I'm evaluating the Spam Filter ISP and trying to get the database to run on a mysql server. I've tried the access database and I got that to run but I've got more than 2000 spam mails a day (on only 4 domains) so that isn't a good solution.
Though I am a microsoft guy, I don't like spending a lot of money on their sql server so I tried to use one of my linux servers' mysql database to connect to SF.
I used the 3.5 connector on the website http://www.mysql.com - www.mysql.com The connector made a connection with the database but I couldn't get SF to use the database. After a few days I gave up and installed a Mysql 5 on my Windows XP SP2 system where the spamfilter is running. I used the connector version 5 and i got a connection but he keeps on telling me he can't find the tables but when he wants to create them the sql server returns that they exist!
And it goes something like this: ================ please wait... tblQuarantine - not found tblMsgs - not found tblRejectCodes - not found tblLogins - not found tblServers - not found Some Database tables not found - recreating...
CREATE TABLE `tblmsgs` ( `MsgID` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `Msg` longtext, PRIMARY KEY (`MsgID`) ) TYPE=MyISAM [MySQL][MyODBC 5.00.05][MySQL] 1050 Table 'tblmsgs' already exists
CREATE TABLE `tblQuarantine` ( `QuarID` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `EmailFrom` varchar(100) default NULL, `EmailTo` varchar(100) default NULL, `Subject` varchar(100) default NULL, `MsgDate` datetime default NULL, `MsgID` int(11) default NULL, `RejectID` int(11) default NULL, `RejectDetails` varchar(200) default '', `Deliver` tinyint(1) default NULL, `Expire` tinyint(1) default NULL, `ServerID` int(11) null, PRIMARY KEY (`QuarID`), KEY `Subject` (`Subject`), KEY `MsgID` (`MsgID`), KEY `EmailFrom` (`EmailFrom`), KEY `EmailTo` (`EmailTo`), KEY `MsgDate` (`MsgDate`), KEY `ServerID` (`ServerID`) ) TYPE=MyISAM [MySQL][MyODBC 5.00.05][MySQL] 1050 Table 'tblQuarantine' already exists
CREATE TABLE `tblrejectcodes` ( `RejectID` int(11) NOT NULL default '0', `RejectDesc` varchar(100) default NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`RejectID`) ) TYPE=MyISAM [MySQL][MyODBC 5.00.05][MySQL] 1050 Table 'tblrejectcodes' already exists
CREATE TABLE `tbllogins` ( `LoginID` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `EMail` varchar(100) NOT NULL default '', `Password` varchar(50) default '', PRIMARY KEY (`LoginID`), UNIQUE KEY `EMail` (`EMail`) ) TYPE=MyISAM [MySQL][MyODBC 5.00.05][MySQL] 1050 Table 'tbllogins' already exists
CREATE TABLE `tblServers` ( `ServerID` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `ServerName` varchar(50), PRIMARY KEY (`ServerID`), KEY `ServerName` (`Servername`) ) TYPE=MyISAM [MySQL][MyODBC 5.00.05][MySQL] 1050 Table 'tblServers' already exists Error working with tblRejectCodes - Niet nader omschreven fout Error working with tblServers - Niet nader omschreven fout Error updading/checking tblRejectCodes - Niet nader omschreven fout Error updading/checking tblRejectCodes - Niet nader omschreven fout Error updading/checking tblRejectCodes - Niet nader omschreven fout Error updading/checking tblRejectCodes - Niet nader omschreven fout Error updading/checking tblRejectCodes - Niet nader omschreven fout Error updading/checking tblRejectCodes - Niet nader omschreven fout Error updading/checking tblRejectCodes - Niet nader omschreven fout Error updading/checking tblRejectCodes - Niet nader omschreven fout Error updading/checking tblRejectCodes - Niet nader omschreven fout Error updading/checking tblRejectCodes - Niet nader omschreven fout Error updading/checking tblRejectCodes - Niet nader omschreven fout Error updading/checking tblRejectCodes - Niet nader omschreven fout Error updading/checking tblRejectCodes - Niet nader omschreven fout Error updading/checking tblRejectCodes - Niet nader omschreven fout Error updading/checking tblRejectCodes - Niet nader omschreven fout Error updading/checking tblRejectCodes - Niet nader omschreven fout Error updading/checking tblRejectCodes - Niet nader omschreven fout Error updading/checking tblRejectCodes - Niet nader omschreven fout Error updading/checking tblRejectCodes - Niet nader omschreven fout
ERROR - Some fields are missing from the tables! Please proceed to Step 2-b to add missing fields Done.
I've read all about case sensitive problems on linux mysql servers so I tried my linux server again. Same over here. With the new connector I can make a connection but it keeps on giving me the above statement.
I've tried installing mdac 2.8 but I can't because he sais there is something much better on my machine than mdac 2.8 and that he won't install it!
Usually it takes a long time before I post my problems on a forum but eehhmm.. Please help me! I really like to see the web interface to evaluate. I'm thinking about buying your product for 1 server to start with and see how many domains 1 server can handle.
Frank Biesmans The Binary One