We have officially released the new SpamFilter ISP v2.5.2.457, it is
available for download in the registered user area of our website. The
major addition to this version is the support for SURBL email
filtering. This filter will scan email content for URLs and will test
them against user-defined DNS blacklists. If an entry is listed, the
email will be blocked.
This version also contains a number of fixes and minor enhancements from the previous versions as follows below.
// New to VersionNumber = '';
{TODO -cNew : Automatically adding "multi.surbl.org" to SURBL servers
if the SURBL section is not present in SpamFilter.ini file. Used to
provide default in upgrades...}
// New to VersionNumber = '';
{TODO -cFix : EMail forwarded/blocked/attempts counters were resetting themselves}
{TODO -cFix : SPF test incorrectly handled "exists" directive for A record tests}
{TODO -cFix : SPF test incorrectly handled l,s,o,d,i macro directive arguments}
// New to VersionNumber = '';
{TODO -cNew : Added support for the :Honeypot tag in some blacklists to
automatically blacklist sender's IP if it triggers the blacklist entry}
{TODO -cNew : Added option to add to honeypot blacklist the sender's IP if the email contains a virus}
{TODO -cNew : Implement SURBL filtering}
{TODO -cNew : Require a valid email address in the "MAIL FROM" SMTP comamnd (NULL - <> is still allowed per RFC) }
// New to VersionNumber = '';
{TODO -cNew : Added "Honeypot" feature to automatically block IPs that send emails to specified honeypot addresses}
// New to VersionNumber = '';
{TODO -cFix : SPF record incorrectly flagged a fails tests where the -a
mechanism specified a host name instead of an IP and the name in the
DNS A record was different}
{TODO -cNew : When MX record test fails, additional information about the error details is logged}
// New to VersionNumber = '';
{TODO -cFix : Local blacklist/whitelist files were not immediately
reloaded when clicking on the "Save Settings" button - they were
reloaded within 3 minutes of the event}
{TODO -cNew : automatic reload of blacklist/whitelist and SpamFilter.ini files reduced to 1 minute instead of 3}
{TODO -cNew : Added to logfile the reason of why an email is being whitelisted, indicating which whitelist triggered the event}
// New to VersionNumber = '';
{TODO -cFix : virus emails were not being blocked if any of the "Tag and deliver" options were checked}
{TODO -cNew : SpamFilter.ini is automatically reloaded if modified by external application}
{TODO -cNew : When automatic reload of blacklist/whitelist and SpamFilter.ini files, the event is now logged}
------------- Roberto Franceschetti
http://www.logsat.com" rel="nofollow - LogSat Software
http://www.logsat.com/sfi-spam-filter.asp" rel="nofollow - Spam Filter ISP