Is there any way to manually clear incoming connections?
I have been running SF for about a year-and-a-half, and it works well. But for the last week I have been having a problem with incoming e-mail connections being held open for excessive periods - in excess of 1 hour. I recall seeing this once before, several months ago.
Saturday night, a customer called me to ask if we were having a problem with e-mail, because he had not received any messages. I checked SF and found that it had 100 connections open. When I checked the logs, I found that it had been rejecting new connections since 5:45 p.m. on Friday. My monitor didn't catch the problem since the server was reachable, and would accept an incoming connection, but immediately close the connection.
The only solution I could find was to restart the service. I am still seeing as many as 65 "stalled" connections - usually between 1 and 2 hours old, sometimes longer. They all report Status as "QUEUEING EMAIL". If I let SF continue to run, the messages will evenutally clear, but will be replaced by more stalled messages.
I am running two instances of SF on the machine, one as a service, the other in standalone mode. Only the one running as a service exhibits the problems, I presume because of the domains handled by that server. All stalled messages appear to be junk - all either have no recipient address or a bogus address; about half have no Sender address, the rest are "spammy" addresses.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
------------- BigDennis