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553 Bogus helo smtp block issue

Printed From: LogSat Software
Category: Spam Filter ISP
Forum Name: Spam Filter ISP Support
Forum Description: General support for Spam Filter ISP
Printed Date: 12 March 2025 at 7:11am

Topic: 553 Bogus helo smtp block issue
Posted By: bherrera
Subject: 553 Bogus helo smtp block issue
Date Posted: 11 July 2006 at 2:23pm

I have been testing your spam filter software on our server.  It works great with the exception that we cannot send e-mails to certain domains.  The ISP tries to communicate with our server via telnet to port 25 where spam filter picks up and responds with a bogus helo.  I have a hosted server with spam filter and merak mail server.  I am hosting about 12 different domains with about 7 different IP addresses.  Port 25 is being used by spam filter and redirected to port 26 on the same server to Merak Mail server.  Does it require me to configure Spam Filter a certain way to be able to give the right helo.  If I remove spam filter and just use the mail server on port 25 then I can send emails to these domains.  If I can't resolve this then I will not be able to purchase the spam filter server.  Can you help?

Posted By: bherrera
Date Posted: 11 July 2006 at 2:57pm
I fixed the issue it was my mistake.  For some reason it was not caught before.  I had one extra IP configured on the server that was not a valid IP for that server.  I also associated the main IP to be a different one from all my IP's.  This now allows me to send to these domains.  I still can't figure out why when I wasn't using Spam Filter this would not be an issue or if this only resolves it temporarily.

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