Feature request:
I would like to see some sort of rule set that over-rides ALL white lists. I know this sounds counter intuitive but we have several users that do not want to be filtered and when those users get actual spam, there is usually a long CC list. ALL the people on the CC list therefore get the messages and suffer due to the one that has elected to be unfiltered.
One thought is if a message has an address on the unfiltered to list AND there are several recipients, the odds are that the message is spam so dropping the message would be low risk.
Also, as the system administrator, I get all messages to "root". The root address, in our case should be server messages only and I do not want ANY mail addressed to "root" if it comes from the outside.
Second request:
Our autowhitelist builds up a lot of addresses that will never be sent from again and with a lot of list servers that put huge random strings before the "@" in the address. Is there a way to prevent these from being entered at all or alternately, some way to keep track of how many times an autowhitlisted entry gets a "hit" so that we can manually prune the list once in a while?
Aren't I just a pain in the arse?
Dan S.