MAPS problems... not working
Printed From: LogSat Software
Category: Spam Filter ISP
Forum Name: Spam Filter ISP Support
Forum Description: General support for Spam Filter ISP
Printed Date: 14 March 2025 at 5:59pm
Topic: MAPS problems... not working
Posted By: Shade
Subject: MAPS problems... not working
Date Posted: 05 May 2008 at 1:29pm
Dear All,
I'm using spamfilter v4.0.0.772 Enterprise, and registered.
I've problems with MAPS : filter is not working (it was working with previous maps list).
My dns resolution is working (nslookup is ok for testing), and all domains in MySQL are synchronised with spamfilter. Also, I'm using 10 maps servers, maybe it's too much ?).
Before, I was using 4 servers and it worked... I've added 6 servers, and no other MAPS are kept. In each domain setting, I've tried with min maps server 1 to reject, but nothing work. In logs I seen "MAPS search done" but filter always pass email. I've try with 10 ips, when I manually checks, all 10 ips should be rejected...
Any help ? Thank you a lot, best regards.
Posted By: LogSat
Date Posted: 05 May 2008 at 5:24pm
We'd need to see a portion of about 30 minutes of your SpamFilter's activity logfile (for a day when you think the MAPS lookups are not working). If you can zip it and email it to us, along with your SpamFilter.ini file, and the contents of the \SpamFilter\Domains directory tree, we'll be glad to take a look.
------------- Roberto Franceschetti" rel="nofollow - LogSat Software" rel="nofollow - Spam Filter ISP
Posted By: Shade
Date Posted: 06 May 2008 at 6:35am
Ok, I'll send you files as soon as possible.
But I've told you mistake : MAPS isn't working since I've migrate to SFE, and had never been working on this version.
It's working when I'm using SFE in standart filter mode, but It had never work in Enterprise filter mode...
Posted By: Desperado
Date Posted: 06 May 2008 at 10:32am
In enterprise mode, each domain has it's own MAPS list. You can check this by looking in the folder that enterprise is installed in and then the "domain" folder and then look in one of your domain folders for "BL_MAPS.txt". If that does not exist, go to the GUI and check your individual domain filter settings.
------------- The Desperado
Dan Seligmann.
Posted By: Shade
Date Posted: 06 May 2008 at 11:06am
Thank you for reply, I saw that, and there's for each domain name, 4 MAPS servers in text file, synchronised with my MySQL database; I also tried to put "1" in "minmaps", also synchronised, but I've never had any MAPS working since using SFE in v4.x.
Posted By: LogSat
Date Posted: 06 May 2008 at 4:29pm
It seems that you are missing the ,true suffix in all your MAPS server lists for your domains. Your entries should be modified as follows in order to work:, true, true, true, true
Just add that suffix to your “ALL DOMAINS”,, and domains and everything should work fine. What is odd is that your SpamFilter ISP “standard” settings (stored in the \Domains\SFI\BL_MAPS.txt file) are indeed configured correctly.
------------- Roberto Franceschetti" rel="nofollow - LogSat Software" rel="nofollow - Spam Filter ISP
Posted By: Shade
Date Posted: 06 May 2008 at 6:51pm
Roberto, you rocks, it’s working perfectly !
So the parameter "true, false" is still
available in SFE, in SQL database ; what is the difference with the
"reverseip" tinyint in SQL ?
Thank you again !
Posted By: LogSat
Date Posted: 06 May 2008 at 10:03pm
That field is used internally by SpamFilter to determine if the specific MAPS server is expecting the IP’s octet to be reversed while making the DNS lookup. The “true” or “false” suffixes in the server list control this value. The format in the text file was kept to be backwards compatible with older versions of SpamFilter and to make the same behavior in both SpamFilter ISP “standard” and “Enterprise”.
------------- Roberto Franceschetti" rel="nofollow - LogSat Software" rel="nofollow - Spam Filter ISP
Posted By: Shade
Date Posted: 07 May 2008 at 1:53am
Dear Roberto,
Thank you for this precision, SF is very powerful !