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Diploma Spam

Printed From: LogSat Software
Category: Spam Filter ISP
Forum Name: Spam Filter ISP Support
Forum Description: General support for Spam Filter ISP
Printed Date: 23 February 2025 at 12:38am

Topic: Diploma Spam
Posted By: WebGuyz
Subject: Diploma Spam
Date Posted: 22 June 2006 at 12:47am

Is it just me or is everyone getting a bunch of this 'Get Your Diploma' spam thats getting right by SFI. My spamassassin filter I have behind SFI is stopping it before my customers see it, but I have no way to getting that info back into SFI. Anyone have a good way of stopping it within SF?


Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: 25 June 2006 at 4:15am

I am also getting a large number of this spam, as well as the 'stock options' spam. Have no idea how to block it, any suggestions?

Posted By: sgeorge
Date Posted: 27 June 2006 at 12:17pm
WebGuyz, I have some trouble with diploma emails too.  But a large number of them try to trick you out by making minor variances of the same email from time to time, e.g.:

#1: Get your dipl oma in six weeks!
#2: Get your di ploma in six weeks!
#3: Get your diplo ma in six weeks!

I use RegEx to catch these annoying variances - let me know if you'd like a sample.

Posted By: sgeorge
Date Posted: 27 June 2006 at 12:22pm
JBS, I have some good success in blocking stock emails by using these criteria for keyword filters:
  1. Stock Symbol
  2. Company Name
Blocking the company name mentioned in the email can be very effective, and is seldom modified.

The stock symbol, however, can very quite a bit, e.g.

#1 subject: ACME is up!
#1 subject: A C M E is up!
#1 subject: A-C-M-E is up!

And I find that several stocks have a ".pk" suffix, for some reason:

J M D O . P K

I tend to need RegEX keywords to block stock symbols, but plain keywords to block company names.  Let me know if you'd like me to PM some such RegEx that I use.


Posted By: WebGuyz
Date Posted: 27 June 2006 at 12:22pm

Please share.

My regex knowledge sucks and I let my 2nd filter (spamassassin) catch these before my customers ever see them but I'm tired of seeing them.


Posted By: sgeorge
Date Posted: 27 June 2006 at 12:36pm
Sure thing, I've PM'd my own technique.  (You never know who's watching) 


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