible bug?
Date Posted: 13 August 2004 at 12:04pm

We are seeing a strange quarantine issue.  We have all of our customers in the Authorized ToEmail list.

User A has their email to bypass all filters in SF and is listed in the authorized toemil list.  User B is no longer a customer and they are removed from the authorized toemail list.

Example, An email from anybody that is not a customer sending an email to both User A and User B the email gets rejected by both User A and User B and placed in quarantine because User B is no longer a customer.  User A never gets the email.  But it does show up in quarantine.

Is this the way it's suppose to be?
Isn't the messeage suppose to be delivered to the remaining recipients even though one user does not exist?

Dan Blickensderfer

Posted By: Desperado
Date Posted: 13 August 2004 at 4:31pm


This is the way all the lists function.  Example (and this is one I hate) a customer doesn't want his mail blocked so he is in the "Unfiltered Email" list.  A piece of crap mail get sent to 10 of our useres with this user being one of them.  All the users get the crap mail.  My solution to that is I add the :SPAM tag to the subject so we can have our mail client filter it out.

In the other direction, the one you are asking about, the action is the same.  I believe the general thinking is that if there is an address in the list that is not authorized, it is most likely Spam.  This, unfortunately, doesn't account for "used to be users" or even a mispelled CC address.  I was using the Authorized list on my "personal" mail server and it really helped to nail boat loads of garbage but I did need to watch for the issue you speak of.  I ended up NOT using the authorized list and instead spent about an hour writing a RegEx to block all but my valid mail addresses.  This is only practical because I only have 25 users on that server.

Sorry I could not be of more help.

Dan S.

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